Generating a List Document File Help Generating a List Document File from a Mailing List involves two simple steps. The first step is to specify the name of the file where you wish the list processing information to be stored. This may be a six character name, which Smart Mailer will suffix with .DOC, or a full file specification. Having specified the destination file, you then specify what information from your Mailing List file you wish to include in the list document file. You may specify any or all of the Mailing List address fields, including any of the user defined categories, for inclusion in the list document file. Answering "Y" to a particular address field prompt will result in its inclusion in the list document file. The output List Document file will contain all the information in the format required by word processing. The list document file is used in combination with a form document to generate personalized letters. The List Document format is appropriate for DECword, DECtype and WPS-8 word processing format (and perhaps others). (If you are using DECword, the List Document File must be converted to a DECword file before using it to generate list processed documents). (Refer to the word processor manuals for more information).