the SERVER command, Kermit will return to interactive mode if the local Kermit sends it a FINISH command. > KERMIT SERVER $ KERMIT HELP 1 CONNECT The CONNECT command will allow you to connect in as a virtual terminal over the line that was specified by the set line command. (Using the CONNECT command before using the SET LINE command will result in an error message) The terminal line must be one which is accessable to the user. The format of the CONNECT command is: Kermit-11>CONNECT The distributed RSX11M/M+ task has been built with the /PR:0 switch to enable the task to change other terminal settings. Addtionally, for RSX11M/M+, the MCR command SET /SLAVE=TTnn: should be done before entering Kermit-11. If you are running K11POS.TSK on a PRO/350, Kermit will set the line to XK0: and the speed to 9600 by default. Please note that Kermit-11 CAN NOT change the speed of a DL11 type interface, nor can it change the speed of a PDT-150 modem port (use SPEED.SAV). The following is an example of using a Racal-Vadic VA212 auto- dialing modem to log into a remote TOPS-20 system. There are two points at which there is no echoing of the user input. The first is the typing of a control-E sequence to get the attention of the modem, which responds by sending the string 'HELLO:I'M READY'. The second is the typing of the local 'escape sequence', which by default is control \ followed by a 'c'. The control backslash informs the terminal emulator that the next character is a command. In this case, the command was 'C', which means to return to the local PDP-11 system. Control \ ? would print a help message. $ kermit Kermit-11 V2.13 Kermit-11>set logfile 20.log Kermit-11>set deb console Kermit-11>set lin tt58: Link device set to TT58: Kermit-11>set spe 1200 Kermit-11>con Connecting to TT58: HELLO:I'M READY *d NUMBER? 3 9-1-212-123-4567 9-1-212-123-4567 DIALING... ANSWER TONE ON LINE enter class 4 class 004 start CU20B @log xx.abcdef CU20B, TOPS-20 Monitor 5.1(5101)-2 Job 28, TTY32, 2-Apr-84 4:15:24PM Previous login was 2-Apr-84 4:10:16PM . . . . @log [Confirm] Logged out Job 28, User XX.ABCDEF , TTY 32, at 2-Apr-84 16:19:34, Used 0:00:11 in 0:04:10 Kermit-11>disc KERMIT link TT58: disconnected Kermit-11>exit $ logout 1 COPY The COPY command creates a copy of the input file. The Kermit-11 COPY command does NOT support wildcards in the filename, and while COPY does use multiblock buffering it is usually more efficient to use the system utilty PIP or the DCL command COPY for this. COPY uses RMS block i/o for both RSTS and RSX. Any executable RSTS file (*.TSK, *.BAC and *.SAV) copied will not be useable until it's run time system name and protection code is reset. Kermit-11> COPY From: ABCDEF.DAT To : FUBAR.LST or Kermit-11> COPY ABCDEF.DAT FUBAR.LST 1 CWD The CWD command alters the current device and UIC (ppn) default. Thus, the command 'CWD [200,200]' would cause all following file operations to insert the string [200,200] unless an explicit directory name was given. This is identical to the SET DEF command. Passwords are ignored. 1 DECNET Kermit-11 can access DECNET files if built with DAP support. This is included in the task images K11NRS.TSK and K11RSX.TSK as distributed. DECNET support has been testK11HLPHLP[.050032]K11HLP.HLP[.050032]    X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]Ze@@|> | |v<H|  |  |xz|  |zt f r   < &^ @&@'*/V,"?Lh:hmBmz|z{x`y~|fN|@@|@͂|@ ݃ƃ<ns<|Ŏ |️|ep|u|-@率|<ᄇ2ֻr||ZRM | ntB|xyvZw|J=|R>|J? nnaa|bddf 1 HOST The HOST command is identical to the SYSTEM command in that it takes the command and spawns a process to execute the command. Kermit-11>HOST SHO TER Current settings for KB6: Broadcast CRFill=0 NoEcho NoHostSync Lowercase NoParity NoScope Speed not settable Tab NoTTSync Width=80 Kermit-11> 1 INTRODUCTION The KERMIT file transfer protocol is intended for use in an environment where there may be a diverse mixture of computers -- micros, personal computers, workstations, laboratory computers, timesharing systems -- from a variety of manufacturers. All these systems need have in common is the ability to communicate in ASCII over ordinary serial telecommunication lines. KERMIT was originally designed at Columbia University to meet the need for file transfer between our DECSYSTEM-20 and IBM 370-series mainframes and various microcomputers. It turned out that the diverse characteristics of these three kinds of systems resulted in a design that was general enough to fit almost any system. The IBM