To get HELP on a given error number nn, type HELP F4P ERROR Rnn (run time errors) or HELP F4P ERROR Cnn (compile errors) 3 R3 ODD ADDRESS TRAP THE PROGRAM HAS MADE A WORD REFERENCE TO AN ODD BYTE ADDRESS 3 R4 SEGMENT FAULT THIS MOST LIKELY DUE TO A SUBSCRIPT VALUE OUT OF RANGE ON AN ARRAY REFERENCE. 3 R5 T-BIT OR BPT TRAP(SST2) A trap has occurred as a result of the trace bit being set in the processor status word or the execution of a BPT instruction. 3 R20 REWIND ERROR An error condition was detected by FCS during the .POINT operation used to position at the beginning of a file. 3 R21 DUPLICATE FILE SPECIFICATIONS Multiple attempts to specify file attributes have been attempted without an intervening close operation by either, a) DEFINEFILE followed by DEFINEFILE b) DEFINEFILE, CALL ASSIGN or CALL FDBSET followed by an OPEN statement. 3 R22 RECORD TOO LONG A record has been read which is too large to fit into the user record buffer. Rebuild the task using a larger Task Builder MAXBUF specification. 3 R23 BACKSPACE ERROR One of the following happened. a) BACKSPACE was attempted on a file opened for appending. b) FCS has detected an error condition during the .POINT operation used to rewind the file. c) FCS has detected an error condition while reading forward to the desired record. 3 R24 END-OF-FILE DURING READ Either an end-file recored produced by the ENDFILE statement or the FCS end of file condition has been encountered during a READ statement and no END= transfer specification was provided. 3 R25 INVALID RECORD NUMBER A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND statement has specified a record number outside the range from one to the value specified in a DEFINEFILE statement or in the MAXREC keyword of the OPEN statement. 3 R26 DIRECT ACCESS NOT SPECIFIED A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND operation was attempted before a DEFINEFILE or an OPEN statement with ACCESS = 'DIRECT' was performed. 3 R27 MORE THAN ONE RECORD An attempt was made to read or write more than a single record in a direct access READ or WRITE statement, or an ENCODE or DECODE statement. 3 R28 CLOSE ERROR An error condition has been detected by FCS during a CLOSE$, .DLFNB, or .PRINT operation when trying to close a file. 3 R29 NO SUCH FILE A file with the specified name could not be found during an OPEN operation. 3 R30 OPEN FAILURE FCS has detected an error condition during an open operation. 3 R31 MIXED ACCESS MODES An attempt was made to use both formatted and unformatted I/O, or both sequential and direct access operations on the same logical unit number(ie file). 3 R32 INVALID LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER You have specified a LUN outside the range specified by the Task Builder with its UNITS option. 3 R33 ENDFILE TO DIRECT ACCESS FILE End-of-file records may not be written to direct access files. 3 R34 UNIT ALREADY OPEN An OPEN,DEFINEFILE, CALL ASSIGN, or CALL FDBSET was attempted on a file which was already opened for I/O. 3 R37 INCONSISTENT RECORD LENGTH An existing direct access file has been opened whose record length attribute is not the same as specified in the DEFINEFILE or OPEN statement. It is possible that the file was not created as a direct access file. 3 R38 ERROR DURING WRITE FCS has detected an error condition while writing. 3 R39 ERROR DURING READ FCS has detected an error condition while reading. 3 R40 RECURSIVE I/O ATTEMPT An expression in the I/O list of an I/o statement has caused initiation of another I/O operation. This can happen if a function that performs I/o is referenced in an I/O list. 3 R41 NO FCS BUFFER ROOM There is not enough free memory left in the FCS buffer area to set up required I/O buffers. Rebuild the task with a larger Task Builder ACTFIL declaration or reduce the level of multibuffering. 3 R42 DEVICE HANDLER NOT RESIDENT A filename specification has included an illegal device name or a device for which no handler task(driver) is loaded when when an open operation is attempted. 3 R43 FILE NAME SPECIFICATION ERROR The filename string used in a CALL ASSIGN or OPEN statement is syntactically invalid, contains a switch specification, references an undefined device mnemonic, or is otherwise not acceptable to the operating system. 