454 ! & ! & ! MAPMLF - Mailing List File contents & ! & ! & ! MLF.KEY0$ primary key = 000000000000001 for header record & ! subname 0000n for sublist records & ! primary ID for address records & ! & ! MLF.KEY1$ alternate key = nulls for header record & ! nulls for sublist records & ! alternate ID for address records & ! & ! MLF.REST$ everything else in the record & ! MLF parameters for header record & ! up to 7 sub lines for sublist records & ! address and categ for address records & ! & ! & ! MLF.KEY0.TAG$ the first character in the record & ! & ! MLF.SUBLIST.NAM$ the name of the sublist & ! & ! MLF.ALL$ an entire Mailing List File record & ! & ! MLF_TOTAL_FLAG$ Flag byte set to CHR$(1%) after address total & ! has been stored in file header. The ascii & ! code must be less than 32 so this filed & ! will not be mistaken for a valid ALT ID. & ! & ! MLF_TOTAL The address total for this mailing list. & ! Stored in the alternate ID field of the & ! file header. & ! & !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 654 & MAP (MAPMLF) & & MLF.KEY0$ = 16% & ,MLF.KEY1$ = 10% & ,MLF.REST$ = 324% & & \ MAP (MAPMLF) & & MLF.KEY0.TAG$ = 1% & ,MLF.SUBLIST.NAM$ = 10% & ,FILL$ = 339% & & \ MAP (MAPMLF) & & FILL$ = 16% & ,MLF_TOTAL_FLAG$ = 1% & ,FILL$ = 1% ! To make MLF_TOTAL word alligned & ,MLF_TOTAL & & \ MAP (MAPMLF) & & MLF.ALL$ = 350% &