This account contains BIGTPC which is used to make copies of the sig tape. BIGTPC can copy DOS,BRU, and DSC formatted tapes. First one uses BIGTPC to read a master tape into a big disk file. The file is as long as there are blocks on the tape. Then one uses BIGTPC to read that file and copy it back to a blank tape. The bugs in BIGTPC where it would hang up at the end are fixed. To read a master tape onto a disk one uses the following command line: RUN BIGTPC TPC> DN:RSXSP81.BRU=MT: To make a copy of the file onto a blank tape one uses the following command line: RUN BIGTPC TPC> MT:=DN:RSXSP81.BRU The only problem I know of with BIGTPC is that if you install it and use it as follows: TPC DN:RSXSP81.BRU=MT: It will work, but the file RSXSP81.BRU will be in directory [0,0]. [1,200] RSX BASIC - MICHAEL REESE VERSION Overview: BASIC as implemented in the following files under RSX-11D is a highly upgraded version of what used to be a DECUS library program for DOS. Full FILES-11 I/O is supported (although in a bastard sort of way). String functions and user de- fined functions are much more flexible than in either the original version or in DEC's BASIC-11. A number of defici- encies and bugs in the original have been fixed. Multi-user implementation is supported with separate pure and impure areas. This implementation of BASIC is highly interpretive and thus is slow for number crunching (that's why you have FORTRAN). It is however, highly interactive and includes special debugging commands: STEP, CON and SET TRACE. OVERLAY and a data preserving CHAIN are also supported. A clean "break" feature is implemented via the TT handler (more below). In the latest version, a number of RSTS-like features have been added including: virtual arrays, integer and byte variables, continued lines and IF-THEN-ELSE. Files: BASIC0.MAC through BASIC4.MAC plus IDNTFY.MAC and IMPUR.MAC are the seven source files for the interpreter. BASIC4.MAC implements the guts of the user subroutine CALL statement plus a set of specialized subroutines used at Michael Reese Medical Center. This code can probably be removed with a minimum of work if space becomes a problem. The file SPAWN.MAC implements the IAS V3.0 SPAWN directive via a BA- SIC CALL statement. The reference to SPAWNB in IMPUR.MAC should be commented out if not running under IAS V3.0 or higher. Two command files for assembly are provided: 11MASM.CMD and 11DASM.CMD. BIGBASIC.CMD is a task build command file which may be tail- ored for single user operation. Note that for either single user or multi-user operation, routines for trigonometric and transcendental functions are taken from a FORTRAN OTS libra- ry. The library which we are set up for is V01C. This could be changed to use F4P OTS if references in BASIC1 are changed to the F4P entry point names. FOR V02 is an unknown as far as use of its OTS routines are concerned. The task build command files assume these to be in SYSLIB. If they are somewhere else, an explicit reference should be made to whatever library they are in. Another set of command files is used to link a library ver- sion of BASIC. First, an impure area STB is created by as- sembling IMPUR without the symbol definition TASK=1. Use IMPURNOMO.ASM for this. This prevents the global definition of .MOLUN and prevents problems later on. Also assemble IM- PUR with the command file IMPUR.ASM in preparation for final PAGE 2 linking with BAS.CMD (below). IMPURNOMO is then linked to form the symbol table. For RSX11D usd IMPURNOMO.CMD to link the symbol table. The library is then linked using BASPUR.CMD. Put the resulting TSK and STB files in LB:[1,1], install the BASPUR resident library and link with BAS.CMD. The BAS.TSK file can now be installed with differ- ent INC values and different names for optimized use, each one sharing the pure code. A command file for use with ...AT. are provided for doing all of the work described in the above paragraph: 11DSHARE.CMD for RSX11D or IAS. The development of the equivalent command file to do the same for RSX11M-PLUS remains to be done at this point. If some- one has done this, we would appreciate their feedback. One could probably make one following the RSX11D command file and modifying for RSX11M. Programs: MSGEN is a program for generating and modifying an MO mes- sage file for BASIC. The current file is BASIC.MSG. It should be placed under [1,2] on the disk referred to as SD:. BASIC0.MAC can be edited to change the disk name and ac- count. If no MO output is desired, modify BASIC0.MAC by re- moving the line defining the symbol RSX11D. This will pro- duce numbered error messages but no explanatory text. This is automatically done with 11MASM.CMD. BASDOC is a program which extracts RUNOFF format source text from the macro files for BASIC. The output is a file BASIC.RNO which, when processed by a special version of RU- NOFF, produces a fairly complete manual for BASIC. BASIC.DOC is such a manual. The special version of RUNOFF was made at Michael Reese Medical Center for use with a Cen- tronics printer having a wide character option. It also has some non-standard abbreviations for commands. If needed, the BASIC.RNO file could be edited for use with a standard RUNOFF. The special Centronics commands usually start with a "W", i.e. ".WC" instead of ".C" etc. A BASIC break is now implemented via the ^C AST function of the TT handler. Note that the definition RSX11D=1 is used for this option to distinguish between handler AST action under RSX11M and RSX11D. Also note that this break happens between successively executed lines. Thus a one line loop cannot be broken. If you have questions call: Frank R. Borger Dept. of Medical Physics Michael Reese Medical Center 2929 So. Ellis Ave. Chicago, Ill. 60616 (312) 791-2515 PAGE 3 OPERATING SYS : RSX11D - IAS? - RSX-11M? HARDWARE REQ'D : FP11 SOFTWARE FORM : SOURCES AND COMMAND FILES DOC. FORMAT : RUNOFF (MICHAEL REESE VERSION) VERSION : 21FE81 April 6, 1981 Frank R. Borger Instrumentation Division Head Department of Medical Physics Michael Reese Medical Center 29th Street and Ellis Avenue Chicago, IL 60616 SIG members This submission comprises a maintenance release of the REESE Dis-assembler, (DOB.) This program can take object modules or modules automatically extracted from object librarys and create pseudo listings. These lisings can be edited back to MACRO source code. The main difference between this and other routines around, (a la TASKER and DDT,) is that GLOBAL lables that are unde- fined in the object code have their GLOBAL SYMBOL inserted in the text. The end result, especially for EXEC type mo- dules, is much clearer. OPERATING PROCEEDURE Command format DOB TI:=FILE Dis-assemble file.obj to ti: Input defaults to "FILENAME.OBJ" Output defaults to "DISOBJ.DOB" DOB FILE=LB:[1,1]SYSLIB.OLB/LB:XYZ The "/LB" switch says dissamble module "XYZ" from library "SYSLIB.OLB" Errors are currently reported by a "TRAP CODE." A listing of errors versus trap codes are contained in the file "DISOBJ.ERR" The current release contains the following changes: 1. A couple of bug fixes, (mostly involved with code involving byte variables after a "MOV (PC)+" 2. A page formatted output, with a single line header on each page. 3. Addition of the RAD-50 and ascii values in the "comment" section of the dis-assembly, providing easier analysis of DPB'S, ascii error messages, etc. The current version has been updated to handle PSECT attri- butes as set up in the "FLAGS BYTE", (see the TKB manual ap- pendix b) for version 3.0 of IAS. If you are using another version or system, check the code in "GSDDEC.MAC" immediate- ly following the label "attlst:" and compare with your MACRO or TKB manual to see if you must edit this area to conform with what your system is using. Sincerely Yours, Frank R. Borger FRB/pdp April 3, 1981 Frank R. Borger Instrumentation Division Head Department of Medical Physics Michael Reese Medical Center 29th Street and Ellis Avenue Chicago, IL 60616 IAS users Following is a description of the modifications made to MCR to allow DCL type commands on a small MCR type IAS system. The essence of the change is: 1. Dec's MCR is modified by using PAT so that instead of changing the task name from ...XXX to $$$XXX if MCR gets an error of "TASK NOT INSTALLED" MCR changes the task name to "...MAS". 2. The reese task "...MAS", receives the command line, modifies the syntax, and sends it to the necessary utility. For example, a command line of "USE 1,1" has "SET /UIC=[" added to the front, and "]" added to the back. The command is then sent to "SET". 3. If MASsage does not recognize one of the pseudo commands, it instead trys to install "XXX.TSX" from LB:[11,1]. If this is successful it sets the "Re- move-on-exit" flag for the task, and spawns the task. If unsuccessful, massage issues the normal "TASK NOT INSTALLED" message. 4. Massage causes INS to run with a TI: of CO: so users are not confused by any INS error messages if they issue an incorrect command. To install the reese options, 1. Compile and link MASSAGE, and install it in the system. 2. To be sure you have things right, make a copy of MCR.OBJ --- "PIP MCR.OBJ;99=MCR.OBJ" 3. Compile the patch to Dec's MCR and use PAT to patch MCR by using the indirect file "MCRPAT.CMD" ---"@MCRPAT" 4. Task build a test version of MCR (called MCX) by using the command file MCRDECTKB.CMD. The test version can be used either by a "SET /CLI" command, (or just by saying "MCX" to MCR) to verify that the patched version is working correctly. 5. If the modified MCR MASSAGE combination works, in- stall the new MCR in your system. Tips for experienced system hackers. 1. I have included dis-assembled object code for MCR, experienced hackers could make the change to the MCR task image via a 3-word zap, (if they are care- ful.) 2. There are a few massaged commands unique to our system, (DOC tells the system to print the file at LP1: which is loaded with 9&1/2 by 11 paper with perforated edges, suitable for insertion in ring binders, hence it is used mostly for DOCUMENTS.) 