3 R44 DIRECT ACCESS RECORD SIZE ERROR A DEFINEFILE or OPEN statement has specified a record size which exceeds the size available in the record buffer. Rebuild the task using a larger Task Builder MAXBUF specification. 3 R45 KEYWORD VALUE ERROR IN OPEN STATEMENT An OPEN statement keyword that requires a value has an illegal value. The following values are accepted. a. INITIALSIZE -32768 to 32767 b. EXTENDSIZE -32768 to 32767 c. BLOCKSIZE 0 to 32767 3 R46 INCONSISTANT OPEN/CLOSE STATEMENT SPECIFICATIONS The specifications in an OPEN and/or subsequent CLOSE statements have incorrectly specified one or more of the following: a. A 'NEW' or 'SCRATCH' file which is 'READONLY' b. 'APPEND' to a 'NEW', 'SCRATCH', or 'READONLY' file. c. 'SAVE' or 'PRINT' of a 'SCRATCH' file. d. 'DELETE' or 'PRINT' of a 'READONLY' file. 3 R47 WRITE TO READONLY FILE A write operation has been attempted to a file which was declared to be READONLY. 3 R48 UNDEFINED I/O ERROR An I/O operation (such as direct access) has been specified which is not supported by the OTS subset being used. 3 R59 LIST-DIRECTED I/O SYNTAX ERROR The data in a list-directed input record as an illegal format or the type of the constant is incompatible with the corresponding variable. The value of the variable is unchanged. 3 R60 INFINITE FORMAT LOOP The format associated with an I/O statement that includes an I/O list has no field descriptors to use in transferring those variables. 3 R61 FORMAT/VARIABLE-TYPE MISMATCH An attempt was made to input or output a real variable with an integer field descriptor (I, O, or L), or an integer or logical variable with a real field descriptor (D, E, F, or G). 3 R62 SYNTAX ERROR IN FORMAT A syntax error was encountered while the OTS was processing a format stored in an array. 3 R63 OUTPUT CONVERSION ERROR During a formatted output operation the value of a particular number could not be output in the specified field length without loss of significant digits. The field width is filled with *'s. 3 R64 INPUT CONVERSION ERROR During a formatted input operation an illegal character was detected in an input filed or the input value overflowed the range representable in the input variable. The value of the variable is set to zero. 3 R65 FORMAT TOO BIG FOR 'FMTBUF' The OTS has run out of memory while scanning an array format that was generated at run time. The default internal format buffer length is 64 bytes. This may be increased by using the Task Builder FMTBUF option. 3 R66 RECORD TOO BIG An output operation has specified a record which exceeds the maximum length permitted for that type of operation. For direct access oper- ations, record length is specified ty the DEFINEFILE statement, the RECORDSIZE keyword of the OPEN statement, or by the record length attribute of an existing file. Fo formatted sequential operations, the maximum length is determined by the Task Builder MAXBUF option. There is no length limitation on unformatted sequential records. 3 R67 RECORD TWO SMALL FOR I/O LIST Read statement has attempted to input more data than existed in the record being read. For example, the I/O list might have too many elements. 3 R68 VARIABLE FORMAT EXPRESSION VALUE ERROR The value of a variable format expression is not within the range acceptable for its intended use; e.g., a field width which is less than or equal to zero. 3 R70 INTEGER OVERFLOW During an arithmetic operation an integer's value has exceeded Integer*4 range. (Note: Overflow of Integer*2 range involving Integer*2 variables in generally not detected.) 3 R71 INTEGER ZERO DIVIDE During an integer mode arithmetic operation an attempt was made to divide by zero. 3 R72 FLOATING OVERFLOW During an arithmetic operation a real value has exceeded the largest representable real number. The result of the operation is set to zero. 3 R73 FLOATING ZERO DIVIDE During a real mode arithmetic operation an attempt was made to divide by zero. The result of the operation is set to zero. 3 R74 FLOATING UNDERFLOW During an arithmetic operation a real value has become less than the smallest representable real number, and has been replaced with a value of zero. 3 R75 FPP FLOATING TO INTEGER CONVERSION OVERFLOW The conversion of a floating point value to an integer has resulted in a value which overflows the range representable in an integer. The resulting value is unpredictable. 