CVL - CHANGE VOLUME LABLE CVL is a mini-utility which will allow an RSX11M user to view disk initialization parameters not displayed via the /VI switch of the MOUNT command, and to reset certain critical parameters. CVL is a privleged MCR task which must be rebuilt each SYSGEN. The command line is CVL DDn:newname/SW1/SW2/.... where newname is the newname for the volume and /SW is any of /VI Display volume information but change nothing. /LRU = NN Change the LRU for the volume to NN. /MAXEXT = NN Change the MAXEXT for the volume to NN. /MXF = NNN Increase the maximum number of files allowed on the volume to NNN. /WINDOW = NN Change the default window pointers for the volume. /FPRO = [RWED,RWED,RWED,RWED] where any of RWED used sets READ, WRITE, EXTEND, or DELETE privleges for SYSTEM, OWNER, GROUP, and WORLD, respectively. Note that in all cases, NN (NNN) is a decimal value, and the volume must be mounted. Also as an aid in recordkeeping, the date the volume was initialized is displayed.