NOTES on last version of SeqApp (version 1.9a169) The only change in this version from the previous one of June 1993 is to remove the expiration date of the software. No other bug fixes or new features have been added. If the program fails when you first try to run it, make sure a) there is a printer chosen in Chooser. There is some kind of MacApp bug that causes the program to fail if you have no printer chosen. Even if you have no printer, make sure Chooser thinks you do. b) delete any System Folder:Preferences:Seqapp Prefs file, in case it became corrupted. c) maybe for luck also make sure that there is a user name and mac name installed in the "Sharing Setup" control panel (system 7), even if you don't turn on file sharing, and even if your mac isn't on a network. This bug bit various versions of WordPerfect, maybe also seqapp. This will likely be the last version of SeqApp (as a Macintosh-only program). As Apple Computer let its MacApp and other programmers' tools fall into a state of disrepair in the early 1990s it became very difficult to be a Macintosh-only programmer. This poor state of development support from Apple Computer in part led me to build a cross-platform application framework. The successor to SeqApp is being written in this framework, and is called SeqPup. It will be a while until all the features of the current SeqApp are moved into this new program. See for this new program, available in Mac, MSWindows and XWindows versions. See for the source code. Development of software as complex as SeqPup is very time consuming. I haven't had any funding to pursue this, which keeps it a weekend/vacation project. This year I'm seeking grant funds to support development of this and related software. If you value SeqApp and its successor and would like to see it more quickly developed, this would be a good time to voice that support by sending e-mail to (or -- Don Gilbert, 10 July 94