3 R80 WRONG NUMBER OF ARGUEMENTS One of the FORTRAN Library Functions or System Subroutines which checks for such an occurrence, has been called with an improper number of arguments. 3 R81 INVALID ARGUMENT One of the FORTRAN Library Functions or System Subroutines has detected an invalid argument value. 3 R82 UNDEFINED EXPONENTIATION An exponentiation has been attempted which is mathematically undefined; e.g., 0.**0. 3 R83 LOGARITHM OF ZERO OR NEGATIVE VALUE An attempt was made to take the logarithm of zero or a negative number. The result returned is zero. 3 R84 SQUARE ROOT OF NEGATIVE VALUE An argument required the evaluation of the square root of a negative value. The square root of the absolute value is computed and returned. 3 R86 INVALID ERROR NUMBER The error number argument to one of the subroutines ERRSET, ERRSNS, or ERRTST is not a valid error number. 3 R91 COMPUTED GOTO OUT OF RANGE The integer variable or expression in a computed GO TO statement was less than 1 or greater than the number of statement label references in the list. Control is transferred to the next executable statement. 3 R92 ASSIGNED LABEL NOT IN LIST An assigned GOTO has been executed in which the label assigned to the variable is not one of the labels in the list. Control is transferred to the next executable statement. 3 R93 ADJUSTABLE ARRAY DIMENSION ERROR Upon entry to a subprogram, the evaluation of dimensioning information has detected an array in which a. an upper dimension bound is less than a lower dimension bound, or, b. the dimensions imply an array which exceeds the addressable memory. 3 R94 ARRAY REFERENCE OUTSIDE ARRAY An array reference has been detected whuich is outside the array as described by the array declarator. Execution continues. (This checking is performed only for program units compiled with the /CK switch in effect.). 3 R95 An object module produced by another PDP-11 FORTRAN compiler has been linked with a F4P task. 3 R96 MISSING FORMAT CONVERSION ROUTINE A format conversion code has been used for which the corresponding conversion routine is not loaded 3 R100 DIRECTIVE: MISSING ARGUMENT(S) A call to a system directive subroutine was made in which one or more of the arguments required for directive execution was not given. 3 R101 DIRECTIVE: INVALID EVENT FLAG NUMBER A call to a system directive subroutine was made in which the argument used for event flag specification was not in the valid range(1 to 64). 3 C1 REDUNDANT CONTINUATION MARK IGNORED(W) A continuation mark was present where an initial line is required. It has been ignored. 3 C2 ILLEGAL STATEMENT NUMBER IGNORED(W) An imroperly formed statement number wa present in columns 1-5 of an initial line. It has been ignored. 3 C3 TWO MANY CONTINUATION LINES, REMAINDER IGNORED(E) More continuation lines were used than were allowed. The default number of continuation lines is 5; if more are needed, the /CO:n switch may be used to set the value within the range from 0 to 99. 3 C4 SOURCE LINE TOO LONG, COMPILATION TERMINATED(F) A line contained more than 88 characters. Note that only the first 72 characters of a line are examined by the compiler. 3 C5 STATEMENT OUT OF ORDER, STATEMENT IGNORED(E) Statements must appear in the order specified in the PDP-11 FORTRAN Language Reference Manual. 3 C6 STATEMENT NOT VALID IN THIS PROGRAM UNIT, STATEMENT IGNORED(E) A statement which is not permitted to appear in the program unit was present; for example, an executable statement in a BLOCK DATA subprogram. 3 C7 MISSING END STATEMENT, END IS ASSUMED(E) No END statement was present at the end of the last file. One has been inserted. 3 C8 EXTRA CHARACTERS FOLLOWING A VALID STATEMENT Extranious text was present at the end of a syntactically valid statement. Check the entire statement for typing or syntactic errors. 3 C9 STATEMENT CANNOT BE LABELED, LABEL IGNORED(W) A label was present on a statement where it is not permitted. It has been ignored. 3 C10 MULTIPLE DEFINITION OF A STATEMENT LABLE, SECOND IGNORED(E) Two or more statements have the same statement label. 