3. Examination of the code in MASSAGE should make it fairly simple for system users to include their own command lines into the source. Contents of this submission: 1. MCRPAT.CMD Command file to assemble the patch and PAT MCR. 2. MCRPAT.PAT Macro patch source file. 3. MASSAGE.MAC Source for MASSAGE task. 4. MASSAGE.CMD Task build command file for MASSAGE. 5. MCRTKBDEC.CMD Command file to build a test version of MCR. 6. MCRDEC.DOB Disassembled MCR object. Sincerely Yours, Frank R. Borger FRB/pdp This is file README.1ST for SRD This will be (is???) released on the Miami Spring 81 tape. This is a re-issue of this SRD, which was originally on the SanDiego Fall78 tape. Please take note that this is *NOT* the same as the "working group" version. (I am inclined to say that it works better, but since I never tried the "working-group" version myself, I don't know from personal experience. Others who have used both, though, tell me that this one is the better.) Since the San Diego release, this has had some minor fixes and some small modifications as requested by other users. I have added some more switches, and included "grand-totals", for wild-card directories. The operation concerning omitting system directories has been changed slightly ( /SY switch). Included also in the release are 2 TECO macros, to do a mass-edit on an SRD output file. In TECO, do EISTRIP$$ and EIGET$$ This is a vastly improved version of SRD, dated 6-DEC 1979. by: Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. 312-576-6017 It has been sporadically updated over the last year and a half, so long that I forgot what it's original base was. I think it was the version distributed with our IAS V 2.0 system. The original SRD had a massive number of bugs, the worst one was probably that it would loose files on a Write-back (but mostly only on very large directories) !!!!!!! This version has had all the bugs I could find fixed, plus a lot of enhancements. Some of the key things are: Write-back works properly, and it also re-tries if it gets an I/O error on the write. It will dynamically expand it's core buffer (via EXTSK$ directive) if the directory won't fit. If the entire directory won't fit, it will do it in chunks, each of which is sorted properly; along with a warning message. A trailer line for each directory is given, showing the number of files in the UFD, and the number of files selected. If a switch that causes the file header to be read is specified (/MI, /FU, or a date switch), the number of blocks used/allocated is also given. A "nolist" switch is added, so you can get the above trailer info, without getting a list of the individual files (very handy for scanning an entire disk). The user write-up has been re-written. On date select, the "before" and "after" dates can now both be specified. The format of the output has been slightly modified so that a simple TECO macro can make a PIP command file to copy (or whatever) the selected files. Two macros to do just that are also on this tape, in my UFD for TECO macros. To use them, do: SRD XXX.CMD=???? TEC XXX.CMD *EISTRIP$$ *EIGET$$ * (any other edit you may want to do) *EX$$ This SRD has been built and run on 11D 6.2, IAS V2.0, and 11M V3.1 To build it, do: MAC @SRDASM TKB @SRDBLD The SRDBLD.CMD and .ODL files have to be slightly modified for the various systems. They are commented. The following files are submitted by a CARTS (Chicago RSX LUG) member. README.1ST this text LUT.MAC This program will display the Logical Unit Table LUTASM.CMD of a running task including open file information. LUTKB.CMD FCB.MAC This program will display the the FCB chain of FCBASM.CMD a disk device i.e. all open files on that device. FCBTKB.CMD WHE.MAC This program will display the trace back chain of a WHEASM.CMD running task compiled with Fortran IV plus and /TR WHETKB.CMD TTPOOL.MAC This program will display the number of free buffers TTPASM.CMD in the RSX-11M V3.2 full duplex terminal driver of TTPTKB.CMD a running system. All programs are for RSX-11M V3.2. Some guy at the Fall 80 RSX Q & A asked for the first two programs. Somebody tell him here they are. For more information contact: Frank Penner G. D. Searle & Co. Box 5110 Chicago, Ill. 60680 (312) 982-8181 This UIC contains system-management programs for RSX-11M V3.2 Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 We have found that a set of programs to help you manage the system, especialy a multi-user development system, helps things incredibly. First of all, if you do not yet have CCL, get it!!!!!! ********************************************************************* editor's note: to get CCL on your system please reference Jim Downward's uic [344,*]. I agree with Ray, it is a most useful enhancement to your RSX-11M system. *********************************************************************** We have an 11/70 with over 75 users and 15-20 terminals, doing program development. The disks are an RP-04 and RP-06. Our terminals are VT-100's and Hazeltine 1500's (if you also have Hazeltines, I feel sorry for you, too. That is the biggest piece of junk I have run across in quite some time.) I have put up most of the KMS-FUSION stuff, but I use it for the features it gives, not for accounting. These programs here should all work even if you don't put the KMS stuff up, but the changes to HEL help a lot. We do not have an operator, and there is only privileged user--the system manager. And only two us us know the system manager password. I put in SYSLOG (KMS-FUSION), but I mainly use it to count user QIO's, and to keep the double-word time. I fixed RMDEMO (DEC's copy for 3.2) to use this time counter to display the system up time (RMD starts up on a dedicated CRT when the system boots up). I also use the idle-time count to compute and display the system percent idle time, which gets displayed on line 1 of the RMD screen. Since we lost the rotating lights with the remote front panel, this % display is a handy crutch to see how loaded the system is. OPERATOR THINGS --------------- We do not have an operator, and there is a need for regular non-privileged users to be able to do certain restricted privileged things, so they don't have to bug me to do it. These are things like changing the spooler form number for the LA-120, log off terminals, etc. I set this up by having a special user "OPERATOR", who is privileged, but gets a program run (MONOPR) when he logs on. This program spawns "@OPERATOR.CMD/-LI", which I have asking questions, so that anyone can do them, but only those things which I have set up the command file for them to do. Needless to say, the password for OPERATOR is known to everyone. "MAKOPRMON.CMD" makes this program. I have this user set up to log-in as slave & a task (MONXXX) to be run when HEL exit's. This is in HEL & RSE (KMS-FUSION). If you don't have the mod's to HEL, you might want to fix up your HELLO to do the same thing (putting in the KMS stuff is better, though). TERMINAL TIME-OUT (TT.KGB) -------------------------- One feature that IAS had that we missed was that IAS would time out the PDS prompt and log off the user after a while. Since we have many more users than terminals, this would take care of someone who walked away from his CRT and didn't come back for an hour, but of course, if you just did a PIP, it wouldn't time out. I liked this featue so much that I added a program to do almost the same thing, called "TT.KGB". If a terminal is idle for 9 minutes, it blasts out a message asking if anyone is still there. In another 30 seconds, it sends out another one, and 30 seconds after that, forces a BYE (via RMC). I use the QIO count that SYSLOG (KMS-FUSION) keeps in the terminal UCB to decide if it is idle or not. Every 10 seconds, TT.KGB checks all the terminal UCB's to see if any task has been doing I/O. If not, it looks to see if that terminal has a task running that is not blocked (presumably any program that is running will either do I/o or be non-blocked). This time is long enough that it doesn't screw anyone that is thinking (unless they fall asleep), and it takes care quite well of logging off an idle terminal, so much so that now many of the usere will start up a long indirect command file (compile, assemble, TKB, etc) and just walk away, knowing that they will be safely logged off when it is all done. When I do this myself, I also set my terminal to slave, so that nobody can start typing in things until I do get logged off. MAKTTKGB.CMD creates this. RMC is a (KMS-FUSION) thing. FRC (from DEC) will do an equivalent thing. TIME-SCHEDULED SYSTEM TASKS --------------------------- It is handy to have MCR commands kicked off periodically. For example, you might want to clean-up your disks (delete .LST files, etc) once a day, fire off programs at midnight, etc. It is really yuchy to do this by running the task with a /RSI, and anyway you can't give it an MCR command line if you do that. Therefore, I wrote RECUR, a program which does just that. In your startup.cmd, run RECUR with a /RSI of 5 minutes or so. See my sample STARTUP.CMD. RECUR is driven off a file "RECURRENT.CMD", from which it gets the MCR command, the time-of-day and day-of-the-week when the command should be executed. It keeps track of the last time it ran in another file, so that it does things properly. However, the is a slight problem!!! MCR has a minor bug, in that it always chases down the redirect chain, to see if the physical terminal is logged on. And RECUR's TI: is the console device CO0: (all /RSI tasks have their Ti: set to CO0:), which is re-directed to TT0:, which may or may not be logged on. MCRDIS needs to be fixed so that it doesn't chase down the re-direct chain if the TI: is the console. The fix is the SLP file "MCRDIS1.SLP". This leads to another minor problem. We now have MCRDIS looking at