mainframe, in particular, strains most common assumptions about how computers communicate. The KERMIT protocol is specifically designed for character-oriented transmission over serial telecommunication lines. The design allows for the restrictions and peculiarities of the medium and the requirements of diverse operating environ- ments -- buffering, duplex, parity, character set, file organi- zation, etc. The protocol is carried out by KERMIT programs on each end of the serial connection sending "packets" back and forth; the sender sends file names, file contents, and control information; the receiver acknowledges (positively or negatively) each packet. The packets have a layered design, in keeping with the ANSI and ISO philosophies, with the outermost fields used by the data link layer to verify data integrity, the next by the session layer to verify continuity, and the data itself at the applica- tion level. Connections between systems are established by the ordinary user. In a typical case, the user runs KERMIT on a microcomputer, enters terminal emulation, connects to a remote host computer (perhaps by dialing up), logs in, runs KERMIT on the remote host, and then issues commands to that KERMIT to start a file transfer, "escapes" back to the micro, and issues commands to that KERMIT to start its side of the file transfer. Files may be transferred singly or in groups. Basic KERMIT provides only file transfer, and that is provided for sequential files only, though the protocol attempts to allow for various types of sequential files. Microcomputer implemen- tations of KERMIT are also expected to provide terminal emula- tion, to facilitate the initial connection. More advanced implementations simplify the user interface some- what by allowing the KERMIT on the remote host to run as a "server", which can transfer files in either direction upon command from the local "user" Kermit. The server can also provide additional functionality, such as file management, messages, mail, and so forth. Other optional features also exist, including a variety of block check types, a mechanism for passing 8-bit data through a 7-bit communication link, a way to compressing a repeated sequence of characters, and so forth. As local area networks become more popular, inexpensive, and standardized, the demand for KERMIT and similar protocols may dwindle, but will never wither away entirely. Unlike hardwired networks, KERMIT gives the ordinary user the power to establish reliable error-free connections between any two computers; this may always be necessary for one-shot or long-haul connections. 1 LOCAL ThK11HLPHLP[.050032]K11HLP.HLP[.050032]    X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]Ze@@|> | |v<H|  |  |xz|  |zt f r   < &^ @&@'*/V,"?Lh:hmBmz|z{x`y~|fN|@@|@͂|@ ݃ƃ<ns<|Ŏ |️|ep|u|-@率|<ᄇ2ֻr||ZRM | ntB|xyvZw|J=|R>|J? nnaa|bddfnals that the modem can assert (see HELP MODEM RSTS). Since the author does not run RSX on a system with modem lines (the system is an 11/23+, DLV11 lines), the command SET RSX TC.DLU value has been added (though untested). This command can be used to set the TC.DLU parameter to 1 or 2. A value of one (1) (SET RSX TC 1) is normal for remote lines, indeed, it is the result of the MCR command SET/REMOTE=TTnn:. However, it may be the case that TC.DLU needs to be set to two (2) (SET RSX TC.DLU 2). If this SET command is used, Kermit-11 will alter it (if different from the current setting) and wait five (5) seconds for the change to come into effect. This is only applicable to modem controlled lines. There is no way (at this time) to change the TC.DLU setting to two via MCR or DCL commands (perhaps we need a SET/DIALOUT=TTnn:). For more information, please consult K11USR.DOC 1 MicroRSX Operation under MicroRSX is identical to that under RSX11M+ and, for the most part, P/OS. The image K11POS.TSK is used, as this image is linked to the resident library RMSRES, thus allowing access to named directories under MicroRSX. 