3 C11 COMPILER EXPRESSION STACK OVERFLOW(F) The statement contains an expression which is too complex to be compiled. The expression may be subdivided, or the compiler rebuilt with more expression stack space. 3 C12 STATEMENT CANNOT TERMINATE A DO LOOP(W) The terminal statement of a DO loop must not be a GO TO, arithmetic IF, RETURN, or DO statement or a logical IF containing one of these statements. 3 C13 COUNT OF HOLLERITH OR RADIX50 CONSTANT TOO LARGE, REDUCED(E) The integer count preceding H or R specifies more characters than remain in the source statement. 3 C14 MISSING QUOTE IN ALPHANUMERIC LITERAL(E) Alphanumeric literals must be enclosed by single quote marks. 3 C15 MISSING VARIABLE OR SUBPROGRAM NAME(F) A variable name or subprogram name was not present where one is required. 3 C16 MULTIPLE DECLARATION OF DATA TYPE FOR VARIABLE, FIRST USED(E) A variable cannot appear in more than one type declaration statement. 3 C17 CONSTANT IN FORMAT ITEM OUT OF RANGE(E) A numeric value in a FORMAT statement is not within the permitted range, as given in the PDP-11 FORTRAN Language Reference Manual. 3 C18 ILLEGAL REPEAT COUNT IN DATA STATEMENT, COUNT IGNORED(E) The repeat count in a DATA statement was not an unsigned nonzero integer constant. It has been ignored. 3 C19 MISSING CONSTANT(F) A constant was not present where one is required. 3 C20 MISSING VARIABLE OR CONSTANT(F) An expression, or a term of an expression, has been omitted. 3 C21 MISSING OPERATOR OR DELIMITER SYMBOL(F) Two terms of an expression have no operator seperating them, or a punctuation mark such as a comma was omitted. 3 C22 MULTIPLE DECLARATION OF NAME(F) A name appears in two or more inconsistent declaration statements. 3 C23 SYNTAX ERROR IN IMPLICIT STATEMENT(E) The form of the IMPLICIT statement is described in the PDP-11 Language Reference Manual. 3 C24 MORE THAN 7 DIMENSIONS SPECIFIED, REMAINDER IGNORED(E) An array may only have up to 7 dimensions. 3 C25 NON-CONSTANT SUBSCRIPT WHERE CONSTANT REQUIRED(F) In the DATA and EQUIVALENCE statements, subscript expressions are required to be constant. 3 C26 NO PATH TO THIS STATEMENT(W) Program control cannot reach the statement. The statement is deleted. 3 C27 ADJUSTABLE ARRAY BOUNDS MUST BE DUMMY ARGUMENTS OR IN COMMON (E) Variables specified in dimension declarator expressions must be subprogram dummy arguments or appear in COMMON. 3 C28 OVERFLOW WHILE CONVERTING CONSTANT OR CONSTANT EXPRESSION(E) The specified value of a constant is too large or too small to be represented. 3 C29 INCONSISTENT USAGE OF STATEMENT LABEL(E) Labels of executable statements have been confused with labels of format statements. 3 C30 MISSING EXPONENT AFTER E OR D(E) A floating point constant was specified in E or D notation, but the exponent was omittes. 3 C31 NON-RADIX50 CHARACTER IN RADIX50 CONSTANT(E) The Radix-50 characters are the letters A-Z, the digits 0-9, the dollar sign, the period, and the space. A space is substituted for an invalid character. 3 C32 PROGRAM STORAGE REQUIREMENTS EXCEED ADDRESSABLE MEMORY(F) The storage space allocated to the variables and arrays of the program unit exceeds the addressing range of the PDP-11. 3 C33 VARIABLE INCONSISTENTLY EQUIVALENCED TO ITSELF(F) The EQUIVALENCE statements of the program specify inconsistent relationships among variables and array elements. example: EQUIVALENCE (A(1), A(2)) 3 C34 ASF DEFINITION OUT OF ORDER OR UNDIMENSIONED ARRAY(F) The statement is either an arithemetic statement function definition incorrectly placed among executable statements (see the PDP-11 FORTRAN Language Reference Manual), or an assignment statement involving an array for which dimension information has not been given. 3 C35 FORMAT SPECIFIER IN ERROR(F) The format code character of a field descriptor is not among those described in the PDP-11 FORTRAN Language Reference Manual. 3 C36 SUBSCRIPT OR INDEX VALUE OUT OF BOUNDS(F) An array element has been referenced which is not within the 3 C37 ILLEGAL EQUIVALENCE OF TWO VARIABLES IN COMMON(F) Variables in COMMON cannot be equivalenced. 3 C38 EQUIVALENCE STATEMENT ILLEGALLY EXPANDS A COMMON BLOCK(F) A COMMON block cannot be extended beyond its beginning by an equivalence. 