the terminal UCB for CO0: for the LOGIN UIC, CURRENT UIC, & LOGGED-ON bit. You have to ZAP the UCB to set these up. The file ZAPRASX11M.CMD does this. You just have to find the right addresses. They root address is the tag ".CO0", login uic is a negative offset, and the other two are a positive offset. RECUR.CMD builds it. See the listing for more details. SETPRV ------ It is handy to be able to do privileged operations without having to log off & log back into a privileged account. The task SETPRV does this, asking for the "magic word", and if you type in the right one, it will do one MCR command with the terminal privileged, then set it back to non-priv. If you want to stay priv, this command would be: ABO SETPRV. If you need to do 2 or 3, make it "@MCR". RMD --- The fixes to RMD are also here. The RMDRIV is the one that does the one huge QIO (DEC/JAN 81 Dispatch), with a fix. UFD --- I have each user as an entire group by himself. So that user's can seperate their stuff however they choose amoung UIC's, I put a fix into UFD, which will let a non-priv user create a UFD on his LOGIN SY:, with the same group-number and a higher member-number as his LOGIN UIC. For example: User DR1:[21,1] can create DR1:[21,2] but not DR0:[21,anything] User DR1:[25,100] can create DR1:[25,105] but not DR1:[25,10] User DR0:[300,377] cannot create any UFD's This is UFD.COR CKP --- This is a KMS program (fixed by me for virgin 3.2) to checkpoint out all stopped tasks. I set it up to run every 5 minutes. This is seperately on this tape. MVI --- Tells you who has mounted what volumes. FRC --- Force MCR command line to a terminal. RMC --- A KMS-FUSION program to do the same thing. Modifications to RNO from CARTS The following modifications have beene made to the standard RUNOFF. This is a re-issue of the RUNOFF on the last SIG tape. 1. Change bar support. This allows modified areas of text to be marked by a bar (| ASCII code 174 octal) on the left hand side of the page. 2. .BLANK and .SKIP may use negative arguments. This allows text to be moves some number of lines from the end of the page. 3. A shift right switch /RI. This switch allows text to be shifted right some number of columns. 4. Allowing tabs to be relative as well as absolute column number. 5. New commands for emphasis. Dark (via overprinting) and underlining, and commands to easily set the "underscore lock". 6. Support to change character-size for an LA-120 instream. 7. Some misc fixes, to FIGURE, FOOTNOTE, and others 8. New switches to set the default margins and page size on the command line, plus the ability to set some defaults in the task-build command file. 9. FINALLY, after long at last!!!!!!! Table of Contents. Table of Contents is generated by Header-level commands, and is automatically generated at the end of the file. 10. The /PA switch now goes by absolute page number, so that it is usable even on chapter-oriented files. 11. Special characters within a ".LITERAL" are treated as they should be, literally. Page 2 12. The defaults for the output file have been changed slightly, so that it is easier to use. Also, the output device is attached (if it is record-oriented), so that ^O will work. 13. The document has been fixed up & several corrections made. I started to put an explanation in the DOC file about the margins (which is done wierdly), but didn't have time to get it in. To install runoff: Type "@MAKRNO", then throw away the .TSK file you don't want. You may want to edit the task-build file to modify defaults. At Fermilab, we have used these modifications without problems for some time. If you have problems, call Daniel B. Curtis at (312) 840-3927. The fixes for change bar were done by Dan Curtis (no longer at Fermilab) The other stuff was done by Ray Van Tassle, Motorola, (312)-576-6017 As part of my changes, I may have lost the command files that were specific to RSTS. If so, sorry. RVT by: Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. 312-576-6017 This is some modifications to TECO version 36. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 I plan to support these changes as long as I can, so if there is a new version of TECO, I will modify these mods correspondingly. The only ones liable to cause anyone else problems are the patches to OBJ modules. I use DISOBJ to find out where the patches go. At any rate, if you have problems, call me. It would really be nice if this stuff got put into an "official" TECO release. To put them in, put this stuff in the UIC with TECO, and do "@MAKE" They do the following: 1) On an EI command, if the device/UIC are omitted, it will first look in the default device/UIC, and if not found, it will then look in LB:[2,2]. We use this to keep a "library" UIC of handy TECO macros, including a nifty TECO.TEC. 2) Some fixes to terminal I/O for RSX-11D and IAS. 3) When creating a file with an explicit version of ";1", it will re-write it if it is already there. (I would prefer to have a switch on the file-spec to specify /UP, but I didn't want to add things to the external interface. 4) When doing a normal edit (EB), it creates the output file with an initial allocation equal to the size of the input file. This makes the file creation slightly faster. 5) Patch to SCREEN.OBJ and TECO.OBJ, to take better advantage of "split-screen" mode. The one in SCREEN will paint a blob for a space on a HAZELTINE (or another CRT which doesn't have inverse video. The one in TECO.OBJ turns off the automatic echoing of the current text line on and if split-screen is on. 6) If invoked as MUN, TECO will lower it's priority after 30 seconds. This will keep a long MUN (for example: MUN SEARCH) from screwing up the other users. 7) Changed the "IMMEDIATE" mode operation slightly. This is un-documented, but very handy. It lets you write a TECO macro to get control when you use the alternate keypad, like the immediate mode and . This TECO macro is invoked by "n1,n2MA$$", where n1 & n2 tell you which key was pressed. I fixed it so that it would pass the entire 7-bit value to the macro (if I want it stripped to the lower 5 bits I can do it in the macro), and took out the echoing of the command. 8) To go along with this, I have a macro (KEYS.TES), which has most of the useful functionality of VTEDIT, but which is much, much faster and smaller. This works even on a tube (such as a hazeltine) that doesn't have an alternate keypad, you just to give it a double keystroke. 9) To go along with these, there is a TECO.TEC, which will load-up KEYS, go into split-screen mode, and fly! I fixed up CRTRUB.MAC, to add CRT support for a HAZELTINE 1500 (we have both VT-100's & HAZELTINES), and split-screen even works on a tube that does not have it!!!!!!! (Albeit not as nice as on a VT100). 10) The TECO.TEC supplied here set up these things, and if invoked as TES, starts up in split screen mode, if as TEV, starts up in VTEDIT mode. We keep this in LB:[2,2], so everyone gets started with it, unless they over-ride it with their own TECO.TEC. Enhancements to some MCR commands. I put these on my system (M3.2) along with the KMS-FUSION stuff. Jim Downward has these changes and they might possibly be included in his next release. These, however, are totally independent of his stuff. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 ATLOV--Changes to the "ACT" command so that it also tells you the state of the task, without all the garbage that the full one gives. Finally ACT gives you useful info (such as if your task is out or not). BYE -- Mod's to Downward's BYE. This does a spawn & wait to UPD (to avoid a race condition with setting the logoff bit). It also spawns "@LB:[1,5]SETTERM.CMD" to reset the terminal characteristics when the user logs off. HELLO --An enhancement to HELP, to give you a list of the available help-file keywords at a particular qualification level. This is only useful if you have HELP files, and Jim's are the only ones that I know of. (Unless and until DEC puts them in the next release. I know they have them, because our M+ system had over 6000!!!!!! blocks of HELP files. Although in a lot of cases, Jim's are better. DEC seems not to have heard of lower-case letters.) MCRDIS - A fix to allow a time scheduled task (which by definition has CO: as it's TI: device) to spawn tasks via MCR. My RECUR task (supplied on another UIC) uses this. This is the BROOM program that I found on an earlier DECUS tape, modified so it does only rational things. The old one did weird things and had to be a privileged task, and it only worked on IAS. (Aside - I wonder if it is that IAS/RSX11D cause people to become twisted in their thinking. A lot of our IAS programmers do crazy, needless things, too. There is no reason in hell that a program like this should hit any disk than given on the MCR command line, and no reason why it should be privileged. All that aside, this program does serve a useful function). To build it, type @BROOM Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 These are corrections/enhancements to two programs in the KMS-FUSION set. Jim Downward has been given these and he might also put them in his next release. My system is a straight base-level 26, so his CKP did not work. Thes one here does, and it does a good job, especially in kicking out the que-manager, de-spoolers, and RMD if they happen to be in the middle of GEN (which does happen when there are a lot uf users working.) This CVL adds another switch, plus will let a non-privileged user read a volume label of a disk he has allocated. When we switched from IAS to M3.2, nobody could mount their RK-05 disks, because of not knowing the volume labels. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 PULLED THIS TYPE OFF THE FALL 80 SIG TAPE [313,20] I modified it to improve the logic for locating comments, and fixed it so that it will type out control characters in a readable format. It goes into this mode by a switch, or if the file is ?.TEC or ?.TES. This is really a nifty program. