Additional HELP may be obtained by typing HELP ACCOUNTING keyword, where keyword is one of, SYSTEM, DATA, USER. 2 SYSTEM The KMS PDP-11/45 Data Acquisition System supports several types of accounting: USER ACCOUNTING, SYSTEM ACCOUNTING, and a limited TASK ACCOUNTING. System wide null time and QIO's can be logged as well as memory utilization at selective intervals. User logon/logoffs are logged as well as user CPU time, disk block usage, QIO count, terminal and user account number. For diagnostic testing, selected tasks can be accounted for with statistics logged either to the user's terminal or to SYSLOG.DAT. Task statistics collected are stop time, run time, CPU time, and QIO count. For further HELP, type HELP SYSLOG for information on User Accounting or on SYSTEM accounting. Type HELP TSKLOG for information on Task ACCOUNTING. 2 DATA Several different groups of data can be independently selected to be logged to LB:[1,4]SYSLOG.DAT. The data groups are: SYSTEM GLOBAL STATISTICS, MEMORY UTILIZATION, QIO's, USER STATISTICS, TASK STATISTICS, and CO: STATISTICS. GLOBAL: Exec Null Time USER: Logon/Logoff times. # Run Requests Account # and Terminal ID # LDR Requests CPU time. # Checkpoint Requests # QIO's issued(optional) # SHF Requests # illegal login attempts on TT: # QIO's issued(optional) Disk usage(# files and disk blocks) CO: # QIO's issued(optional) CPU time MEMORY: # Tasks in Core Total size of all tasks in core. # Tasks out of core(on checkpoint files) Total size of tasks out of core Total free pool # fragments of pool Size of largest pool fragment. TASK: Stop time RUN time CPU time # QIO's Issued. Type HELP SYSLOG DATA for further information on the format of data packets sent to LOGTSK. 2 USER User's are held accountable for their disk block usage, their terminal connect time, their CPU time and their QIO count. User accounting is implemented using a wide variety of tasks. HELLO/BYE keep track of logon/logoff times, connect times, CPU times, and QIO's. UPD keeps track of disk block usage. Except for terminal connect time and disk block usage System Accounting must be running for User accounting to be gathered. Type HELP ACC to find out how to set up accounting to collect User statistics.