3 C39 ALLOCATION BEGINS ON A BYTE BOUNDARY(E) A non-BYTE quantity(ie not LOGICAL*1) has been allocated to an odd byte boundary. 3 C40 ADJUSTABLE ARRAY USED IN ILLEGAL CONTEXT(F) An adjustable array has been referenced in a context where it is not permitted. 3 C41 SUBSCRIPTED REFERENCE TO NON-ARRAY VARIABLE(F) A variable which has not been dimensioned cannot appear with subscripts. 3 C42 NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS DOES NOT MATCH ARRAY DECLARATION(F) 3 C43 INCORRECT LENGTH MODIFIER IN TYPE DECLARATION IGNORED(E) The length specified in an intra-type statement override is not compatable with the data type specified. example: INTEGER PIPES*8 3 C44 SYNTAX ERROR IN INCLUDE FILE DESCRIPTOR(F) The file string is syntactically invalid, contains an illegal switch specification, references an undefined device mnemonic, or is otherwise not acceptable to the operating system. 3 C45 MISSING SEPARATOR BETWEEN FORMAT ITEMS(E) A comma or other seperating character has been omitted. 3 C46 ZERO-LENGTH STRING(E) The length specification of a Hollerith or Radix-50 constant must be nonzero. 3 C47 MISSING STATEMENT LABEL(F) A statement label reference was not present where one is required 3 C48 MISSING KEYWORD(F) A keyword, such as TO, was not present where one is required. 3 C48 NON-INTEGER EXPRESSION WHERE INTEGER VALUE REQUIRED(F) An expression which is required to be of type INTEGER was of another data type. 3 C49 UNDEFINED STATEMENT LABEL(F) A reference has been made to a statement label that is not defined in the program unit. 3 C50 NUMBER OF NAMES EXCEEDS NUMBER OF VALUES IN DATA STATEMENT(E) The number of constants specified in a DATA statment must match the number of variables or array elements to be initialized. 3 C52 NUMBER OF VALUES EXCEEDS NUMBER OF NAMES IN DATA STATEMENT(E) The number of constants specified in a DATA statement must match the number of variables or array elements to be initialized. 3 C53 STATEMENT CANNOT APPEAR IN LOGICAL IF STATEMENT(F) The statement contained in a logical IF must not be another logical IF or a DO statement. 3 C54 UNCLOSED DO LOOPS(F) The terminal statement of a DO loop was not found. 3 C55 ASSIGNMENT TO DO VARIABLE WITHIN LOOP(W) The control variable of a DO loop has been assigned a value within the loop. 3 C56 VARIABLE NAME, CONSTANT, OR EXPRESSION ILLEGAL IN THIS CONTEXT(F) A quantity has been incorrectly used; for example, the name of a subprogram where an arithmetic expression is required. 3 C57 OPERATION NOT PERMISSIBLE ON THESE DATA TYPES(F) An illegal operation, such as .AND. of two real variables, was specified. 3 C58 LEFT SIDE OF ASSIGNMENT MUST BE VARIABLE OR ARRAY ELEMENT(F) 3 C59 MISSING OR EXTRA COMMA OR EQUALS SIGN IN I/O LIST(F) 3 C60 CONSTANT SIZE EXCEEDS VARIABLE SIZE IN DATA STATEMENT(E) The size of a constant in a DATA statement is greater than that of its corresponding variable. 3 C61 STRING CONSTANT TRUNCATED TO MAXIMUM LENGTH(E) The maximum length of a Hollerith constant or alphanumeric litteral is 255 characters; of a Radix-50 constant, 12. 3 C62 LOWER BOUND GREATER THAN UPPER BOUND IN ARRAY DECLARATION(E) The upper bound of a dimension must be greater than or equal to the lower bound. 3 C63 FORMAT ITEM CONTAINS MEANINGLESS CHARACTER(E) An invalid character or syntax error was present in a FORMAT statement. 3 C64 FORMAT ITEM CANNOT BE SIGNED(E) A signed constant can appear only with the P format code. 3 C65 UNBALANCED PARENTHESES IN FORMAT LIST(E) 3 C66 MISSING NUMBER IN FORMAT LIST(E) example: FORMAT(F6.) 3 C67 EXTRA NUMBER IN FORMAT LIST(E) example: FORMAT(I4,3) 3 C68 EXTRA COMMA IN FORMAT LIST(E) example: FORMAT(I4,) 3 C69 FORMAT GROUPS NESTED TOO DEEPLY(E) Too many parenthesized format groups have been nested. FORMATS can be nested to eight levels. 