From: GOLD::EDU%"cjv@MACE.CC.PURDUE.EDU" "westerman" 13-MAR-1990 12:52 To: Don Gilbert Subj: modifications to gap/bestfit Received: From UICVM(MAILER) by IUGOLD with Jnet id 7259 for GILBERTD@IUBACS; Tue, 13 Mar 90 12:49 EST Received: by UICVM (Mailer R2.03B) id 0600; Tue, 13 Mar 90 10:52:41 CST Date: Tue, 13 Mar 90 10:27:42 -0500 Reply-To: westerman Sender: "INFO-GCG: GCG Genetics Software Discussion" From: westerman Subject: modifications to gap/bestfit To: Don Gilbert -- I had enough requests for my modifications that I decided to post them -- to all. -- -- This file includes the changes to GAP so that it will generate a -- standard deviation via many comparisons of shuffled sequences. My comments -- are preceeded by "--". Changed lines in the source code are preceeded by -- a ">" and surrounded by unchanged lines (from version 6.1 source). All -- lines are preceeded by an informative line number; note that the numbering -- may not be the same as in your version of the source. The source contains -- some comments that should be read. -- -- To implement the changes, do the normal upgrade procedure for GCG software: -- -- 1) Type "gcgsupport" from a priviledged account -- 2) Type "take gap mod" to retrieve your source code -- 3) Using an editor, insert the changes below into 'gap.for' -- 4) As a check, type "fortran gap" and "sharelink gap" to make sure -- the changes compile correctly. -- 5) Type "save gap" to save your source -- 6) Type "make gap" to compile & install the program -- -- -- Please email or call me if you have problems or comments. -- -- Rick Westerman, Biochemistry, Purdue University, USA -- email: phone: 317-494-0505 -- -- -- -- There are 6 sections of changes to GAP.FOR -- -- -- section 1 -- -- 12 !* Gap /Out mode if you are setting the requirements of this 13 !* program at or near the limits of the address space available on 14 !* your machine! 15 !* 16 > !* The following notes were made by Rick Westerman at Purdue Univeristy, USA 17 > !* email: phone: 317-494-0505 18 > !* 19 > !* Modified, Jan 15, 1990 by RPW to add the /STAND option. This option will 20 > !* calculate the standard deviation of a number of randomly shuffled 21 > !* combinations. 22 > !* Modified, Feb 22, 1990 by RPW to add high & low values to standard dev. and 23 > !* to keep local structure within strands by not shuffling them much. 24 > !* Modified, Mar 5, 1990 by RPW to add the number of high values above the 25 > !* original score between the two sequences 26 > !* 27 > !* 28 > !* Gap was changed to allow generation of a mean, standard deviation, high, 29 > !* and low values of a user-specified number of randomly shuffled comparisons. 30 > !* This option can be either choosen from the command line using the 31 > !* "/STANDard" switch or by answering the interactive question "Do standard 32 > !* deviation?". The default is to *not* do the standard deviation trials. The 33 > !* number of trials to run defaults to 100 and has a maximum of 300; this 34 > !* number is not selectable from the command line. 35 > !* 36 > !* The sequences are shuffled in a manner that will preserve small stretches 37 > !* of the sequence. To quote from Pearson and Lipman's paper on testing 38 > !* FASTA searches (PNAS, 85 (1988), pp. 2444-2448): 39 > !* 40 > !* "Locally biased amino acid or nucleotide composition is perhaps the most 41 > !* common reason for high similarity scores of dubious biological significance. 42 > !* High scoring alignments between query and library sequences may be due to 43 > !* patches of hydrophobic or charged amino acid residues or to A+T or G+C 44 > !* regions of DNA. A simple Monte Carlo shuffle analysis that constructs 45 > !* random sequences by taking each residue in one sequence and placing it 46 > !* randomly along the length of the new sequence will break up these patches 47 > !