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 I got an older copy of TRUNC, which I fixed up so that it is better that PIP /TR. I have set up the default file extend on my public disks to 10 blocks (to get better performance for editting, etc), and TRU runs every night to chop off all the wasted space. This version of TRU handles wildcard UIC's, plus it preserves the file creation & revision dates. ****************************************************************** editor's note: I appended Ray's file TRUNCATE.HLP so that the information on preserving creation and revision dates would be clearer. ******************************************************************** TRUNCATE (TRU) will truncate the allocated but unused blocks off the end of files. It only touches files that indeed have un-allocated blocks (unlike the PIP /TR switch) so it doesn't mess up the files revision date. Also, it preserves the file dates (creation & revision), so none get messed up. Filespec is like PIP's. THIS UIC CONTAINS MISCELLANEOUS RSX-11M TASKS THAT MAY BE OF SOME GENERAL USEFULNESS. INCLUDED ARE: CATEST -- A CAMAC TEST TASK DESIGNED FOR USE WITH ANY DRIVER COMPATIBLE WITH PHIL CANNON'S 3912/3992 DRIVER FOR RSX-11M. THIS TASK ALLOWS A LIST OF COMMANDS TO BE ENTERED AND EXECUTED, AND PROVIDES ACCESS TO THE DRIVER'S LAM HANDLING, LOOPING, AND CRATE CHANGE COMMANDS, AS WELL AS PROVIDING FOR THE SAVING AND RESTORING OF COMMAND LISTS, AND PRODUCING A HARDCOPY RECORD OF THE TEST RUN (BY CREATING A LISTING FILE). CATEST.TXT IS A BRIEF COMMAND SUMMARY. DNDISPLAY -- A PROGRAM THAT BREAKS UP THE DISK REGISTERS FOR THE XYLOGICS DISK CONTROLLER INTO INDIVIDUAL FIELDS, FOR USE IN EXAMINING LOGS OF DISK ERRORS. LOGLST -- A PROGRAM THAT CAN BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH JIM DOWNWARD'S SYSLOG PACKAGE, TO PRINT OUT THE CONTENTS OF THE LOG SORTED BY ENTRY TYPE, WITH USER NAMES INSTEAD OF ACCOUNT NUMBERS. NSPOOL -- A SMALL TASK THAT ENABLES UNPRIVILEGED USERS TO STOP AND START THE SPOOLER. THIS TASK ACCEPTS A "SEND DATA" MESSAGE FROM ANY TASK, AND RESPONDS TO THE COMMAND IN THE MESSAGE BY SPAWNING COMMANDS THAT START OR STOP THE PRINT SPOOLER. IT THEN UNSTOPS THE SENDING TASK, WHICH CAN GO AHEAD AND USE THE PRINTER (E.G. FOR PLOTTING OR OTHER DIRECT OPERATIONS). THE ONLY REQUIREMENT IS THAT NSPOOL RUN ON A LOGGED-ON AND PRIVILEGED TERMINAL (IDEALLY ON CO:). ANOTHER TASK, "UNSPOOL", IS INCLUDED. THIS TASK SENDS THE START AND STOP SPOOLER MESSAGES TO NSPOOL, AND MAY BE USED TO IMPLEMENT START/STOP SPOOLER CCL COMMANDS FOR UNPRIVILEGED USERS. NSPOOL ALSO CAUSES A "TIME" COMMAND TO EXECUTE ON CO: EVERY NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT, THUS MARKING THE DATE WHEN THE CONSOLE LOG WAS PRODUCED. (THIS FUNCTION WAS ADDED TO NSPOOL BECAUSE IT HAPPENS TO ALWAYS BE ACTIVE BUT ALMOST ALWAYS STOPPED, AND IT'S A VERY SMALL TASK ANYWAY.) FINALLY, A FORTRAN SUBROUTINE "SPOOL" IS INCLUDED. THIS SUBROUTINE ALSO SENDS THE START/STOP MESSAGES TO NSPOOL. CALL SPOOL(0) STOPS THE SPOOLER, ASSIGNS LUN 6 TO LP:, AND ATTACHES THE PRINTER. CALL SPOOL(1) (OR ANY OTHER NONZERO VALUE) DETACHES THE PRINTER AND RESTARTS THE SPOOLER. SORT -- A TASK THAT WILL SORT ANY FILE OF FIXED-LENGTH RECORDS (UP TO NINE LINES PER RECORD) INTO ASCENDING OR DESCENDING ORDER ON UP TO NINE FIXED-LENGTH, FIXED-POSITION ASCII KEYS. A MAXIMUM OF ABOUT 300K BYTES OF DATA (ABOUT 600 BLOCKS) MAY BE SORTED, AS THE PROGRAM USES WORK FILES TO STORE PARTS OF THE SORTED FILE. A QUICKSORT METHOD IS USED. TSKBUILD -- THIS IS A MODEL COMMAND FILE THAT CAN BE CUSTOMIZED TO PROVIDE EASIER TASKBUILDING FOR PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT SYSTEMS. BY SUPPLYING PARAMETERS ON THE COMMAND LINE (E.G. "NOF4P" FOR NO F4P RESIDENT LIBRARY, "TEK" FOR INCLUDING TEKTRONIX PLOTTING PACKAGE) THE USER CAN SPECIFY STANDARD LIBRARIES THAT ARE REQUIRED, WITHOUT HAVING TO REMEMBER WHERE THEY ARE LOCATED OR WHICH MODULES MUST ALWAYS BE INCLUDED. THE COMMAND FILE PROMPTS FOR INPUT AS TKB WOULD (E.G. AFTER "/" IT PROMPTS FOR OPTIONS), AND CREATES A TKB COMMAND FILE WITH VERSION 777, WHICH IT SUBMITS TO TKB. THE COMMAND FILE CAN BE DELETED AUTOMATICALLY AFTER IT IS USED, OR IT CAN BE KEPT FOR FUTURE USE DIRECTLY WITH TKB (E.G. TKB @CMDFILE). WHEN -- A SMALL TASK THAT ACCEPTS COMMANDS OF THE FORM: WHEN WAITS FOR TO FINISH, AND THEN SPAWNS THE COMMAND. IT CAN ALSO BE INVOKED AS: WHEN IN WHICH CASE IT PROMPTS FOR COMMANDS TO BE SPAWNED IN SEQUENCE. EMBEDDED "WHEN" COMMANDS OF THE SECOND TYPE CAN BE USED TO WAIT FOR OTHER TASKS TO FINISH. THIS ALLOWS YOU TO "TYPE AHEAD" TO SOME EXTENT; E.G. YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT FOR A COMPILATION TO FINISH TO TYPE "TKB XYZ=XYZ,[1,1]F4POTS/LB"; YOU CAN TYPE: WHEN F4P TKB XYZ=XYZ,[1,1]F4POTS/LB (NOTICE THAT THREE CHARACTER NAMES FOR ...-TASKS ARE ACCEPTED, AND WILL BE HANDLED CORRECTLY AS LONG AS THE TASK IS ACTIVE ON YOUR TERMINAL.) ADMITTEDLY, THINGS LIKE THIS CAN BE DONE BETTER WITH COMMAND FILES, BUT SOME OF US ARE TOO LAZY TO CREATE AND MAINTAIN COMMAND FILES FOR ALL THESE LITTLE THINGS! (BE A LITTLE CAREFUL WHEN USING THIS TASK WITH CCL; IF YOU DO A SEQUENCE OF COMMANDS LIKE THIS: >MAC XYZ=XYZ >WHEN MAC WHEN>LBR XYZLIB/RP=XYZ WHEN>WHEN LBR WHEN>TKB @XYZBLD WHEN>^Z AND ...LBR IS NOT INSTALLED, BUT IS IMPLEMENTED VIA CCL, THEN CCL MAY NOT START THE TASK BEFORE THE "WHEN LBR" EXECUTES; SINCE LBR IS NOT ACTIVE, IT IS ASSUMED THAT IT HAS COMPLETED, AND THE TKB @XYZBLD IS STARTED. ONE WAY THIS PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED IS TO DO A "WHEN CA." BEFORE THE "WHEN LBR".) XPR -- THIS TASK IS DESIGNED FOR USE WITH A VERSATEC 1200A PRINTER/ PLOTTER (OR EQUIVALENT), AND WITH VERSATEC'S LP: DRIVER. THE 1200A PRINTS 132 COLUMNS ON PAPER THAT IS 11" WIDE AND 8.5" HIGH, WHEREAS NORMAL PEOPLE ARE USED TO PAPER THAT IS 11" HIGH AND 8.5" WIDE. THIS TASK USES THE PLOTTING CAPABILITIES OF THE 1200A (200 DOTS PER INCH) TO PERFORM SOFTWARE CHARACTER GENERATION, AND PRINT MORE READABLE DOCUMENTS. AS LONG AS CHARACTERS ARE GENERATED BY SOFTWARE, IT WAS DECIDED TO LET THE PROGRAM ALSO DO PROPORTIONAL SPACING, RIGHT MARGIN ALIGNMENT, SPECIAL SYMBOLS, UNDERLINING, DOUBLE-WIDTH CHARACTERS, AND DOUBLE-SPACING. 59 LINES OF 80 CHARACTERS CAN BE PRINTED WITH "NORMAL" SPACING; LINES MAY BE SHORTER OR LONGER WITH OTHER SPACING OPTIONS. AUXILIARY TASKS ARE SUPPLIED TO BUILD THE CHARACTER SET DATABASE, AND TO CREATE SPECIAL SYMBOL FILES FOR GENERATING MATH OR SCIENTIFIC SYMBOLS, SUBSCRIPTS AND SUPERSCRIPTS, ETC. VTEDITMIM -- THIS .TEC FILE, ALONG WITH TECOMIM.INI, HAS BEEN USED TO IMPLEMENT A SCREEN-EDITING TECO SYSTEM FOR MIME-I TERMINALS. THE MIME-I EMULATES THE DEC VT52, BUT HAS NO ALTERNATE KEYPAD. CONTROL CHARACTERS AND ESCAPE SEQUENCES THAT ARE EASY TO REMEMBER ARE USED TO IMPLEMENT EDITING COMMANDS. THE FILE TECOMIM.TXT CONTAINS THE COMMAND LIST. TECOMIM.INI IS USED WITH A SLIGHTLY MODIFIED TECO.TSK, WHICH PICKS UP TECO.INI FROM A STANDARD UIC (E.G. [1,2]) INSTEAD OF FROM THE USER'S UIC. IT PREPROCESSES THE COMMAND LINE, AND THEN STARTS UP THE VTEDIT MACRO FILE. VSDRV -- THIS IS AN RSX-11M V3.2 DRIVER THAT IMPLEMENTS SOME OF THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE "VARAIBLE SEND DATA" FUNCTION AVAILABLE ONLY WITH M-PLUS. THE DRIVER MANAGES ANY NUMBER OF NAMED QUEUES OF VARIABLE-LENGTH MESSAGES. FUNCTION IMPLEMENTED INCLUDE: CREATE QUEUE, DELETE QUEUE, "WRITE" (SEND MESSAGE), AND "READ" (RECEIVE MESSAGE). IT IS POSSIBLE TO EMULATE THE RECEIVE-DATA AST BY PERFORMING A "READ AND WAIT" QIO WITH AN AST SPECIFIED. ALL STORAGE IS ALLOCATED FROM A PRIVATE POOL AREA WITHIN THE DRIVER, SO THAT ONLY THE NECESSARY QIO PACKETS COME OUT OF EXECUTIVE POOL SPACE. INCLUDED WITH VSDRV IS A UTILITY PROGRAM "VSUTIL", WHICH CAN BE USED TO CREATE AND DELETE QUEUES, AND TO DISPLAY THE CURRENT CONTENTS OF THE DRIVER'S POOL. ALL .CMD FILES EXCEPT TSKBUILD.CMD ARE DESIGNED TO GENERATE THE SPECIFIED TASK OR SET OF TASKS. IT IS EXPECTED THAT F4P, MAC, LBR, AND TKB ARE INSTALLED (OR IMPLEMENTED VIA CCL) WHEN THE COMMAND FILE IS INVOKED, AND THAT THE F4P OTS IS IN [1,1]F4POTS.OLB. AN F4PRES UNDER [1,1] IS ALSO EXPECTED (EDIT BUILD FILES TO REMOVE REFERENCES TO F4PRES IF NECESSARY.) THE .TKB FILES ARE TASKBUILD COMMAND FILES. VSDRV ASSUMES THAT RSXMC.MAC EXISTS UNDER [200,200], AND THAT RSX11M.STB EXISTS UNDER [1,54]. ALL STANDARD LIBRARIES (SYSLIB, EXELIB) ARE ASSUMED TO BE UNDER [1,1]. BUILD FILES DO NOT REFERENCE ANY DEVICES EXPLICITLY (NOT EVEN LB: OR SY:)!!! Submitted by John Osudar Science Applications, Inc. 1211 West 22 nd street suite 901 Oakbrook, Il. 60521 (312) 655-5960 April 3, 1981 Frank R. Borger Instrumentation Division Head Department of Medical Physics Michael Reese Medical Center 29th Street and Ellis Avenue Chicago, IL 60616 IAS lug members The following is a description of the Michael Reese Medical Center RUNOFF oriented submission to the SPRING 81 DECUS lug. 1. Reese RUNOFF. Although this departs from the RUNOFF SIG'S attempt to cut down on the profligate versions of RUNOFF floating around, this has some features which I think are of interest to users, and inclusion in the RUNOFF sig version would probably take too long. In addition, some of the documentation for REESE programs takes advantage of these features, and would not work on standard RUNOFF. Changes made include: 1. Support for DIABLO type printers, including 1. Text enclosed in "{}"'s is printed in RED. 2. Proportional spacing to fill lines, rather than multiple space insertion. 3. Capablility of inserting any octal char- acter in the source, for things like half line-feed's etc. 2. Seperate margin commands that only affect the HEADER lines, so that they don't move if you temporarily change your margins. 3. Output is standard "record" oriented, rather that with embedded carriage control, so EDIT can edit it and output can be used as log-on message files. (Unfortunately underlining via an overprint no longer works, but you can't have everything.) 