PIN (PROCEDURE INTERPRETER) is a task 1/4 the size of the Indirect File processor. It is used identically to ...AT. to control the assembly and taskbuild process during program development. It does not recognize the special ...AT. commands. Rather, it only accepts one line MCR type commands. If during the execution of any command a fatal error is encountered, PIN will cease execution of the command file and allow the user to correct for the problem. A command line creating an error is displayed. By default, other command lines are not displayed. PIN assumes that the command file given to it will have the extension .PRC (for PRoCedure). However, if a different extension is explicitly used, PIN will use that name in looking for the command file. To use PIN type PIN cmdfile example: PIN MYFILE.PRC PIN MYFILE (assumes .PRC extension) PIN MYFILE.CMD MYFILE.PRC might contain commands of the form ; F4P MYFILE.OBJ;1=MYFILE/NOTR ; @BLD MYFILE MYFILE.TSK;1/CP/FP=MIFILE N N N Y ; @OPT MYFILE LIBR=F4PRES:RO ; PIP MYFILE.OBJ;1/DE/NM,MYFILE.OPT;1,MYFILE.BLD;1 PIN also has a number(very limited) of internal commands. Each internal command(which is a part of the command file) is preceded by a $ in column 1. The commands are $DELETE - delete the .PRC file on closing $NODEL - do not delete the .PRC file on closing $TRACE - print each command as it is executed $NOTRA - do not print each command. $EOW - exit on warning error. $COW - continue on warning error(the default) Initiially PIN starts out with NOTRACE, NODELETE, and COW.