* * * * * * * * * 1988 Cincinnati/Anaheim RSTS SIG Tape. * * * * * * * * * This tape contains the following: Account Who What ------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------- [88,0] RSTS SIG This README.1ST + MT.LST directory. Mike Mayfield TAPCOP tape duplicator program. [88,1] Erskine College Oldies but Goodies. [88,2] Edward Beadel, State U of NY PHONE (like VMS PHONE). [88,3] Alan Conroy, Timeline Inc. Disk REORGanizer utility. [88,4] " QUEST game. [88,5] Kelvin Smith, Financial RSTS and BP2 utilities written in Computer Systems, Inc. TECO and BP2. [88,6] Terry Kennedy, St Peter's RSTS utilities. [88,7] " College RSTS Newsletter back issues plus sources of RSTS Newsletter programs. [88,8] " KERMIT-11 T3.59 X3.60. [88,9] " MS-DOS (IBM-PC) KERMIT V2.32. Most accounts contain a README.1ST document with additional information. ============================================================================== PLEASE share your RSTS "goodies" with the RSTS SIG. Please send your 1989 RSTS SIG Tape submissions to Franklin Mitchell (DCS MITCHELLF) RSTS SIG Tape Copy Erskine College 1 Washington Street Due West, SC 29639-0086 Prefered tape density/format is 1600 BPI mag tape in DOS format. V9 BACKUP format is also accepted but please no V8 BACKUP tapes. Other media can be accepted with some delay for conversion. Please enclose a DECUS "Tape Copy Release Form" with your submission. A "Tape Copy Release Form" is in each Fall/Spring DECUS Symposia announcement or you can get one from me at the address above. What to submit? See the examples included on this tape! Submit only your work. I.E., if you have modified a DEC CUSP, submit only the changes, not the whole CUSP. ==============================================================================