2. RNP RNP is a pre-processor for RUNOFF. It has the ability of inputing a file containing normal RUNOFF source and: 1. Opening secondary files and inserting the text in the main RUNOFF source. 2. Opening TI: as a secondary input. 3. Issuing prompt lines to TI to that you know what you should enter. (This letter was prepared from a stock form using RNP.) 3. DIABLO After we got our DIABLO printer, we discovered we couldn't do all the nice things because the TTY handlers kept stripping off most of the control codes we sent. DIABLO reads in an input file and sends it to the DIABLO in WRITE-PASS-ALL mode. (You will have to change the TKB command file to reflect which terminal line the DIABLO printer is connected to.) 4. TWOPAGE TWOPAGE is a REESE BASIC program which seperates seperate pages into "left" and "right" files. The resultant files are printed seperately on the printer, (reloading the paper at the same starting point, but reversed before the second printing.) The result is a manual printed on both sides of the paper. Provision is made to ensure that chapters are always started on a "right-hand" page, etc. 5. RNOMAN RNOMAN is an example of using REESE BASIC to ex- tract CHAPTER, APPENDIX and HEADERLEVEL data from a first pass of the RUNOFF manual, and creating a TABLE OF CONTENTS. The table of contents is then inserted into the RUNOFF source, and a second pass of RUNOFF produces the final manual herein present- ed. Sincerely Yours, Frank R. Borger FRB/pdp ; ***** README.1ST FOR ADVENTURE ***** This version of ADVENTURE is the same as the one on an earlier New Orleans Spring 1979 [307,7] DECUS Symposium tape. This has been converted to upper/lower case, so the messages are more tasteful (a la DUNGEON), some minor bugs have been fixed, it has SAVE/RESTORE, so you can interrupt a game to continue later, and it has pre-loaded data files, so it doesn't have to go thru a long initialization phase when you start up. The internal data files are accessed read-only, and are: PB0:[300,375]ATEXT.DAT & PB0:[300,375]AINDX.DAT Despite the instructions in the ADVENT.DOC file, you can cause them to be re-created form the ATEXT.TXT file by just deleting the old ones and running the game. If it can't open the old ones, it will give an error message and create new ones on the default device/UFD. Just copy them to PB0:[300,375]. If you wish to change where they are, change the file-spec in AINIT.FOR & ASUSP.FOR The SAVE/RESTORE file is ASAVE.DAT;1 in the default device/UFD. This will allow everyone to have their own save file. To make it for RSX-11M, just type "@MAKADV". You might want to put back in the LIBR=FCSRES line. The task-image (without FCSRES) is included here, and should be runnable. It should compile on either FOR or F4P, and you might have to change the library reference in the ODL file for your system. This copy has a random-number genererator in MACRO-11. This version **DOES NOT** use any floating-point or long integers. If you have problems, you may call me: Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 This is the SCLUG (Southern California Users' Group) (RSX) submission for the Miami 1981 DECUS meeting. UIC [301,2] contains information about all programs our user group has submitted. LIB.DIR is a brief 2-line description of each program, and LIB.DOC is the complete description of the programs. The following is a brief description of the programs submitted for this meeting: DIRECTORY DECUS SIG TAPE DESCRIPTION --------- -------------- ------------------------------------------------ [301,053] MIAMI 81 HLP - CONVERTS DEC'S HELP (PART OF HELLO) INTO FORTRAN-CALLABLE SUBROUTINE [541,054] MIAMI 81 DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT HELP FILES & UTILITY PGMS INCL TEXT PLOTTING, CCL/HELP FILE ENTRIES, ETC. [541,055] MIAMI 81 IAS - TCP SUBTASKING FROM HI-LEVEL LANGUAGES [541,056] MIAMI 81 11M - MACRO PREPROCESSOR & C RUN-TIME LIBRARY TO SUPPORT UNIX STD I/O PACKAGE + DISK CACHE [541,057] MIAMI 81 11M - FRONT-END TO COMMAND-LINE-INTERPRETER [541,060] MIAMI 81 11M - PROGRAMS TO CREATE MULTI-USER PROGRAMS [541,061] MIAMI 81 HELP FILE FOR EVANS & SUTHERLAND PS2 [301,053] MIAMI 81 HLP - CONVERTS DEC'S HELP (PART OF HELLO) INTO FORTRAN-CALLABLE SUBROUTINE Base level: Version JN3.2B Date: 07-MAY-81 Patch level: None Date: Submitted by: Jim Neeland Hughes Research Labs 3011 Malibu Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 phone: (213) 456-6411 Description: A SLP file to convert DEC's copyrighted HELLO distributed source into a FORTRAN-callable subroutine to read and display standard-formatted .HLP files (see MCR OPERATIONS MANUAL under HELLO for format, or read comments in MACRO source code.) Also included are a sample/test FORTRAN program, along with a little utility subroutine to cancel control-O's (in case terminal was attached by main program). Note: This SLP file also incorporates Jim Downward's HELP file enhance- ment to provide text output when there has been no keyword match. Format is: # alone in column 1, followed on succeeding lines by desired text. See sample TEST.HLP file. System reqts: Approx. 1K words for the subroutine. Documentation: DEC's source comments, plus well-commented SLP input. Note that the SLP input has explicit audit comments, rather than inserted by SLP. This is to allow 'audit' information in column 72-80, which cannot be done by SLP when existing lines have information beyond 72. This is a bug in SLP which has been fixed but for which the patch has not been published. Status: More or less finished product. The resulting subroutine has been incorporated into a major program, thus eliminating large amounts of HELP information in the form of FORMAT statements. Desired enhancements: None I can think of at the moment. Support: The author welcomes comments & suggestions, but does not guarantee to fix anything. 22-April-81 This file describes the rather meager contribution from the Computer-Aided Technology and Acoustics groups at Douglas Aircraft for the Spring 1981 DECUS symposium. Included in this directory are a number of small, but useful utility programs and subroutines. Each group of routines has its own .DOC (and maybe even a .RNO) file to describe its function. The programs are: RID - Multi-purpose program TAB/deTAB, de-trailing blanks/ sequence number-er program written in RATFOR FLABEL - Uses HP-7221 plotter to plot "fancy" (multi-font) character labels CCLDSP - Reads your CCL command file(s) (if you have CCL, that is) and prints a nice, sorted & formatted listing of available commands HELPDSP - Reads your HELP.HLP file for all top level entries and outputs a nice, sorted & formatted list file suitable for use in creating help indices SCR - Reads your Teleray-12 screen memory into a disk file and optionally spools it the the print spooler or adds a time- stamp or appends it to an old file CLEAR - Clears the screens of VT-52, Teleray-10/12 and VT-100 CRT's (as well as any 24-line CRT) as well as enables the buffering features of Teleray-10 & Teleray-12 terminals GETMCL.MAC - Fortran-callable subroutines used to read input like all those fancy MACRO utility tasks MAG.MAC - Fortran-callable subroutines to handle magtapes SHIPS - Teleray-12-oriented CRT game We have also included our help files, which involved no little time and effort to type in, in the hope that they may save someone else the trouble. THIS IS FOR IAS USERS USING HI LEVEL LANGAUAGES (F4P,FOR,PL1) AND WANTING TO USE (TCP) SUBTASKS. "SUBTASK.BIS" IS A BATCH STREAM THAT WILL BUILD A LIBRARY OF MARK LEWIS OLD TIMESHARING CONTROL SERVICES SUBROUTINES. THERE WERE A NUMBER OF ERRORS IN THE OLD SUBTASK PACKAGE (PROGRAMS THAT HAD BUFFER OR ARRAY ADDRESS THAT WERE 16K OR OVER WERE REJECTED AS ERRORS), ALSO THE LIBRARY WILL ALLOW THE USERS TO EXTRACT ONLY THE ROUTINES THAT ARE NEEDED, NOT THE HOLE PACKAGE. THE USER SHOULD EDIT SUBTASK.BIS TO REFLECT THE DESIRED UIC'S. This directory contains a new version of the mp macroprocessor. See readme.2nd for details. Using the above along with some C routines is a C runtime library (pieced together from other librarys) which supports the unix standard i/o package plus a true disk cache (this is new). Thus it efficiently supports the array of bytes concept. With this, one can treat a file as a 32 bit address space. So, along with this are some C routines which implement a HEAP structure on disk. This was for a school project on relational database storage structures and also includes a package of doubly linked list routines for the disk heap. This directory contains a front end to a command line interpreter written in MP which permits the user to spawn commands that can be saved, edited, and invoked via control characters. It is under 3.3K with just 2 buffers, but it expands. See the file jpl.doc. To build: @make (you will have to edit the build file to change the uic references to where the mp macroprocessor libraries are) This directory contains two programs which I use to create multiuser programs. See the feb 1981 multi-tasker for details. The programs here just copy portions of files from one file to another. The rocpy also needs to know the address of the disk r/o code pointer cell. The program echos the expected value if no parameters are given on the command line. The file f3 is just a module with an fsrsz of 3. The remainder of the build files (.ftb) references the mp macroprocessor directory. To build, modify the uic in the *.ftb files to reference the uic for the mp macroprocessor. Then: @make. This directory contains an Evans and Sutherland PS2 Help file. It was created from the manual sources. SEATTLE LUG's contribution to the 1981 Spring RSX/IAS Tape Copy [302,211] - TMON TMON is a task monitoring utility based on Bob Stodola's PC monitor (PCM). It is very useful either as an optimizing tool or as a debugging aid. TMON monitors a target task's PC and overlay segment descriptor table and accumulates statistics. A reporting task will read the accumulated data a provide a histogram of the task'S PC and overlay segment activity. The histogram report can be for the entire task or just selected portions of it. TMON will work for either overlaid or non-overlaid tasks, but in order to function properly it will require an up-to-date map file, which it will read to get information about segments and starting virtual addresses. It works properly under IAS and is dependent on the structure of IAS. Some revision would be necessary for it to work under RSX-11M or M+. [302,304] - INDEX INDEX is a highly enhanced FORTRAN cross referencing program. In addition to regular cross referencing, it can cross reference entry points with modules or all variables for an entire program. It also has numerous switches for such things as identifing defined, but not referenced variables. INDEX was originally written by Michael Levine of China Lake and has been submitted to Tape Copy at least twice, the last being the Fall of 1980 in San Diego (I understand he plans to submit it with further revisions at the 1981 Fall Symposium in Los Angeles). This version contains the following changes to the San Diego version: 1) Capabilility of merging the cross reference listing of a file with the actual F4P listing. 