1 SUB M11SCW (TEXT.LINE$, ROW%, COL%) & 2 !*************************************************************** & ! & ! & ! M11SCW & ! & ! Subroutine to write a line of test on the screen. & ! & !*************************************************************** & ! 3 ! Subprogram : M11SCW & ! Version : 00 7-Jan-82 & ! Programmer : John Montrym & ! Releaser : Jean Fullerton & ! & ! & ! 11 !*************************************************************** & ! & ! & ! C O P Y R I G H T & ! & ! & ! & ! (C) Copyright 1982 & ! Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts & ! & ! This software is furnished under a license for use only & ! on a single computer system and may be copied only with & ! the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This & ! software, or any other copies thereof, may not be pro- & ! vided or otherwise made available to any other person & ! except for use of such system and to one who agrees to & ! these license terms. Title to and ownership of the & ! software shall at all times remain in DIGITAL. & ! & ! The information in this software is subject to change & ! without notice and should not be construed as a commit- & ! ment by Digital Equipment Corporation. & ! & ! DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or relia- & ! bility of its software on equipment that is not sup- & ! plied by DIGITAL. & ! 100 !*************************************************************** & ! & ! & ! Description: & ! & ! This subprogram writes a line of text (TEXT.LINE$) to the terminal & ! opened on CH.KB%, at row ROW% & column COLUMN%. & ! The terminal is assumed to be a VT52. & ! & ! Calling modules: Any module. & ! & ! 250 !*************************************************************** & ! & ! Interfaces: & ! & ! & ! COMMON ARGUMENTS & ! ------ --------- & ! INPUT OUTPUT INPUT OUTPUT & ! ----- ------ ----- ------ & ! COMERR TEXT.LINE$ & ! ROW% & ! COLUMN% & ! & !*************************************************************** & 300 !*************************************************************** & ! & ! & ! C H A N N E L A S S I G N M E N T S & ! & ! & ! CHANNEL FILE NAME MAP NAME STATUS AT ENTRY/EXIT & ! ------- --------- -------- -------------------- & ! CH.KB% User keyboard None Open/Open & ! 400 !*************************************************************** & ! & ! & ! V A R I A B L E S A N D A R R A Y S U S E D & ! & ! & ! Those items passed as arguments are preceded by * & ! & ! & ! NAME DESCRIPTION & ! ---- ----------- & ! & ! ERL Line where error occurred & ! ERN$ Set to name of program in which & ! error occurred. & ! ERR Set to error after error & ! & 1000 !*************************************************************** & ! & ! & ! S T A R T S U B P R O G R A M L O G I C & ! & ! & !**************************************************************** & 1010 ON ERROR GOTO 19000 & \ ERR.SUBNAM$ = 'M11SCW VER:00' & ! Set standard error trap. & & 1080 IF VT52% THEN PRINT #CH.KB%, ESC$ + "Y" + CHR$(31%+ROW%) + CHR$(31%+COL%) & + TEXT.LINE$; ELSE PRINT #CH.KB%, ESC$ + "[" + NUM1$(ROW%) + ";" + NUM1$(COL%) & + "f" + TEXT.LINE$; END IF ! Move the cursor to position ROW,COL and print the text string. ! The top left corner of the screen is defined to be position (1,1). 9900 ERR.SUBNAM$ = '' & \ GOTO 32767 & ! Goto the end of the subprogram. & 19000 !*************************************************************** & ! & ! & ! S T A N D A R D E R R O R H A N D L I N G & ! & ! & !*************************************************************** & & 19900 ERR.ERL% = ERR & \ ERR.ERR% = ERL & \ ON ERROR GO BACK & ! On a fatal error, set the error code, & ! then resume at the end of the program. & & 32767 SUBEND