1 QUIT The QUIT command will cause Kermit-11 to return to the command level. This command is the same as the EXIT command. The format is: Kermit-11>QUIT 1 PARITY Sometimes two Kermit's may appear to be sending the correct packets but one or the other of them will constantly reject the same packet. This usually will be seen when the requesting Kermit asks a server for a file and then rejects the server's first packet, doing so until the retry threshold is reached. This can often be caused by parity being introduced somewhere, and one or both of the Kermit's do not know this. This can happen when a modem is generating parity or when a private or public network is doing so. Some Kermit's have a SET PARITY command to assist in this. If the communications link is introducing parity, a simle fix is to tell each Kermit the command SET PARITY SPACE. This will force the Kermit program to always remove bit 7 from the incoming data. Normally this will not affect file transfer since many Kermit implementations support what is called eight bit prefixing, which is a method of encoding an eight bit data item to fit over a seven bit link. See HELP SET PARITY for more information. 1 PRINT The PRINT command will cause the specified file(s) to be printed on the system line printer. This command may not function on all systems. 1 PRO/350 2 RT11 version 5.1 Kermit-11 runs under the RT11 version 5.1 XM monitor by using the DIGITAL distributed XC handler. The XC handler supports several useful functions such as start/stop break, variable size reads and driver/line reset. Due to an apparent bug in the driver, Kermit has to use flow control (XON/XOFF) to control the sending Kermit at high speeds (9600 baud). This has the undesireable effect of slowing the transfer down by about 15 percent. This is enabled by typing SET RTFLOW ON. As an alternative, the XC handler can be modified to avoid all problems with buffer overflows by increasing the buffer size in XL.MAC. See the file K11PRT.MAC for information regarding this. Note the the XC handler does not accept .SPFUN calls to change the baud rate, rather, you must set it prior to entering Kermit-11 as in SET XC:SPEED=9600. The Kermit disconnect command will not function. Kermit will always fake a SET LINE XC0: at startup on the PRO/350. Unlike the standard RT11 Kermit-11, you DO NOT need to use the SET RTFLOW ON command to enforce flow control during the CONNECT command. The XC driver handles this automatically for you. To send a BREAK while in connect mode, type your local escape character (normally a CTRL \) followed by a B. K11HLPHLP[.050032]K11HLP.HLP[.050032]    X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]Ze@@|> | |v<H|  |  |xz|  |zt f r   < &^ @&@'*/V,"?Lh:hmBmz|z{x`y~|fN|@@|@͂|@ ݃ƃ<ns<|Ŏ |️|ep|u|-@率|<ᄇ2ֻr||ZRM | ntB|xyvZw|J=|R>|J? nnaa|bddf Files deleted: SY:[2,2]FUBAR.MAC SY:[2,2]HLPSUB.MAC Kermit-11> The remote Kermit server may respond with the filenames deleted, the above example is what a Kermit-11 server would respond with. 2 FINISH The REMOTE FINISH command will tell Kermit-11 , which is in local mode, to signal the other kermit to exit from server mode. When Kermit-11 has received acknowledgement that this is being done it will prompt for another command. REMOTE FINISH is the same as the FINISH command. The command format is: Kermit-11>REMOTE FINISH or Kermit-11>REMOTE Remote Kermit cmd ?FINISH 2 GET The REMOTE GET command tells the remote kermit which is in server mode to get a file or group of files. REMOTE GET is the same as the GET command. The format for this command is: Kermit-11>REMOTE GET or Kermit-11>REMOTE Remote Kermit cmd ?GET 2 HELP The REMOTE HELP command instructs a remote Kermit server to send a list of remote commands that it can process. 2 HOST The REMOTE HOST command sends the comamnd over to the remote Kermit for execution on that system. This is only currently supported for version 8.0 of RSTS/E, and will be supported for RSX11M Plus in the near future. Kermit-11>REM HOST SHO DEV Busy Devices: Device Job Why KB12 18 AS PK0 29 Open PK1 8 AS PK2 5 AS+Open SH0 2 Open FE0 14 AS+Open Disk Structure: Dsk Open Size Free Clu Err Name Level Comments DK1 0 4800 640 13% 4 0 BRIAN4 1.1 Pri, DLW, Lck DB0 23 171796 33944 19% 4 0 SYSPAC 1.1 Pub, DLW DB1 3 171796 15948 9% 4 0 WORK1 1.1 Pri DB2 53 131648 7344 5% 4 0 SYSLIB 1.1 Pri, DLW Kermit-11> 2 RENAME The remote RENAME command is used to rename a file or set of files. RENAME is used with two arguments in the format: Kermit-11>REMOTE RENAME oldname newname If the remote RENAME is used with one or no argument it will prompt for missing arguments: Kermit-11>REMOTE RENAME From: oldname To: newname When the remote RENAME is finished the remote Kermit server will most likely return either a list of files renamed or a count of the number of files renamed. For a Kermit-11 server running remotely you would get a count of the number of files renamed. Kermit-11>REMOTE RENAME t.