2) Capability of differentiating between FUNCTION calls and array references. 3) A few bug fixes and miscellaneous clean-up. INDEX has a conditional assembly parameter (RSX) that allows it to be built for either RSX/IAS or for RT. However, some of the switches will not function properly under RT. INDEX's /HELP switch will look for the INDEX.HLP file on [1,2]. To change the UIC or filename make the appropriate changes in BUFFER.MAC. TEDI EDITOR FORMATTER Clair W. Nielson Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 The files TEDI.TSK, TEDRSX.TED, TEDRSX.DOC, and TEST.TED are included. TEDI.TSK is the executable. If installed it will have name ...TED and PRI=65. TEDRSX.TED is the source text for the documentation, set up for the TEDI formatter, while TEDRSX.DOC is a formatted version ready for a printer. TEST.TED is an example of TEDI formatter source text which exercises most of its features, including equation formatting to daisy-wheel printers. ************************************************************ editor's note: sorry, but the documentation file "TEDRSX.DOC" was not run through TECO. So it has a bunch of unwanted carriage return,line feeds in it. FLX eats another one. For those who don't know it, the DOC file output of RUNOFF (or TEDI ??) must be passed through TECO before FLX will correctly copy it to magnetic tape. ********************************************************** Spring 1981 DECUS Distribution Joe Sventek Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory The UIC's and their contents for this distribution are: [307,30] This file and TOOLGEN.CMD, the command file for building the LBL Software Tools Virtual Operating System. The release notes for the VOS are also contained in this UIC. [307,31] Fortran and macro sources for VOS. [307,32] Manual entries for VOS utilities. [307,33] Ratfor source files for VOS utilities. [307,34] Source files for variable-length send/receive driver. [307,35] Source files for virtual aether driver. SPRING 1981 [312,315] COLLECTION This submission contains a DDT with many extensions and the ability to handle debugs from a separate task under RSX/IAS. It also contains two tape control programs, one able to read files from Data General RDOS tapes (DGT) and another able to write files that can be read by RDOS on Data General equipment. An earlier version without ability to read DG generated tapes is included as BIGTAPE. All functions are in DGT, which can handle 7 or 9 track DG tapes. DDT FROM A SEPARATE TASK (ALSO STILL WORKS AS PART OF YOUR TASK; BOTH VERSIONS HAVE MANY NEW FUNCTIONS) DDT is able to debug one task from another now, symbolically. That is, this version of DDT may be built as a separate task and the task being debugged is then linked with a small (about 200 words) DDT "kernel" (called, appropriately enough, DDTKNL) which controls execution. DDT itself does most of the work of debugging and supports a very large and powerful array of commands. These include the ability to read symbol table files, memory watchpoints, breakpoints, single stepping, examining numbers in any format including floating point, setting variables, defining labels, looking at assembly language, or examining memory image files. The ability to examine core image files is present to permit DDT to be used (reading the symbol table) to allow an effective SYMBOLIC OPEN on RSX11M.SYS files or TASK IMAGE files or crash dump files. (Yes, you may now pretty much discard ZAP once DDT is installed.) DDT can debug several tasks at a time, keeping separate sets of breakpoints, conditional breakpoint controls, watchpoints, etc. for each task being debugged (up to a limit set at the time of assembly of DDTMU by setting a number of tasks; the initial maximum is 16 tasks at a time). It uses the debug kernel to control breakpoints. To access task space, it can either do its own mapping (fairly fast but a bit dangerous in a heavily swapping system), or use the debug kernel also for that (slower, but safe and not noticeable except during single stepping or searches). User control of the options is at runtime if they are included at assembly time. It is possible to build a DDT thatdoes not have access to arbitrary system memory and runs nonprivileged in case that is desired. All normal DDT options for building DDT in with your task are still present, and there is no difference of commands in the two flavors of DDT. A simple code profiler is included in DDT which allows you to specify a base address to "profile" (PRFBAS) and a shift count to shift addresses down. If DDT is put into single step mode, a DDT array called PRFHST will be incremented in the bin determined by the PC of the instruction. The calculation finds the word to increment by computing (PC-PRFBAS) shifted down by the "shift count" bits. If the result fits into PRFHST, the PRFHST word is incremented. Normal DDT commands may be used to display PRFHST after you get the program to stop. To generate DDT, type @DDTBLD and answer the questions. In IAS you will need to use the MCR version of indirect. If this is installed as ...IND, you can use a command like "IND @DDTBLD" to run it. Many options are supported, and you can generate DDT for use in the task, or in a separate task. The profiler is described by the sysgen further. Because DDT is now able to run in a separate task, it is possible to do some fancy things like reading symbol tables that were too costly before. Since many users are FORTRAN programmers, a public domain program is included which was slightly modified from a version at Institute for Cancer Research which can read FORTRAN .LST files and taskbuilder .MAP files and construct a symbol table file. This program is designed primarily to make the symbol file for FDT, a FORTRAN debugger that is also included. However, it can also make up a pseudo- .STB file that DDT can read and which gives separate names to each FORTRAN line number, statement label (where possible), and makes all variable and array names effectively global so DDT will know, once it opens the symbol table file, where they are. This permits DDT to set a breakpoint symbolically on any FORTRAN line number so that you can debug FORTRAN programs symbolically at a fairly high level if you can find as few as 200 words in your task's space for the debug kernel. DDTBLD.CMD will ask questions and allow DDT to be built, in any of various flavors, for IAS, RSX11M, or RSX11M+. If you have DOS, RT11, HT11, or other systems, DDT will work (though not from a separate task and not able to read .STB files), even on an LSI-11. It is a useful debug tool on any PDP11. (For you hackers, there is a conditional assembly in the DDT22.MAC source that allows DDT to treat ISD declarations like GSD declarations if you can get an .STB file created that will contain internal symbols.) NOTE TO IAS USERS DDT22M is fairly critical if built to allow access to arbitrary memory. Because IAS mapping information is stored in task headers all over memory, DDT22M MUST be in $UM mode before you start up a DDT task so its initial attempt to find the tasks it is debugging will succeed. If this is not so, it can crash your system. I build DDT22M on IAS (using the MCR indirect command processor) with arbitrary access disabled, which gives a much safer operation, if a bit slower; send/receive data is used as the exclusive path to the target tasks. RSX11M is a bit safer from DDT22M, but even there I default it to use send/receive to avoid shuffling/swapping problems. I have found that in full timesharing IAS both DDT and the task must run realtime for the suspends and resumes to work. I don't know why, but the workaround is to run both realtime. In IAS 3.1 you may be able to build the tasks with the /SR switch to get them to work. This switch doesn't exist for V3.0. The build file will ask if you have IAS V3.1 and assemble a very VERY silghtly different DDT22M if you do. I don't know if the /SR switch works; IAS V3.1 hasn't arrived our way at this writing. DGT and DGWRIT are separate tasks; see the DGWRIT.FLX source (in FLECS, so the FORTRAN version is supplied for those not having the FLECS preprocessor in house) to see how to put DGWRIT together. DGT works off console commands and is pretty much a manual tool. Its only virtue is that it works. There is a file called DGWRT7 whose intent is to allow you to write 7 track tapes a DG machine can read. Don't mix them; DG does some things differently from DEC on 7 track tape and messing around was needed. The FDT and FDTSYM files on the tape are the FORTRAN debugging tool from