! VTEDIT.HLP - created by TECO on 2/15/79 14:41 ! edited by TECO on 3/ 9/79 11:58 ! edited by TECO on 4/ 9/79 11:08 ! edited by TECO on 4/12/79 16:21 ! edited by TECO on 6/ 6/79 13:37 ! edited by TECO on 6/ 7/79 11:31 ! edited by TECO on 7/10/79 21:34 ! edited by TECO on 10/11/79 23:38 ! edited by TECO on 11/13/79 19:24 ! VTEDIT is an interactive keypad editor used in conjunction with the TECO text editor on VT52 and VT100 terminals. Formats TECO/VT file-spec to edit an existing file TECO/VT out-file-spec=in-file-spec to edit from one file to another MAKE/VT file-spec to create a new file As these are not built-in DCL commands, you need to enter TECO :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TECO TECO MAKE :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TECO MAKE in your LOGIN.COM file. Please also read what HELP TECO INI says. Complete documentation on VTEDIT can be obtained by printing or typing SYS$HELP:VTEDIT.DOC *Initialization of VTEDIT VTEDIT can be automatically invoked. If you create a logical name called TEC$INIT, it can indicate to TECO that you wish VTEDIT automatically invoked. TECO provides a flag saying whether your terminal is a scope type terminal capable of being used by VTEDIT. By testing this flag, you can use VTEDIT whenever you are using a scope terminal. The TEC$INIT logical's equivalence string should be: ET&512"N 1+ ' 0 to invoke VTEDIT in normal mode ET&512"N 1+16+ ' 0 to invoke VTEDIT in SEEALL mode ET&512"N 1+32+ ' 0 to invoke VTEDIT in hold screen mode ET&512"N 1+16+32+ ' 0 to invoke VTEDIT in SEEALL and hold modes Alternatively, you can define the TECO command as TECO :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TECO TECO/VT for VTEDIT in normal mode TECO :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TECO TECO/VT:SE for VTEDIT in SEEALL mode TECO :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TECO TECO/VT:HO for VTEDIT in hold screen mode TECO :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TECO TECO/VT:SE:HO for VTEDIT in SEEALL+hold mode in your LOGIN.COM file. Please also read what HELP TECO INI says; the /VT qualifier can be combined with /NOCRE, /NOINI, and/or /NOMEM. *Location of VTEDIT The VTEDIT keypad editing macro is normally located as SYS$LIBRARY:VTEDIT.TEC If you have a private version of VTEDIT, you can create the logical name TEC$VTEDIT and set its equivalence string to the file-spec of your private version. *Alternates to VTEDIT If you have an editing macro that you wish to use instead of VTEDIT, you can create the logical name TEC$VTEDIT and set its equivalence string to the file-spec of your editing macro. Then, by including the /VTEDIT switch in your TECO invocation or by automatically asking for VTEDIT with your private initializer, TECO will load your macro instead of VTEDIT.