* junk Remote ack: 3 files renamed 2 SPACE The REMOTE SPACE command sends a generic command to the remote kermit requesting information about the amounts of space available and space used on the remote host. Command format is: Kermit-11>REMOTE SPACE or Kermit-11>REMOTE Kermit Remote cmd ?SPACE 2 TYPE The REMOTE TYPE command is just like the TYPE command but it tells a remote Kermit server to get the file to be typed on your terminal and send it over. Kermit-11>REMOTE TYPE FUBAR.MAC 2 WHO The REMOTE WHO command instructs a remote Kermit server to send a listing of who's logged into the system. This is currently only operational for Kermit server running under RSTS/E. Please note that this command may be restricted by the system manager. Kermit-11>REMOTE WHO 1 RENAME The RENAME command is used to rename a local (only) file. RENAME can be used with two arguments is the format: Kermit-K11HLPHLP[.050032]K11HLP.HLP[.050032]    X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]Ze@@|> | |v<H|  |  |xz|  |zt f r   < &^ @&@'*/V,"?Lh:hmBmz|z{x`y~|fN|@@|@͂|@ ݃ƃ<ns<|Ŏ |️|ep|u|-@率|<ᄇ2ֻr||ZRM | ntB|xyvZw|J=|R>|J? nnaa|bddf1 requires .TWAIT support as well as multiple terminal support. The use of multiple terminal support allows Kermit-11 to use any type of interface sysgened, including the DZ11 and DZV11. The exceptions for MT support and/or XC/XL support are noted above regarding console only usage. It is possible under version 5 of RT11 to use the XL: handler instead of the multiple terminal support. The use of the XL: driver will result in much faster file transfer at high baud rates. Note that XL: must be set up at system startup or at some time later to set the proper speed, CSR and vector. For PRO/RT11 information, see HELP PRO RT11. Please note that the device name syntax for terminal lines follows the MT unit numbers, thus if a SHO TER gave unit 5 for DZ11 line 0 the the device name would be: Kermit-11>SET LINE 5 If you must use the console port: Kermit-11>SET LIN TT: If you use the XL handler, you would do this: Kermit-11>SET LINE XL: Additionally, Kermit-11 for RT11 looks for its help file, K11HLP.HLP, on DK: first and then on SY: if the first one fails. Full wildcarding is supported for RT11, in the form *.type, name.*, *.* and the % character to match any single character. Kermit-11 can only be built on RT11 version 5.0 or later due to the use of new assembler directives. Please note that for the connect command under RT11 and the use of the MT service, you will most likely need xon/off flow control to be generated by Kermit-11. This is enabled with the SET RTFLOW ON command. This is by default OFF since the modem the author uses, a Vadic 212LS, can't handle XONs and XOFFs while in command mode. The solution here is to escape back to Kermit command mode after the remote system has been logged into, and then type SET RTFLOW ON. Due to overlaying constraints, the RT11 Kermit-11 will not accept wildcards for the RENAME and DELETE commands and the REMOTE server equivalents. The executable files are K11XM.SAV for the XM system and PRO/350, and K11RT4 for the FB system. For notes regarding hardware, see K11USR.DOC 1 SEND The SEND command will allow the user to send a file(s) to the other kermit. If Kermit-11 is running in remote mode the file will be sent on the controlling terminal line after waiting the number of seconds specified by the SET DELAY command. This gives the user time to escape to the other kermit and issue a receive command. If Kermit-11 is running in local mode , the file will be sent immediately on the terminal line specified by the set line command. Format of the SEND command is: Kermit-11>SEND file-specification Where 'file-specification' can include device,ppn or uic,as well as the file-spec. which may use wildcarding. 1 SERVER The SERVER command will put Kermit-11 into server mode. When Kermit-11 is in server mode while runnuing as a remote kermit (transmitting over the controlling terminal line) the other kermit can issue server commands to send and receive files without having to give SEND or RECEIVE commands to Kermit-11. In order to correctly receive binary files while in server mode a SET FILETYPE BINARY must be done first. At this time there is no way for Kermit-11 to determine whether an incomming file is ascii or binary. Command format is: Kermit-11>SERVER At this time, the Kermit-11 server can process the following commands: BYE Logout Kermit-11. REMOTE COPY Copy a file to another. REMOTE DIR Prints a directory