Institute for Cancer Research, but with the FDTSYM as a mod of their TRACE program to generate symbol tables. There are rumors the package has some problems on 11M systems; should be solid in IAS. For amusement, I have added also another F4P debug aid called FPODT (FPODT and PREPRC are the sources pertaining to FPODT) which goes through a task image and changes all references to $SEQC to traps. A module in your task (which must first call it to initialize and all of whose FORTRAN programs must be compiled with /TR:ALL) then allows single steps, variable examine/modify, or breakpoints. It does not allow starting from new places as FDT and DDT do. However, it can be used along with either FDT or DDT. Just depends how much you are willing to do to find the bugs. FPODT single stepping would go from one trap to the next, so does not need to set the T bit and ought to be faster than single stepping with FDT or DDT, even in your task image, since it steps FORTRAN lines, not instructions. The TPCDIR program here can list directories of TPC container images of FLX tapes, and even extract files from such images, one at a time. The main use is to avoid a separate tape pass to make a directory when making tape copies. A new version of the MSX system is included. It works under RSX11M+ now and has several bugs fixed so that it is much better tested. Note when building it that the security categories in MXSTLS should be set up as you really want them...the system will block data transfers where military security policy is violated and the present sources are experimental and have several invalid possible transfers with those security categories. The MXTST module is the test program which illustrates its use. It should be interesting to those who want to experiment with what trying to use a secure kernel is like, especially on distributed systems. Note the stand alone version is considerably less tested than the RSX version, but the basic mechanisms, mapping, and I/O are known to be good. Be careful of using directives like MODSTT in secure kernel systems; they only work from libraries or if your task has "ignore multilevel security" privileges. Also, you need the asynchronous I/O privilege to allow any I/O to be logically asynchronous in a secure system. Device ownership may be implemented by adding a special category for "device" to the special category list of the device and that of its owner. Also included is a version of Michael Lampi's XMIT program that has been built to run under IAS V3. (Should be OK in V3.1 but can't test yet.) The IAS code has been mostly conditioned, and the RSX11M version also took less CPU than the original. However, RSX11M and RSX11M+ users may have to do a bit of retrofitting. It may be the IAS version will work in 11M too but it's terminal I/O is via read/write, not via AST for input, relying on the full duplex driver to keep characters around. Reducing CPU load has been a primary concern. Glenn Everhart ORNL Virtual Disk Package ------------------------- By: Kenneth J. Cross Oak Ridge National Laboratory Bldg. 3500, MS-7 P.O. Box X Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Phone: (615) 574-5729 The following package includes: UIC Description -------- ----------- [313,20] AVD -- Associate virtual disk utility [313,21] DVD -- Dissociate virtual disk utility [313,22] Virtual disk device driver (VD:) [313,10] HELLO and BYE sources with modifications ******************************************* editor's note: The modified sources to HELLO and BYE were deleted. The sources are liscensed software and as such cannot be distributed. Users are encouraged to submit SLP files when they wish to modify a DEC source module. To try and help matters along I ran CMP and compared Ken's HELLO.MAC with HELLO.DEC. HELLO.DEC is the version of HELLO.MAC that comes on an 11M v3.2 release kit. The output file is HELLO.CMP. I did the same for BYE. I ran CMP and compared Ken's BYE.MAC with BYE.DEC. BYE.DEC is the version of BYE.MAC that comes on an 11M v3.2 release kit. The output file is BYE.CMP. *********************************************** [313,24] HELLO and BYE command files [313,30] TRMSET -- Sets terminal characteristics at LOGIN Introduction ------------ If you are unfamiliar with Virtual Disks, you should find out about them. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to write up a thorough description of what VD's are. They are described by Ralph Stammerjohn (the original inventor/author to whom all praise and glory belongs) on the Spring '79 DECUS tape. I presented a paper on VD's at the Fall '80 DECUS in San Diego and the write-up in the Proceedings of that Symposium describes VD's, how they work, and how great they are. The following discussion assumes a rudimentary knowledge of VD's and how they work. Virtual Disk Driver ------------------- First of all is the virtual disk driver VDDRV. It has changed very little from the original Stammerjohn version, except for some protection mechanisms to make sure the host disk (i.e., the disk on which the VD is allocated) has not been changed. VDDRV is really trivial (which is the beauty of the entire VD package). AVD and DVD ----------- There are two other utility programs called AVD and DVD. (I have changed the meaning of these from the original "Allocate Virtual Disk" and "Deallocate Virtual Disk" to "Associate Virtual Disk" and "Dissociate Virtual Disk" since there was some confusion with the MCR ALLocate operation.) AVD and DVD have been changed considerably from the original Stammerjohn version. The reason for the changes were to enable a large number of unsophisticated users to use VD's easily. It usually happened that every time you logged on and ran AVD to get a virtual disk, it was a different virtual disk unit every time, e.g., VD1: one day and VD5: the next. So we had AVD pick the first available VD unit and assign it to the logical device name VS: for that user. For example, if VD0: and VD1: are in use, then running AVD will generate the equivalent of the MCR command "ASN VD2:=VS:/LOGIN". Note that VD2: is the first available VD unit and the /LOGIN prevents the (non- privileged) user from accidentally removing the assignment. In this manner, you always could reference the virtual disk as VS:. If you need more than one VD, then AVD assigns the first one to VS:, the next one to VS1:, etc. Major modifications include: 1. The format of AVD is now >AVD filespec where "filespec" is the file specification of the virtual disk file on a host disk. AVD automatically determines the first available virtual disk unit (VD:) and assigns it to the first available logical device name VS: for the user. For example, >AVD DISK1 Will assign the virtual disk DISK1 to VD:, and assign VD: to VS: for the user. >AVD DISK2 Will then assign DISK2 to VD1: and VD1: to VS1:. The idea is to always be able to refer to your virtual disk as VS:, no matter what VD: it is really assigned to. A /VM switch on AVD also assigns the virtual disk to logical device VM:, i.e., "ASN VD:=VM:". 2. AVD /HELP provides some help. 3. AVD /ID and DVD /ID prints the version numbers of the tasks. 4. AVD and DVD both have /NM switches to suppress informational messages. 5. AVD has a /LI switch to list the current assignments for all the virtual disks. A /BR switch gives a brief listing. 6. DVD /ALL will dissociate all virtual disks in use by this terminal. It simply checks all VS: assignments for the terminal and dissociates them. (DVD /ALL is used on logout.) There are a number of other features that would only be appreciated by a close inspection of the sources. These include protection features and PIPUTL for error handling. HELLO and BYE ------------- *********************************************************************** editor's note: The modified sources to HELLO and BYE were deleted. This is liscensed software and as such cannot be distributed. Submitors are encouraged to submit SLP files when they wish to modify a DEC source module. I ran CMP and compared HELLO and BYE as modified by Ken with the HELLO and BYE supplied by DEC on an 11M v3.2 release kit. The results of the comparison are in HELLO.CMP and BYE.CMP. ************************************************************************* The modifications to HELLO and BYE are not required to implement the --- rest of the virtual disk package. The mod to HELLO checks for a command file in LB:[201,1] that corresponds to the UIC of the person logging on, e.g., if they are logging onto UIC [123,321], then HELLO looks for file LB:[201,1]123321.CMD. If it finds it, then it is executed with the terminal privileged and slaved. --------------------------------------- After the command file is finished, then the user is logged on non-privileged. If that file is not found, then HELLO looks for LB:[201,1]123321.PRV. If it exists, it is executed (again with the terminal privileged and slaved) and the person is logged on privileged. We use these files to automatically AVD a virtual disk for people when they log onto the system. Examples have been provided on the tape: 007020.PRV and 350010.CMD. They would be used with UIC's [7,20] and [350,10], respectively. The modification to BYE simply runs DVD to dissociate any virtual disks the user had while he was logged on. We have found this to be an essential clean-up operation when using virtual disks. (The changes to BYE would have been unnecessary if RSX-11M would run a command file on logout like it does on login.) TRMSET ------ Our system has many people connecting with different types of terminals on different lines all the time. So we wrote this simple little program called "TRMSET" that sets the terminal characteristics for users when they log in (TRMSET is automatically run by HELLO when you log in). TRMSET sends the escape sequence to request a terminal to identify itself. Many terminals respond with an identification string of some sort. TRMSET then sets the