The Mount command logically connects devices to Ancillary Control Processors (ACP's). There are three forms of the Mount command, depending on the device being mounted. Note that, if the Mount command line is too long to fit on one MCR command line, it may be extended by typing a hyphen at the end of all but the last line. Files-11 Format: MOUnt dev:... Files-11 (ANSI) Magnetic Tape Format: MOUnt dd<(>n1<,n2...)>:<(>lab1<,lab2...)>... Network Format: MOUnt dev:... For information on the options of the various formats, type: HELP MOUNT FILES11 ! For help on Files-11 Format HELP MOUNT MAGTAPE ! For help on Magtape Format HELP MOUNT NETWORK ! For help on Network Format HELP MOUNT KEYWORDS ! For list of keywords for all ! formats. 2 FILES11 The general format of the command to mount a Files-11 device is: MOUnt dev:... where dev: is the device-unit on which the volume is to be mounted (must be specified) volume-label is the label on the volume (written by the INITVOLUME command), 12 characters or less. Default is 12 nulls (no label). Keywords available: /ACP=taskname /EXT=block-count /FPRO=[system,owner,group,world] /LRU=FCB-count /OVR /UIC=[uic] /UNL /VI /WIN=retrieval-pointer-count Type HELP MOUNT KEYWORDS for help on the above keywords. Type HELP MOUNT EXAMPLES for examples of usage. 2 MAGTAPE The general form of the command to mount a Files-11 (ANSI) Magnetic Tape is: MOUnt dd<(>n1<,n2...)>:<(>lab1<,lab2...)>... where dd is a 2-character device name (MT or MM) n is a unit number; n1 is the first unit, n2 the second, etc. lab is a tape label; lab1 is the label of the first volume, lab2 is the second volume's label, etc. Keywords available: /ACP=taskname /BYPASS /DENS=tape-density /FPRO=[system,owner,group,world] /NOLAB /OVR /OVRFSID /OVREXP /UIC=[uic] /VI Type HELP MOUNT KEYWORDS for help on the above keywords. Type HELP MOUNT EXAMPLES for examples of usage. 2 NETWORK The general format of the command to mount a network device is: MOUnt dev:... Where dev is the device-unit to be made available for the user in the network. Keywords available: /ACP=taskname Type HELP MOUNT KEYWORDS for help on the above keywords. Type HELP MOUNT EXAMPLES for examples of usage. 2 KEYWORDS In the following list of keywords, each keyword is preceded by a three- character code indicating the forms of the Mount command that it is legal on. "F" indicates Files-11, "T" indicates magtape, and "N" is used for network keywords. (FT) /ACP=taskname Specifies the ACP to be used. (T) /BYPASS Bypasses tape label processor. (T) /DENS=tape-density Specifies tape density: 800 or 1600. (F) /EXT=block-count Specifies file extension increment. (FT) /FPRO=[system,owner,group,world] Specifies default file protection for volume. (F) /LRU=FCB-count Specifies no. of FCBs to keep for speed. (T) /NOLAB The tape volume set has no label. (FT) /OVR Override label processing. (T) /OVRFSID Override existing file set identifiers. (T) /OVREXP Override expiration date. (FT) /UIC=[uic] Specify UIC volume is mounted under. (F) /UNL Unlock volume index file. (FT) /VI Display volume information on the TTY. (F) /WIN=retrieval-pointer-count Specify number of mapping ptrs to be allocated for file windows. For more detailed help on a specific keyword, type HELP MOUNT KEYWORDS keyword-name 3 ACP The format of the ACP keyword is: (FT) /ACP=taskname Where taskname is the name of the Ancillary Control Processor to use with the volume. The default depends upon device type: Files-11 except DECtape: F11ACP DECtape: DTAACP Magtape: MTAACP 3 BYPASS The format of the BYPASS keyword is: (T) /BYPASS Tape label processing on the volumes mounted is bypassed. 3 DENS The format of the DENS keyword is: (T) /DENS=density Where density is either 800 or 1600. The tape density is set to either 800 BPI NRZI, or 1600 BPI Phase Encoded. Default is 800 BPI NRZI. 3 EXT The format of the EXT keyword is: (F) /EXT=block-count When a file exhausts its currently allocated space on the volume, it is extended by the specified number of blocks. Default is taken from the volume's home block. 3 FPRO The format of the FPRO keyword is: (FT) /FPRO=[system,owner,group,world] Default protection for files is set as specified. The default value of the FPRO keyword is taken from the volume's home block. Each subfield in the keyword may be one to four letters, taken from {R,W,E,D}. The presence of a code character allows that access for the group of users specified by the position of the characters in the keyword value. 3 LRU The format of the LRU keyword is: (F) /LRU=FCB-count The number of directory File Control Blocks kept in memory by the ACP is set to the proper value. More = faster but more memory. Default is /LRU=3. 3 NOLAB The format of the NOLAB keyword is: (T) /NOLAB If this keyword is present, the tape volume set does not have a label. 3 OVR The format of the (privileged) OVR keyword is: (FT) /OVR If this keyword is present, label processing is suppressed so that a volume can be mounted without specifying a label. The label of a volume can be printed by mounting it with the keywords /OVR/VI. 3 OVRFSID The format of the OVRFSID keyword is: (T) /OVRFSID If this keyword is present, existing file set identifiers are overridden. 3 OVREXP The format of the OVREXP keyword is: (T) /OVREXP If this keyword is present, the expiration date of the volume is overridden. 3 UIC The format of the UIC keyword is: (FT) /UIC=[group,member] 3 UNL The format of the UNL keyword is: (F) /UNL If this keyword is specified, the volume's index file is unlocked and may be written. Otherwise, the index file is read-only. 3 VI The format of the VI keyword is: (FT) /VI If this keyword is specified, the volume information for the volume is displayed when the mount is completed. 3 WIN The format of the WIN keyword is: (F) /WIN=retrieval-pointer-count The specified number of mapping pointers is allocated for file access windows. Default: if I/O optimizations are in system, as large as necessary if space is available. If I/O optimizations were not selected during SYSGEN, default is taken from volume's home block. 2 EXAMPLES To mount a pack that has a null label on an RK05 drive, selecting no special options: MOU DK1: To mount a magtape volume set at 1600 BPI, overriding expiration dates: MOU MM(0,1,3):(PAYROLLVOL1,PAYROLLVOL2,PAYROLLVOL3,PAYROLLVOL4,- PAYROLLVOL5,PAYROLLVOL6)/DENS=1600/OVREXP To mount an RP06 for use as the main system device (because of heavy use we will keep high window and LRU counts): MOU DB0:/OVR/VI/LRU=10/WIN=20