out. REMOTE DISK Prints the disk space. REMOTE ERASE Delete the filename(s). FINISH Exits Kermit-11 server. GET Sends the filename(s). REMOK11HLPHLP[.050032]K11HLP.HLP[.050032]    X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]Ze@@|> | |v<H|  |  |xz|  |zt f r   < &^ @&@'*/V,"?Lh:hmBmz|z{x`y~|fN|@@|@͂|@ ݃ƃ<ns<|Ŏ |️|ep|u|-@率|<ᄇ2ֻr||ZRM | ntB|xyvZw|J=|R>|J? nnaa|bddf CONSOLE SET DEBUG CONSOLE will turn on logging for all i/o during a remote connect to the disk file specified by SET LOGFILE. This command is the same as SET DEBUG CONNECT. The command format is: Kermit-11>SET DEBUG CONSOLE 3 CONNECT SET DEBUG CONNECT will turn on logging for all i/o during a remote connect to the disk file specified by SET LOGFILE. This command is the same as SET DEBUG CONSOLE. The command format is: Kermit-11>SET DEBUG CONNECT 3 FILE SET DEBUG FILE will log all file 'opens' and 'creates' to the file specified by SET LOGFILE. The command format is: Kermit-11>SET DEBUG FILE 3 HELP SET DEBUG HELP gives the user a list of all qualifiers which can be used with SET DEBUG. Command format is: Kermit-11>SET DEBUG HELP 3 NONE SET DEBUG NONE 'turns off' all debugging. This is the same as the SET DEBUG OFF command. Command format is: Kermit-11>SET DEBUG NONE 3 OFF SET DEBUG OFF 'turns off' all debugging. This is the same as the SET DEBUG NONE command. Command format is: Kermit-11>SET DEBUG OFF 3 ON SET DEBUG ON will'turn on' logging for CONSOLE,CONNECT,FILE,PACKET and STATE to the disk file specified by SET LOGFILE. This commamd is the same as SET DEBUG ALL. The command format is: Kermit-11>SET DEBUG ON 3 PACKET SET DEBUG PACKET will 'turn on' logging of all receive and transmit packets to the disk file specified by SET LOGFILE. The command format is: Kermit-11>SET DEBUG PACKET 3 STATE SET DEBUG STATE will turn on logging of all internal Kermit-11 state transitions 2 DELAY The DELAY parameter is the number of seconds to wait before sending data after a SEND command is given. This is used when Kermit-11 is running in remote mode to allow the user time to escape back to the other Kermit and give a RECEIVE command. Kermit-11>SET DELAY number-of-seconds Where number of seconds is the (decimal) number of second to wait before sending data. 2 DEFAULT The DEFAULT parameter allows you to specify a device and UIC (or PPN) for all subsequent file opens (for SENDING) and file creates (for RECEIVING). It is disabled by typing SET HOME. Kermit-11>SET DEFAULT device Kermit-11>SET DEFAULT DB2:[200,201] This is quite useful for Kermit-11 running on a DECNET link, as you can set the default for file operations to include node names and passwords as in: Kermit-11>set def orion::sys$system:[fubar] 2 DIAL The SET DIAL command is used to configure an undefined modem type to enable the DIAL command to function. Since the discussion of SET DIAL is quite involved, please consult the Kermit-11 User's Guide for further information. The following commands are supported by Kermit-11 for the SET DIAL command: Kermit-11>SET DIAL WAKEUP string Kermit-11>SET DIAL WAKE_STRING string Kermit-11>SET DIAL PROMPT string Kermit-11>SET DIAL INITIATE string Kermit-11>SET DIAL FORMAT string Kermit-11>SET DIAL SUCCESS string Kermit-11>SET DIAL INFORMATION string Kermit-11>SET DIAL FAILURE string Kermit-11>SET DIAL CONFIRM string Kermit-11>SET DIAL WAKE_RATE delay Kermit-11>SET DIAL DIAL_RATE delay Kermit-11>SET DIAL DIAL_PAUSE string 2 DUPLEX The DUPLEX parameter controls whether an outgoing link (set via the SET LINE command) is a full duplex link (the default) or a half duplex link. All it does for half duplex is to cause all characters typed after the CONNECT command to be echoed locally. Kermit-11>SET DUPLK11HLPHLP[.050032]K11HLP.HLP[.050032]    X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]Ze@@|> | |v<H|  |  |xz|  |zt f r   < &^ @&@'*/V,"?Lh:hmBmz|z{x`y~|fN|@@|@͂|@ ݃ƃ<ns<|Ŏ |️|ep|u|-@率|<ᄇ2ֻr||ZRM | ntB|xyvZw|J=|R>|J? nnaa|bddfrmit sending the file understands the protocol to reject one file of a (possibly) wildcarded group of files. The main use of this is to resume getting a group of files, as in GET KER:K11*.* or GET KER:MS????.* having lost the connection after transfering some of the files. If this is set, then any files already transfered will not be transfered again. Kermit-11>SET FILE SUPERCEDE Kermit-11>SET FILE NOSUPERCEDE 3 TEXT SET FIL TEXT is the same as SET FIL ASCII 3 TYPE The SET FILE TYPE xxx command is the same as the SET FILE xxx command. The keyword TYPE is ignored for compatibility with other implementations of Kermit. 