3 C70 END= OR ERR= SPECIFICATION GIVEN TWICE, FIRST USED(E) 3 C71 INVALID I/O SPECIFICATION FOR THIS TYPE OF I/O STATEMENT(F) There is a syntax error in the portion of an I/O statement preceding the I/O list. 3 C72 ARGUMENTS INCOMPATIBLE WITH FUNCTION, ASSUMED USER SUPPLIED (E) The argument list given with a function reference, where the function name is one of the PDF names as shown in Table 1-3, (F4P User's Guide) does not agree in order, number, and type with the requirements of a processor-defined function. The function is assumed to be an EXTERNAL* function supplied by the user. 3 C73 ENTRY WITHIN DO LOOP, STATEMENT IGNORED(E) An ENTRY statement is not permitted within the range of a Do loop. 3 C74 STATEMENT TOO COMPLEX(F) The statement is too large to cpmpile, it must be subdivided into several statements. 3 C75 TOO MANY NAMED COMMON BLOCKS(F) Reduce the number of named common blocks or rebuild the compiler with more space. 3 C76 INCLUDE FILES NESTED TOO DEEPLY(F) Reduce the level of nesting or increase the number of continuation lines permitted. Each INCLUDE file requires space for approximately two continuation lines. 3 C77 DUPLICATED KEYWORD IN OPEN/CLOSE STATEMENT(F) A keyword subparameter of the OPEN or CLOSE statement cannot be specified more than once. 3 C78 DO STATEMENTS NESTED TOO DEEPLY(F) DO loops cannot be nested more than 10(ten) levels. 3 C79 DO STATEMENTS INCORRECTLY NESTED(W) The terminal statements of a nest of DO loops are incorrectly ordered, or a terminal statement precedes its DO statement. 3 C80 UNIT= KEYWORD MISSING IN OPEN/CLOSE STATEMENT(W) The UNIT = subparameter of the OPEN and CLOSE statement must be present. 3 C81 LETTER MENTIONED TWICE IN IMPLICIT STATEMENT, LAST USED(E) An initial letter has been given an implicit type more than once. The last appearance is used. 3 C82 INCORRECT KEYWORD IN CLOSE STATEMENT(F) A subparameter has been specified in a CLOSE statement that can be specified only in an OPEN statement. 3 C83 MISSING I/O LIST(F) An I/O list was not present where one is required. 3 C84 OPEN FAILURE ON INCLUDE FILE(F) The file specified could not be opened. Possibly the file specification is incorrect, the file does not exist, the volume is not mounted, or a protection violation occured. 3 C85 NAME LONGER THAN 6 CHARACTERS(W) A symbolic name has been truncated to six characters. 1 BUILD COMPILE-LINK-AND-GO FORTRAN To simplify the compiling and building of FORTRAN programs by the general user a command file is provided which any user may use to compile and build FORTRAN programs. To automatically compile and build a program type @FTN . For more complex taskbuilds which involve using many of the Taskbuilder options, type @[1,2]F4P. These command files will build a runnable task image from a FORTRAN source file. However, certain assumptions about defaults are imposed on the user. >>> 1. The TYPE of the source file must be FTN. >>> ONLY TYPE IN THE PROGRAM NAME---YOU MUST OMIT >>> TYPING IN THE PROGRAM TYPE AND VERSION. 2. The FORTRAN compiler's switches are all set for the default values.(@FTN only) 3. To save disk space, tasks are built with a Fortran Resident Library using TKB. 4. A task may have only 4 active files open. 5. A task may have only 6 logical units. 6. The logical unit numbers assigned to devices default to. ASG = SY:1:2:3:4,TI:5:CL:6 7. All source(.FTN),object(.OBJ), and task(.TSK) files belonging to the task name are purged each time the command file is run.  After the program is compiled, the user is asked if the compiled program is to be taskbuilt. If the answer is no (lets say errors were seen in the compiled listing of the FORTRAN source) the taskbuilding is skipped and the user is asked if he wants to RE-EDIT the FORTRAN sourcefile. If the answer is yes, the EDITOR is automaticaly invoked, and when the user exits from the editor, the program will again ask you about compiling options and task build options. When the program asks if the program should be taskbuilt the user has several options. He can type N (for no) in which case the program exits. The user can type Y (for yes) , in which case the program is build only with the FORTRAN OTS library. If the user types TCS, the program is also built with the TCS (Terminal Control System) library. This is the correct option to use if the user has not used any ADVANCED GRAPHIC FORTRAN calls. Programs taskbuilt with TCS will take longer to taskbuild. Finally, if the user types ADGRF, the program is built both with the TCS and ADVANCED GRAPHING LIBRARYS. Of all the task build options , this takes the longest to taskbuild.