The general form of the SET system and/or device characteristics command is: SET /keyword where keyword can be one of: /BUF=ddn: /CRT<=ttn:> /ESCSEQ<=ttn:> /[NO]HOLD<=ttn:> /LIBUIC<=[g,m]> /LOGON /LOWER<=ttn:> /PRIV<=ttn:> /PUB<=ddn:> /REMOTE<=ttn:> /SLAVE<=ttn:> /SPEED=ttn: /SYSUIC<=[g,m]> /termtype<=ttn:> /TOP=parnam:delta /UIC<=[g,m]<:ttn:>> /WCHK<=ddn:> More information may be available by typing HELP SET /upper-case- part-of-keyword. Additional information on setting the character size on the Tektronix 4014 terminals can be found by typing HELP SET SIZE. HELP on special FULL_DUPLEX driver keywords may be obtained by typing HELP SET FULL_DUPLEX. 2 FULL_DUPLEX All keywords that do not take a value may be prefixed by "NO" EBC[=TTn:] ;eight bit characters ECHO[=TTn:] ;echo ESCSEQ[=TTn:] ;recognize escape sequences FDX[=TTn:] ;full duplex FORMFEED[=TTn:] ;hardware form-feed HFILL=TTn:[value] ;set or display number of horizontal fill char HHT[=TTn:] ;hardware horizontal tabs LINES=TTn:[value] ;set number of lines per page RPA[=TTn:] ;read pass all TYPEAHEAD[=TTn:] ;type ahead VFILL[=TTn:] ;set or display vertical fill enables terminals WRAP[=TTn:] ;automatic wrap around on long lines 2 /termtype The following terminal types are recognized with the SET /termtype[=TTn:] command. ASR33 KSR33 ASR35 LA30P LA36 VT50 VT52 VT55 VT61 VT100 LA120 LA30S VT05B LA180S Note that setting the terminal type also sets the following characteristics automatically for that terminal: HFILL FORMFEED CRT VFILL HHT LINES BUFFER WIDTH A new command has been implemented: SET /TERM=TTn:[value] this sets the terminal to the specified type, or displays the type if the value is not included. The value parameter may be any of the above type keywords, or a user defined value. If a standard keyword is used, the command is equivilent to the previous format ex: SET /VT52=TT3: and SET /TERM=TT3:VT52 are equivilent. 2 BUF To set or display the default buffer size of the specified device, type: SET /BUF=ddn:size Typical values are TERMINAL BUFFERSIZE 4014 132. VT52 80. DECWRITER 132. 2 CRT The CRT keyword defines the terminal as a Cathode Ray Tube and enables the backspace deletion option. 2 ESCSEQ The ESCSEQ keyword enables the recognition of escape sequences from the specified terminal. The terminal driver treats the ESC character as the beginning of an escaoe sequence rather than as a line terminator. 2 HOLD The /HOLD keyword enables hold-screen mode at the specified terminal. When hold-screen mode is enabled, the terminal displays one screen- full at a time. 2 LA30S LA30S establishes the specified terminal device as an LA30S and generates fill characters required for any LA30S. 2 LA180S LA180S establishes the specified terminal device as an LA180S and causes the system to suppress normal conversion of form feeds to 8-line feeds. 2 LOWER Specifies that lower-case characters are not to be converted to upper case when they are received from the specified terminal. 2 LIBUIC SET /LIBUIC sets and displays the current value for the non-privleged task UIC. INS $ and RUN $ search for tasks on both LIBUIC and SYSUIC before declaring the task can not be found. 2 PRIV Sets the specified terminal privileged status. 2 PUB Establishes the specified device as a public device (for multiuser protection systems only). 2 REMOTE The keyword declares that the specified terminal is connected to a modem and can be connected by means of a dial-up network. 2 SLAVE Establishes the specified terminal as one that can enter data only if it is solicited from a task; thus, the specified terminal always rejects unsolicited input. 2 SPEED Establishes the receive and transmit baud rate for terminals attached to the system through a multiplexer. 2 SYSUIC This keyword establishes the UIC for the system and all system tasks. 2 TOP In a manner analagous to the VMR SET /TOP command, the SET /TOP command may be used to move the top of a system controlled partition up and down. The syntax is SET /TOP = PARNAME:DELTA where PARNAME must be the name of a system controled partition and DELTA may be a positive or negative number(octal words, decimal words or K words) in almost exactly the same way SET /MAIN is used. SET /TOP is useful for lowering the top of GEN for a short time to put in a resident library which will only be used for a short while. You can not lower a partition top lower than the highest active task or loaded driver, or raise it above the next highest partition. 2 UIC The specified UIC is established as the default UIC for the entering terminal unless dev: is specified, in which case the default UIC is set for that terminal. 2 VT05B Sets the tspecified terminal as a VT05B (a 2400 baud VT05B) and generates fill characteristics of a VT05B. 2 WCHK To enable write check support on a device, type: SET /WCHK=ddn: where n - a unit number dd - one of DB, DF, DK, DM, DP, DR, DS If the equals sign and ddn: are omitted, a list will be displayed on TI: of all the devices that support write check and have it enabled. To disable write check support on a device, type: SET /NOWCHK=ddn: where ddn is as above. If the equals sign and ddn: are omitted, a list will be displayed on TI: of all the devices that support write check but have it disabled. 2 SIZE The character size of a tektronix 4014 terminal may be changed using ESCAPE commands with the keyboard set in local mode or using the TCF MCR command. To set the size from the keyboard, place the LOCAL/LINE switch to LOCAL(disconected from the computer). Type ESC 8 For largest character size. (TCF 33,70) ESC 9 For slightly smaller character. (TCF 33,71) ESC : For smaller character still. (TCF 33,72) ESC ; For smallest character size. (TCF 33,73) Finally return the LINE/LOCAL switch to the LINE polition. # UNKNOWN QUALIFIER @set.hlp