2 HANGUP SET HANGUP is the same as the DISCONNECT command. It forces a connected line (specified via the SET LINE command) to be dropped. This is currently only supported for RSTS version 8. Kermit-11>SET HANGUP 2 HOME SET HOME resets the default device and UIC (or PPN) to nothing, ie, all file opens and creates use your default disk (SY:) and your UIC (or PPN). Kermit-11>SET HOME 2 IBM-MODE The SET IBM ON (or OFF) will instruct Kermit-11 to wait for an XON following each packet sent to an IBM host. Since the default for IBM mode may not always be appropiate for your IBM compatible system, you can always use the SET HANDSHAKE XON and SET DUPLEX HALF to avoid the parity setting implied by using IBM mode. Kermit-11>SET IBM ON Kermit-11>SET IBM OFF 2 LINE The SET LINE command sets the terminal name up for use with the connect command. To use this you must have access to that device. On many systems terminal lines other than your own are protected from access, and may require special procedures to access them. The form of the device name is TTnnn:, where 'nnn' is a decimal number for RSTS and an octal number for RSX11M/M+. For RT11, the device name is simply the MT unit number shown by the SHO TER command, as in '5' for DZ11 unit 0 line 4. If you are running K11POS.TSK for P/OS on the PRO/350, Kermit-11 will set the line to XK0: and the speed to 9600 baud when Kermit starts. To override the line or speed, set HELP SET LINE and HELP SET SPEED. As of Kermit-11 v2.39, RT11 users can use a SET LIN TT:, which will force Kermit-11 to use the CONSOLE port for all I/O, with the restriction that CONSOLE port I/O must request 8bit prefixing for the transfer of BINARY data. Additionally, if the RT11 system lacks both MT service and the XL/XC Kermit-11 will use the console by default. Kermit-11>SET LINE TT55: (for RSTS and RSX) Kermit-11>SET LINE 5 (for RT11) Kermit-11>SET LINE XK0: (for P/OS) Kermit-11>SET LINE XL: (for RT11) See HELP CONNECT, HELP SET DUPLEX and HELP SET SPEED for more infor- mation. 2 LOGFILE The SET LOGFILE command creates a debug dump file for you. It must be used BEFORE any SET DEBUG commands can be used. See HELP DEBUG for further information about debugging modes. Kermit-11>SET LOGFILE MYLOG.TXT Created debug file MYLOG.TXT Kermit-11> 2 MODEM The SET MODEM command is used to establish the type of modem you are using for the DIAL command. If the type of modem is not currently supported, the DIAL command will not function. As of this writing, 27-Jan-85, the Racal Vadic VA212PA, VA212PAR, generic VA3400 with autodialler option, Digital DF112, MicroCom SX1200, Rixon R212A, PRO/TMS and Hayes modems are supported. The older VADIC 3212 and 34xx modems with autodialing options should also function via SET MODEM VADIC. The following modems are defined. The DF200 and DF03 types have not been tested. Kermit-11>SET MOD VA212PA K11HLPHLP[.050032]K11HLP.HLP[.050032]    X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]Ze@@|> | |v<H|  |  |xz|  |zt f r   < &^ @&@'*/V,"?Lh:hmBmz|z{x`y~|fN|@@|@͂|@ ݃ƃ<ns<|Ŏ |️|ep|u|-@率|<ᄇ2ֻr||ZRM | ntB|xyvZw|J=|R>|J? nnaa|bddf The normal Kermit packet prefix is Control-A (1); this command changes the prefix Kermit-11 expects on incoming packets. The only reasons this should ever be changed would be: Some piece of equip- ment somewhere between the two Kermit programs will not pass through a Control-A; or, some piece of of equipment similarly placed is echoing its input. In the latter case, the recipient of such an echo can change the packet prefix for outbound packets to be different from that of arriving packets so that the echoed packets will be ignored. The opposite Kermit must also be told to change the prefix for its inbound packets and the prefix it uses on outgoing packets. Kermit-11>SET REC START-OF-PACKET 2 3 PACKET-LENGTH SET RECEIVE PACKET-LENGTH This command has two functions. The first, and normal one, is to reduce incoming packet lengths in the event that normal sized Kermit packets can not be passed through the communications circuit. There could be, perhaps, some 'black box' somewhere in the link that has a very small buffer size; this command could be used to reduce the size that the SENDING Kermit will use. The other use is to enable a new protocol extension to Kermit called 'LONG PACKETS'. The actual protocol is documented elsewhere, let's just say that this is a way for two Kermit's