README.TXT MALIGNED stands for Multiple ALIGNment EDitor. Is is a screen editor designed to demonstrate sequence similiarity between related genes or proteins. The regions of similarity in each sequence are highlighted; the screen is updated to reflect the current similiarity as the alignments are changed by shifting a sequence relative to the others, or by adding gaps. This constant visual feedback of the overall alignment makes it easy to see the effect of changing the alignment. MALFORM is a post-processing program that converts the ".MAL" file produced by Maligned to a file that can be printed on a postscript printer. Maligned and Malform run on a VAX/VMS system and were compiled and linked under VMS v5.3-1. These programs and files are copyrighted by Stephen Clark, 1992 (c), but may be freely distributed so long as all files are distributed and without any changes, and no fee is charged. Once obtained, the configuration, help and document files may be edited to make them conform to the local environment, and may be further distributed for the benefit of others with the same output devices. A paper describing Maligned is in press in CABIOS ("Maligned: a multiple sequence alignment program," by Stephen P. Clark.) Comments, suggestions, bug reports, etc, can be sent to me at the indicated address (Internet is prefered). Stephen Clark May 17, 1992 (Internet) clark@salk (Bitnet) The following files are part of the Maligned package: README.TXT this file. MALIGNED_DOC.TXT documentation on how to use the program, ascii format. MALIGNED_DOC.PS documentation on how to use the program, PostScript format. MALIGNED_DOC.WP5 documentation on how to use the program, WordPerfect version 5.0 format. INSTALL_MALIGNED.TXT documentation on how to set the program up. MALIGNED.EXE the Maligned program, executable on a VAX running VMS, binary mode. MALIGNED.COM a command procedure to launch the program. WPMALIGNED.COM a command procedure to launch the program, creating a "print" file that can be read into WordPerfect. HPLASER2.CNF configuration file for hardcopy output to an HP LaserJet II printer. EPSON-9.CNF configuration file for hardcopy output to an Epson 9-pin dot-matrix printer. POSTSCRIPT.CNF configuration file for hardcopy output to PostScript laser printer. WP50.CNF configuration file for writing files that can be read by WordPerfect. DEC.HLP help file for use with DEC VT100 terminals. IBM-PC.HLP help file for use with an MS-DOS computer running DEC terminal emulation software. MOUSE.MALIGNED sample alignment of mouse globin-related sequences. RELEASE_NOTES_v1_65b.TXT description of changes in successive versions of the program. The following files are part of the Malform package: MALFORM.EXE the Malform program, executable on a VAX running VMS (binary). MALFORM_DOC.TXT Instructions on how to use the program, ascii. MALFORM_DOC.PS Instructions on how to use the program, in PostScript format. MALFORM_DOC.WP5 Instructions on how to use the program, in WordPerfect version 5.0 format. MALFORM.CNF the Malform configuration file. INSTALL_MALFORM.TXT instructions on setting up Malform. GREYSCALE.PS A file to test the capabilities of your PostScript printer.