* of biased composition. As a result, the scores of the shuffled sequences 48 > !* may be much lower than those of the unshuffled sequence, and the sequences 49 > !* will appear to be related. Alternatively, shuffled sequences can be 50 > !* constructed by permutating small blocks of 10 or 20 residures so that, while 51 > !* order of the sequence is destroyed, the local composition is not." 52 > !* 53 > !* The 'alternate' method mentioned above is the one employed in this program. 54 > !* 55 > !* Evaluating the results: 56 > !* While the mean plus the standard deviation can be used to determine 57 > !* significance, because of the divergance of comparison scores from 58 > !* a normal curve, this does not work well. That is, the normal method 59 > !* of significance -- the mean plus 3 SDs -- doesn't work on the type 60 > !* of distributions generated by GAP or FASTA. A better method of 61 > !* significance is to look at the number of shuffled sequences that have 62 > !* a higher score than the non-shuffled sequence. 63 > !* 64 !****************************************************************************** 65 66 Program GAP 67 -- -- Section 2 -- 96 Integer OutLen, Str_Len, GetIntNum 97 Real Sim, Iden 98 99 > Logical Std/.false./ 100 > Integer StdTimes/100/ 101 > Character s1dorg(MaxSeg), s2dorg(MaxSeg), splace(25) 102 > Character s1d(MaxSeg), s2d(MaxSeg), Text3(512) 103 > Character AboveStr(150) 104 > Real QualityD, RatioD, QuD(300), RatD(300) 105 > Real QuDAvg, QuDSum, QuDStd, RatDAvg, RatDSum, RatDStd 106 > Real MinQu, MaxQu, MinRat, MaxRat 107 > Integer NGapsD, Off1D, Off2D, J, Above 108 > Integer StrCompare 109 > 110 Real Similarity, Identity 111 112 !* print the documentary banner -- -- Section 3 -- 188 If ( Seq1Rev ) Call RevSeq(Seq,Seq1Begin,Seq1End) 189 Call StrCopy(s1,seq(Seq1begin)) 190 > Call StrCopy(s1dorg,seq(Seq1begin)) 191 192 !* Get sequence 2 -- -- Section 4 -- 224 If (Seq2Rev) Call RevSeq(Seq,Seq2Begin,Seq2End) 225 Call StrCopy(s2, seq(Seq2begin)) 226 > Call StrCopy(s2dorg, seq(Seq2begin)) 227 228 !* Get the gap weight, and gap length weight -- -- Section 5 -- 273 End If 274 275 Shift2 = -Shift2 276 277 > !* see if to do standard deviation 278 > 279 > Std = CLRetBool('STAndard') 280 > If (.not.Std .and. .not.CLNoInteract()) then 281 > Call WriteF('\n Do standard deviation (* No *) ? ') 282 > Call GetYesNo(Std) 283 > End If 284 > If (Std .and. .not.CLNoInteract()) then 285 > Call WriteF('\n Number of trials to base standard 286 > & deviation on (* %d *) ? ', StdTimes) 287 > StdTimes = GetIntNum('Number of trials',1,300,StdTimes) 288 > End If 289 > 290 !* trap runs with no output files 291 292 Call StrCopy(Out1FName, Seq1Name) 293 Call StrCopy(Out2FName, Seq1Name) -- -- Section 6 -- 353 Sim = Similarity(s1, s2, CmpTable) 354 Iden = Identity(s1, s2) 355 356 > !* RPW: If desired, collect statistics and calculate standard deviation. 357 > 358 > If (Std) then 359 > QuDSum = 0.0 360 > RatDSum = 0.0 361 > QuDStd = 0.0 362 > RatDStd = 0.0 363 > 364 > Do 101 I = 1, StdTimes 365 > If (.not.CLNoInteract()) then 366 > Call WriteF('\nStandard deviation trial #%d:',I) 367 > End If 368 > 369 > Do 103 J = 1, Str_Len(s1dorg), 20 370 > Call SubString(splace,s1dorg,J,J+19) 371 > Call ShuffleSeq(splace,Str_Len(splace)) 372 > If (J .eq. 1) then 373 > Call StrCopy(s1d,splace) 374 > Else 375 > Call StrConcat(s1d,splace) 376 > EndIf 377 > 103 Continue 378 > 379 > 107 Do 104 J = 1, Str_Len(s2dorg), 20 380 > Call SubString(splace,s2dorg,J,J+19) 381 > Call ShuffleSeq(splace,Str_Len(splace)) 382 > If (J .eq. 1) then 383 > Call StrCopy(s2d,splace) 384 > Else 385 > Call StrConcat(s2d,splace) 386 > EndIf 387 > 104 Continue 388 > 389 > ! ... because shuffleseq is time based, sometimes the same 390 > ! sequence can be obtained (if