to use packet sizes far greater than the normal ('Classic') packet size if 90 characters or so. The main use of this feature is in file transfer over links that introduce considerable delay, it is not uncommon for packets to incur an one to two second delay. The net result is a VERY slow running Kermit with an effective speed of perhaps 300 to 600 baud rather than 1200 or 2400 baud. By making the packets longer, we raise the effective speed of such a circuit. The main restriction on the packet size chosen is the link, a given circuit may not pass 500 character packets. Also, BOTH Kermits must support this extension to the protocol, they will always negotiate it before any file transfer. See the notes at the end of this document for more information. Kermit-11>SET REC PAC 50 Kermit-11>SET REC PAC 600 It is HIGHLY recommended that you use the CRC block check, as the default type one checksum could be inadequate for such long packets, as in: Kermit-11>SET BLO 3 2 POS (P/OS on the PRO/350) The currently available options on the SET command for the PRO/3x0 under P/OS version 2 are: Kermit-11>SET POS DTE Kermit-11>SET POS NODTE The DTE option tells Kermit-11 to attempt to spawn PRO/Communications (DTE) as the connect code; this allows the use of the 'grey keys' SETUP to set terminal emulation characteristics, and the use of the 'EXIT' key to return to the Kermit-11 command level. The 'SET POS DTE' command enables the attempt to call PRO/COMM, whereas the 'SET POS NODTE' enables the builtin terminal emulation. 2 RECORD-FORMAT Kermit will, by default, create RMS11 variable length implied car- riage control records for text files. You can override this and change it to create stream ascii records with the SET RECORD-FORMAT STREAM command. This is useful for RSTS/E systems if you need file compatibility with BASIC Plus. Kermit-11>SET RECORD-FORMAT STREAM Kermit-11>SET RECORD-FORMAT VARIABLE This command would be most useful in a KERMIT.INI file, which is executed by KERMIT when Kermit starts. 2 RETRY SET RETRY value tells Kermit to try that many times on a NAK'ed packet before giving up. This should only be needed if the line is extremely noisy or the PDP11 host is running very slowly due to the system load. Kermit-11>SET RETRY 10 2 RSX The SET RSX command is intended to deal with the peculiarities oft found K11HLPHLP[.050032]K11HLP.HLP[.050032]    X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]Ze@@|> | |v<H|  |  |xz|  |zt f r   < &^ @&@'*/V,"?Lh:hmBmz|z{x`y~|fN|@@|@͂|@ ݃ƃ<ns<|Ŏ |️|ep|u|-@率|<ᄇ2ֻr||ZRM | ntB|xyvZw|J=|R>|J? nnaa|bddfease note that Kermit-11 CAN NOT change the speed of a DL11 type interface, nor can it change the speed of a PDT-150 modem port. For a PDT-150 modem port, use a command of /M/S:nnnn. to change the speed to nnnn for the SPEED.SAV program. 2 START-OF-PACKET The SET START octal-value tells Kermit-11 to expect and also to send as the start of packet character the specified character instead of the default Control-A (octal 1). Note that both Kermit's must support this command (or SET RECEIVE/SEND START value) as it is not possible for two Kermit's to negociate this. This set command is the same as doing both a SET REC START n and SET SEND START n. Kermit-11>SET START 2 Kermit-11>SET START 1 2 TIMEOUT The timeout value tells Kermit how long to wait to get a packet from the other Kermit. If system loads are high, it may be desirable to increase this beyond the default of 10 seconds. 2 TERMINAL The SET TERMINAL command simply controls the way which Kermit-11 prints packet counts while send or receiving a file (or group of files). The simplest way is the default, SET TER TTY. Using SET TER VT100 will cause Kermit to display headers for the numbers printed, at a possible cost in packet speed due to screen control overhead. Kermit-11>SET TER TTY Kermit-11>SET TER VT100 2 UPDATE The SET UPDATE command controls the frequency at which the packet count display is updated. The default is 1, displaying each packet. A SET UPD 0 will disable all packet count logs, whereas a SET UPD N will update the display every N packets. The SET NOUPDATE command is the same as SET UPDATE 0. 1 SHOW The SHOW command will display the settings made by the SET command and allow you to look at session statistics. Kermit-11>SHOW parameter 2 ALL Displays everything: BLOCK-CHECK DEBUG DEFAULT ESCAPE FILE-TYPE LINE PACKET PARAM TIME VERSION 2 BLOCK-CHECK-TYPE Displays the current type of checksum set. 2 DEBUG Shows the status of debugging. 