ERROR To display the error message corrosponding to a given error code issue HELP DIRECTIVE ERROR where is a -decimal or 3 digit octal number. Example: HELP DIRECTIVE ERROR 376 or HELP DIRECTIVE ERROR -2. 3 377 #-1 3 -1 .UPN -1 377 Insufficient dynamic memory. 3 376 #-2 3 -2 .INS -2 376 Specified task not found. 3 375 #-3 3 -3 .PTS -3 375 Partition too small for task. 3 374 #-4 3 -4 .UNS -4 374 Insufficient dynamic memory for send. 3 373 #-5 3 -5 .HWR -5 373 Unassigned LUN. 3 372 #-6 3 -6 .HWR -6 372 Device driver not loaded. 3 371 #-7 3 -7 .ACT -7 371 Task not active. 3 370 #-8 3 -8 .ITS -8 370 Directive inconsistant with task state. 3 367 #-9 3 -9 .FIX -9 367 Task already fixed/unfixed. 3 366 #-10 3 -10 .CKP -10 366 Issuing task not checkpointable. 3 365 #-11 3 -11 .TCH -11 365 Task is checkpointable. 3 361 #-15 3 -15 .RBS -15 361 Receive buffer is too small. 3 360 #-16 3 -16 .PRI -16 360 Privilege violation. 3 357 #-17 3 -17 .RSU -17 357 Resource in use. 3 356 #-18 3 -18 .NSW -18 356 No swap space available. 3 355 #-19 3 -19 .ILV -19 355 Illegal vector specified. 3 260 #-80 3 -80 .AST -80 260 Directive issued/not issued from AST. 2 257 #-81 2 -81 .MAP -81 257 Illegal mapping specified. 2 255 #-83 2 -83 .IOP -83 255 Window has I/O in progress. 2 254 #-84 2 -84 .ALG -84 254 Alignment error. 2 253 #-85 2 -85 .WOV -85 253 Address window allocation overflow. 2 252 #-86 2 -86 .NVR -86 252 Invalid region ID. 2 251 #-87 2 -87 .NVW -87 251 Invalid address window ID. 2 250 #-88 2 -88 .ITP -88 250 Invalid TI parameter. 2 247 #-89 2 -89 .IBS -89 247 Invalid send buffer size (greater than 255.). 2 246 #-90 2 -90 .LNL -90 246 LUN locked in use. 3 245 #-91 3 -91 .IUI -91 245 Invalid UIC. 3 244 #-92 3 -92 .IDU -92 244 Invalid device or unit. 3 243 #-93 3 -93 .ITI -93 243 Invalid time parameters. 3 242 #-94 3 -94 .PNS -94 242 Partition/region not in system. 3 241 #-95 3 -95 .IPR -95 241 Invalid priority (greater than 250.). 3 240 #-96 3 -96 .ILU -96 240 Invalid LUN. 3 237 #-97 3 -97 .IEF -97 237 Invalid event flag (greater than 64.). 3 236 #-98 3 -98 .ADP -98 236 Part of DPB out of users space. 3 235 #-99 3 -99 .SDP -99 235 DIC or DPB size invalid.