comparing the same 391 > ! sequence to itself), check for this and 392 > ! reshuffle if this is so 393 > If (StrCompare(s1d,s2d) .eq. 0) goto 107 394 > 395 > If ( .not.ShiftAlign(s1d, s2d, WgtGap, WgtGapLen, NGapsD, 396 > & Off1D, Off2D, Shift1, Shift2, QualityD, 397 > & Path, MaxSurface, CmpTable, Best, WgtEnds) ) 398 > & Call WriteF('\n *** ERROR in GAP/BESTFIT, '// 399 > & 'No alignment done ***\n\b\s') 400 > RatioD = QualityD/ 401 > & Float( Min(StrCount(s1,'~.',-1),StrCount (s2,'~.',-1))) 402 > QuD(I) = QualityD 403 > RatD(I) = RatioD 404 > QuDSum = QuDSum + QualityD 405 > RatDSum = RatDSum + RatioD 406 > 101 Continue 407 > QuDAvg = QuDSum / StdTimes 408 > RatDAvg = RatDSum / StdTimes 409 > 410 > MinQu = QuD(1) 411 > MaxQu = QuD(1) 412 > MinRat = RatD(1) 413 > MaxRat = RatD(1) 414 > Above = 0 415 > 416 > Do 111 I = 1, StdTimes 417 > If (QuD(I) .gt. MaxQu) MaxQu = QuD(I) 418 > If (QuD(I) .lt. MinQu) MinQu = QuD(I) 419 > If (QuD(I) .gt. Quality) Above = Above + 1 420 > 421 > If (RatD(I) .gt. MaxRat) MaxRat = RatD(I) 422 > If (RatD(I) .lt. MinRat) MinRat = RatD(I) 423 > 424 > QuDStd = QuDStd + (QuD(I) - QuDAvg) ** 2 425 > RatDStd = RatDStd + (RatD(I) - RatDAvg) ** 2 426 > 111 Continue 427 > QuDStd = (QuDStd / (StdTimes - 1)) ** 0.5 428 > RatDStd = (RatDStd / (StdTimes - 1)) ** 0.5 429 > End If 430 > 431 > 432 > !* show parameters used to both screen and output file. 433 > 434 > If (Std) then 435 > Call SWriteF(AboveStr,'\n') 436 > If (Above .gt. 0) 437 > & Call SWriteF(AboveStr,'\n\t\t\tNote: %d trials with a'// 438 > & ' quality greater than %5.1f \n\t\t\t '// 439 > & ' and with a ratio greater than %5.3f.\n\n', 440 > & Above, Quality, Ratio) 441 > 442 > End If 443 > 444 > If ( .not.CLNoInteract() .or. CLRetBool('SUMmary') ) then 445 > Call WriteF('\n\n 446 & Gaps: %5d\n 447 & Quality: %5.1f\n 448 & Quality Ratio: %5.3f\n 449 & %% Similarity: %5.3f\n 450 & Length: %5d\n\n', NGaps, Quality, Ratio, Sim, OutLen) 451 452 > If (Std) then 453 > 454 > Call WriteF(' 455 > & -- Statistics with random sequences containing the\n 456 > & same number of bases and the same base content --\n\n 457 > & Trials: %5d\n 458 > & Avg. Quality: %5.1f\t Std. Deviation: %5.1f\t 459 > & Min: %5.1f\t Max: %5.1f \n 460 > & Avg. Ratio: %5.3f\t Std. Deviation: %5.3f\t 461 > & Min: %5.3f\t Max: %5.3f \n', 462 > & StdTimes, QuDAvg, QuDStd, MinQu, MaxQu, 463 > & RatDAvg, RatDStd, MinRat, MaxRat) 464 > Call WriteF(AboveStr) 465 > 466 > End If 467 > End If 468 > 469 !* display the alignment or write out the aligned sequences 470 471 Call SWriteF(Text, 472 & ' Gap Weight: %6.3f Average Match: %6.3f\n'// 473 & ' Length Weight: %6.3f Average Mismatch: %6.3f\n\n'// 474 & ' Quality: %6.1f Length: %6d\n'// 475 & ' Ratio: %6.3f Gaps: %6d\n'// 476 & ' Percent Similarity: %6.3f Percent Identity: %6.3f', 477 & WgtGap, AvMatch, WgtGapLen, AvMismatch, 478 & Quality, OutLen, Ratio, NGaps, Sim, Iden ) 479 Call SWriteF(Text2, 480 & ' Gap limit one: %6d Gap limit two: %6d', 481 & -Shift2, Shift1 ) 482 > If (Std) then 483 > Call SWriteF(Text3,'\n 484 > & -- Statistics with random sequences containing the\n 485 > & same number of bases and the same base content --\n\n 486 > & Trials: %5d\n 487 > & Avg. Quality: %5.1f\t Std. Deviation: %5.1f\t 488 > & Min: %5.1f\t Max: %5.1f\n 489 > & Avg. Ratio: %5.3f\t Std. Deviation: %5.3f\t 490 > & Min: %5.3f\t Max: %5.3f \n\n', 491 > & StdTimes, QuDAvg, QuDStd, MinQu, MaxQu, 492 > & RatDAvg, RatDStd, MinRat, MaxRat) 493 > End If 494 495 !* now write the output 496 497 If ( ) then 498 Call FWriteF(Out1File, '\n%s\n', Text) 499 If ( Limit ) Call FWriteF(Out1File,'\n%s\n',Text2) 500 > If ( Std) Call FWriteF(Out1File,'\n%s',Text3) 501 > If ( Std) Call FWriteF(Out1File,AboveStr) 502 Call BaseName(Seq1Name) 503 Call BaseName(Seq2Name) -- -- End of changes to GAP --