The following UIC's are part of the KMSF RSX11M V3.2 Enhancements Package. [344,1] FCS resident library for RSX11M V3.2 which is auto- ZAPPED to build with all DEC utilities even those calling for additional SYSLIB modules. For the more daring a version of FCSRES is supplied which will support ANSI magtape and big buffering. [344,2] A complete package of HELP files in the new V3.2 HELP file format. [344,5] Useful command files. SHOW-show system status either using ...AT. or ...PIN. BATCH, OPT,BLD, and F4P are all command files used in creating build files for F4P programs. The command files are used by the batch processor. SPR.CMD-The RSX group likes this one. It will produce legible, machine generated SPR addendums. SPR administration will now accept these if you send in a preprinted form with your name attached and 6 or so copies of the addendum. [344,20] A collection of ODL files suitable for building most of the RSX utilities with an FCS resident library. [344,24] A collection of command files and ODL files suitable for building many of the EXECUTIVE privleged tasks with an FCS resident LIBRARY. A FCS resident library suitable for V3.2. A collection of command files suitable for building almost all the utilities with an FCS resident library. [344,40] Terminal and disk accounting, privlege allocation, modifications to HELLO and BYE, account utilities and report programs. A task to monitor total system utilizaton(CPULOG) in the USER, EXEC, and NULL task states. An update to Greg Basset's ACCLOG (called TSKLOG) suitable for V3.2 BL26). Mark Johnson's new, improved MAIL Utility. Run privlege checking and parameter passing for INSTALL. (This version of TSKLOG assumes SYSTEM ACCOUNTING not in use). Implementation of the RSX11M-PLUS system uic for privileged tasks, LIBUIC. Support to set the value of LIBUIC via the SET command, and RUN $ searches both SYSUIC and LIBUIC on LB0: for the task. Enhancements to ...AT. to provide a default UIC to check for command files[1,5] if a file is not found, to implement , and to implement the /NOLI switch. [344,41] Simple accounting programs based on Gregg Bassets ACCLOG. These programs should run under V3.2. CPULOG computes the time the system spends in USER, SYSTEM and IDLE state and logs the data to file at periodic intervals. TSKLOG is just like GREGG BASSET's ACCLOG except it runs under V3.2. [344,43] Utilities. An enhanced version of Coleman's CVL allowing the user to change most of the disk volume INI parameters. A Truncate utility, a disk fragmentation utility, and a spool queue display utility. As a bonus for all user's who have ever had a POOL run out, courtesy of the RSX11M group is POOL, the pool monitor which won't let you run out of pool if it can help it. Also included is Fortran task which will force MCR command lines onto other terminals using the SPAWN directive, and a macro task(TCF) to decode a command line of ASCII octal numbers and send them to TI: as terminal control commands. (ie TCF 7 is ^G or BELL). [344,44] Here is a version of the old RMDEMO which runs on VT100's which are in ANSI mode. This version is almost half as small as the new version and supports many of its features(X - exits, R - replots). This version(less my mods) was distributed with the field test kit of RSX11M V3.2 and is distributed here courtesy of the the RSX group. [344,45] RSX11M V3.2 BATCH including Virtual Terminal support, BATCH, and SUBMIT utilities, Batch Queue display, documentation, and a Fortran callable subroutine to interface with VTDRV. Also included is a Procedure Interpreter(PIN) for use with BATCH. PIN is used as a replacement for ...AT. by BATCH When built with FCSRES, PIN is 4 times smaller than ...AT. [344,65] A complete SYSTEM ACCOUNTING package for RSX11M. While oriented towards providing performance measurement tools, it provides the basis for implementing a very reasonable charge back accounting system. Please read SYSLOG.DOC. A discription of all the modifications and enhancements and most of the utilities is in KMSKIT.DOC. The command file [344,40]KMSGEN.CMD will provide all required information for building the KMS Enhancements and a number of the other programs. Read KMSKIT.DOC before trying to include the executive data base changes. The files ACCOUNT.HLP and BATCH.HLP are HELP format files for even- tual use with the HELP processing enhancements. MCRAT.TXT and EXAMPLES.TXT are KMS's documentation on the MCR and ...AT. changes and Richard Kirkman's origional documentation for CCL. Please note that substantial enhancements have been made to CCL. CCL.DOC(CCL.RNO) is the user's manual for CCL. To use this kit, transfer the files to their respective UIC's. The user with an RK05 system (like me) is going to have a bit of trouble since there are a lot of files. If the HELP and documentation files are all transfered to a seperate disk, then a RK05 can be constructed containing just the kit sources, command files, SLP files, and DEC virgin distribution source files and .OLB files.(with room left over for taskbuilding). However it will be tight. Read all the documentation over twice. Set /UIC=[344,40] and type @KMSGEN/-MC and run through a KMSGEN asking for a long dialog. Place the required DEC sources in the correct places, renaming them if required. KMSGEN will try and do all the SLP patches both to the EXEC modules and the SYSGEN command files. If KMSGEN sucessfully SLPs the EXEC and SYSGEN command files, stop and do a SYSGEN if you are incorporating data structures(accounting) requiring a SYSGEN. Once the SYSGEN is done use KMSGEN again to create all needed files. It is very important that any user implementing these enhancements to register its use with me. If any bugs are found that are of consequence I am prone to mail out bug fixes to the current distribution list. Also direct feedback to me is important for deciding if features/programs are to be enhanced, maintained and supported from one RSX11M release to the next. These programs have been extensively tested for the case where all KMS options are selected and where most DEC sysgen options are selected. Other options/configurations of this KIT are possible, but until I start getting feeback from other users who have configured their option selection option selection differently, I will not know if I got all the conditional code correct. Good Luck, James G. Downward KMS Fusion, Inc. 3941 Research Park Dr. Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (313)-769-8500