2 DEFAULT Shows the device and UIC (or PPN) used for file operations. 2 ESCAPE Shows the escape character used to return to a local Kermit-11 2 FILE-TYPE Shows the current filetype (BINARY or ASCII) 2 LINE Displays parameters associated with the current connect line. 2 PACKET Prints out packets statistics from the last transaction and total so far. 2 PARAMETERS Prints out various send parameters 2 RECORD-FORMAT Shows what kind of file will be created by Kermit. 2 TIME The time of day 2 VERSION My current version and edit. 1 STARTUP You can place a file called KERMIT.INI in your account and have Kermit-11 automatically read commands from it before getting commands from your terminal. 1 SYSTEM The SYSTEM command takes a CCL/MCR/DCL command line and spawns a task to execute it. This is done via the SPWN$S directive for RSX and by spawning a job on a psuedo kerboard for RSTS. If the command fails for RSTS then Kermits protection code was set to run without privileges. Kermit-11>SYS PIP DB1:=FUBAR.DAT Kermit-11>SYS Command: SUB MYJOB Kermit-11> 1 TAKE The Take command is just like the  command. It opens a disk file for reading commands from, as in TAKE filename. Kermit-11>TAKE MYKERM.CMD 1 TSX+ Kermit-11 for TSX+ is exactly the same Kermit used under RT11/XM. Kermit-11 for RT11 always checks for the type of system it is on, be that RT11, PRO/RT11 or TSX+. At run time, it will dispatch to the correct overlay for doing terminal i/o (or XL/XC i/o). Note that for TSX+, you can only dial out by using the XL handler, supplied with version 5.K11HLPHLP[.050032]K11HLP.HLP[.050032]    X14|H [4;Ik(&'( k ߫H&P` \RrPP2PPzPP{PPPPP2P~\$\\TD 0D \~ hi) +\ ^( n ^( np\^txY\^ˀ\!kVk<\F˰<˴ˬ\VVkˤ1`@lP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$.?0123456789<@<SЬTЬ UQS>?\\\\\\\\\`:#@'="\abcdefghi\\\\\\\jklmnopqr\\\\\\\~stuvwxyz\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{ABCDEFGHI\\\\\\}JKLMNOPQR\\\\\\\\STUVWXYZ\\\\\\0123456789\\\\\  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~@ggh<i|o<m<4p<p<k|Zn<l fr rwx<x<x<x޺<w@]@@fjnr]Ze@@|> | |v<H|  |  |xz|  |zt f r   < &^ @&@'*/V,"?Lh:hmBmz|z{x`y~|fN|@@|@͂|@ ݃ƃ<ns<|Ŏ |️|ep|u|-@率|<ᄇ2ֻr||ZRM | ntB|xyvZw|J=|R>|J? nnaa|bddf As far as system requirements go the author has been told that the sysgen parameter DINSPC in TSGEN.MAC mu st at least 100 (10) in value, otherwise the terminal driver will be unable to buffer the entire received Kermit packet. Since the author does not have or use TSX+, any problems that arise on TSX+ will have to be fixed by the site's systems personel and reported back to the author. To use the CL: handler under TSX+, the following commands are needed. Please note that 'n' stands for a value, be it a unit number or a speed value. In all cases, the commands are KMON commands unless shown with a Kermit-11> prefix. .SET CL LINE=n .SET CL NOLFOUT .SET CL SPEED=nnnn .ASS CLn XL .run kermit Kermit-11>SET LIN XL See HELP RT11 for more information that would also pertain to TSX+. 1 TYPE The TYPE command prints a file to your terminal, as in: Kermit-11>TYPE KERMIT.INI 1 USAGE Kermit-11 is normally run on the PDP-11 host system as a server. This means that a remote Kermit can send it commands without the user having to be switching between the local Kermit (usually a micro) and the remote Kermit (the one on the PDP-11). While Kermit-11 supports most of the server commands shown in version Four revision 1 of the protocol manual (see HELP REMOTE), not all micro based Kermits are able to send these commands to Kermit-11. Most Kermits do support the GET, SEND, BYE and FINISH server commands, which are sufficient for most file transfers. The following is an example of the dialoge when a DEC VT180 Robin connects to a PDP11/70 RSTS system to use Kermit. A>b: B>a:cpmrob Kermit-80 V3.6 [VT180 "Robin"] Kermit-80 B:>connect [Connected to remote host, type Control-\C to return] LOG RSTS V8.0-07 U of Toledo 70 Job 12 KB25 17-Feb-84 03:31 PM User # 2/2 Password: Welcome to RSTS/E version 8.0 $ kermit Kermit-11>server Kermit Server running on PDP-11 host. Please type your escape sequence to return to your local machine. Shut down the server by typing the Kermit BYE command on your local machine. (the user now types Ctrl \C) Kermit-80 B:>get *.odl . . All files on the 11/70 with types of ODL are sent . Kermit-80 B:>bye B> See HELP SEND, HELP GET and HELP BYE for additional information. 1 WHO The WHO command (currently for RSTS/E only) prints a brief SYSTAT out.