Print Sort Menu Help This menu will allow you to sort the addresses by one of several fields. This only affects the order in which the addresses are printed, it does not change the Mailing List File. Note that when sorting, numbers appear before uppercase characters, which appear before lowercase characters. If you type 'N' (name), then the system will sort the addresses by name. But this may not be what you want. It will sort each name exactly as it appears. For example, if you use first name first, then it will sort all Johns together, or worse, all Mr.'s together. If you want to sort by last name, you should consider sorting by Alternate ID (if it is system-generated from the name). The 'P' (Primary ID) and 'A' (Alternate ID) sorts are done much faster than any other sort because the information stored in the file is already sorted by these two ID's. Any other sort could take a much longer time. The 'Z' (Zipcode) sort is different from the 'PRE' (PRESORT) sort. For both sorts, the addresses are sorted by the full zipcode field. But for the PRESORT sort, the system first checks whether each address meets the Post Office requirements (eg, two-letter state code) and then processes the addresses into bunches where the zipcodes are similar.