SixcutterFreq This is a little Hypercard stack I wrote a couple of years ago. I thought it was too trivial to upload, but I use it myself every once in a while, so I thought "What the heck!". The stack calculates the frequency of the various six-cutter restriction enzymes in a few different genomes. The algorithm is based on the frequency of dinucleotide pairs, i.e., nearest-neighbor frequency. Unfortunately, nearest-neighbor analysis has been performed on only a few species, and they're the one's analyzed in this stack. If you look at this stack, and you're aware of nearest-neighbor data for any other species please tell me! DNA's with available nearest-neighbor data : bacteriophage lambda, Mus musculus, wheat, Brassica, E. coli, Chlamydomonas, Saccharomyces, Gallus, Homo sapiens. Brian Osborne Plant Gene Expression Center