terminal characteristics for that type of terminal. Currently, TRMSET recognizes VT100's, LA120's, VT52, and VT55. If a terminal doesn't respond within a time-out period, then TRMSET sets some default characteristics based on the baud rate of the line. Finally ------- The usual DECUS caveat applies: if it wipes out your system, too bad. But we have had very good luck with it, and would be interested in hearing of problems. ********************************************************* editor's note: This uic contained a modified copy of the HELLO.MAC and BYE.MAC modules. This is liscensed software and I had to delete the sources. If one wishes to modify any of DEC's sources one must submit SLP files on the SIG tape. Never submit the modified sources directly. I compared the modified versions of HELLO and BYE with the DEC sources for HELLO and BYE on the 11M v3.2 release kit. The results of that compare are in files HELLO.CMP and BYE.CMP. In the CMP output, HELLO.MAC and BYE.MAC are the modified sources. HELLO.DEC and BYE.DEC are the original sources to HELLO and BYE on the 11M v3.2 release kit. *********************************************************** ********************************************************* editor's note: This uic contained a copy of PIPUTL.OLB. Since this is liscensed software I had to delete it. This should not cause anyone great difficulty since PIPUTL.OLB is availble on the RSX-11M kit. *********************************************************** ********************************************************* editor's note: This uic contained a copy of MCR.OLB. Since this is liscensed software I had to delete it. This should not cause anyone great difficulty since MCR.OLB is availble on the RSX-11M kit. *********************************************************** LIST File Listing Utility ========================= LIST is a utility for displaying selected portions of files. It is possible to display lines from a file in several modes, including a screen at a time, as well as to search for character strings and write out portions of files to disk. In addition, LIST can use SRD to se- lect multiple files, making it easy to do such chores as looking through a group of files for a particular string. LIST is very fast, as it uses a macro interface to FCS to read and write files; in addition it buffers the disk address of every 100 lines to simulate random access on the file. This version of LIST includes the capabilities to subtask SRD and subtask itself to list a help file. The help file is included (LIST.HLP) and should be placed on LB:[1,2]. The routine which gets file names from SRD is called FNDFIL.FTN; if for some reason SRD doesn't work with LIST (if your SRD has a different output file format from our SRD, for instance) then modify this file. If you would rath- er use PIP than SRD, there is a file called PIPFIL.RAT (and also PIP- FIL.FTN) which contains the FNDFIL subroutine, but for PIP. LIST is written almost entirely in Ratfiv; the .FTN files are included, however the Ratfiv compiler is also included on this tape, and should be very simple to build. (See README.1ST on the Ratfiv compiler directory.) To build LIST for IAS, say @IASBUILD To build LIST for RSX-11M, say @RSXBUILD Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Computer Center Intstitute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 F D T ===== This UIC contains the ICR FORTRAN IV Plus Symbolic debugger. It is designed for IAS, but should also work under RSX-11m. Please read FDTEXP.DOC for more information. If you have problems, corrections or comments please contact: Robert K. Stodola Computer Center The Institute for Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19111 215 728-2760 CPL --- CPL is a utility which compiles your programs in a compiler independent manner. It alleviates the headache of having to remember the syntax quirks of all the compilers on your system. CPL also aids in the maintenance of programs consisting of many modules since it compiles files based on the dates of the source and object files and maintains a user library. Features include: The same command line syntax is used for all compilers. CPL selects the compiler to use based on filename extension. CPL will only compile a given file if the source file post-dates the object file. User library maintenance. CPL will replace in the users library only those files on a command line which were actually compiled. Multiple pass compilations are done with a single command line. Implementation of prefix files in a compiler independent manner. Compilers supported in the current implementation: FORTRAN 4 PLUS MACRO BASIC PLUS 2 RATFOR NBS PASCAL SWEDISH PASCAL WHITESMITHS C Refer questions to: William F. Cael (215)-728-2760 Institute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Phila., Pa. 19111 SRD command line generator ========================== SRDCMD generates command lines which contain file names selected by SRD (or PIP - see below). For example, the following SRDCMD com- mand generates command lines to copy all files created today to UIC [6,120]; the command lines are written to the file T.CMD: SRDCMD> *.*/DA COPY 'N'E [6,120]*.* >T The string 'N'E specifies that the name and extension of each file name be expanded at that point in the command line. Version, UIC, and device information can also be placed anywhere in the command line. For further information, see SRDCMD.DOC. The routine which gets file names from SRD is called FNDFIL.FTN; if for some reason SRDCMD doesn't work correctly (if your SRD has a different output file format from our SRD, for instance) then modify this file. Another alternative is to build the version of SRD includ- ed on this tape, which is an enhanced and debugged version. If you would rather use PIP than SRD, there is a file called PIPFIL.RAT (and also PIPFIL.FTN) which contains the FNDFIL subroutine, but for PIP. SRDCMD is written almost entirely in Ratfiv; the .FTN files are included, however the Ratfiv compiler is also included on this tape, and should be very simple to build. (See README.1ST on the Ratfiv compiler directory.) To build SRDCMD for IAS, say @IASBUILD To build SRDCMD for RSX-11M, say @RSXBUILD Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Computer Center Intstitute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 SRD ---- This is an enhanced version of SRD. Enhancements include: 1. The selection string wild character '*' will match any string or the null string. A*B.* will match AB., AAB.FTN etc. 2. A /RV[:date] switch which will select files by revision date. It may be combined with /BE, /AF. 3. A /SU switch which will give a storage allocation summary for files selected. 4. A /OW[:selectionstring] switch which will select files by owner. The selection string syntax is the same as file selection strings. The wild characters '?','*' may be used. /OW:[2??,1*] will match [200 thru 277,1], [200 thru 277,10 thru 17], [200 thru 277,100 thru 177]. Building SRD: @SRDEXP Direct questions to: William F. Cael (215)-728-2760 Institute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Phila., Pa. 19111 TAPE instructions. ------------------ Tape is designed to run under version 3.00 of IAS on a PDP-11/70. On an IAS system it may be linked using the command file EXPORT.CMD. This program has not been tested on an RSX-11M system, but should require little or no modification. The command file RSXBLD.CMD may build TAPE correctly under RSX-11M, but this also has not been tested. Note that the build files assume that the FORTRAN-IV Plus library is in the system library. Begin by copying all files to the system disk. NOTE: QIOSYS.FTN MUST BE PUT ON [1,1] AND ALL OTHER FILES ON [22,11] TO COMPILE CORRECTLY. One known bug exists: the number of lines read or written is an integer*2 variable, so it will report the incorrect number of lines if the file is larger than 32767 lines. The file should be read/written correctly, however. If you have problems, corrections or comments please contact: Robert K. Stodola Computer Center The Institute for Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19111 215 728-2760 This program resequences statement numbers in FORTRAN IV-PLUS programs. See RESEQ.DOC for more detail. TRU truncates files. Though PIP will also truncate files, PIP will change the revision date on all files specified, even if they did not require truncation. This will cause an incremental backup program (such as BRU) to needlessly backup files which have not been changed. TRU first ascertains whether or not a file requires truncation before invoking PIP to actually do the truncation. NOTE: THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES THAT A SCRATCH DIRECTORY LB:[12,1] BE AVAILABLE TO ALL USERS. This program runs under IAS v3.0. To use under RSX-11M, replace the object runsys.obj with the object produced by runsysrsx.ftn. This uic contains three programs for IAS v3.0. The GAME program allows a common interface to games. Used in conjuction with the SCHEDULE program, it also allows the system manager to restrict game playing to specified hours. See GAME.DOC for more information. RUNNL is a program which will spawn a task on the privileged TI of device NL0. In order to use, you must have included this device in your SYSGEN command file, though it need not have any device handler associated with it. RUNNL handles all task scheduling requests sequentially, and will not schedule a second task until the first has exitted. Where possible, therefore, tasks which may take more than several seconds should be started by spawning ...RUN with a command line to run the desired task. see RUNNL.DOC for more information. The program SCHEDULE allows a system manager to schedule tasks to be run at specified times and days. For example, you may schedule a timesharing parameter be changed each weekday at 08:00, and again at 18:00 on weekdays, or that a file be printed each saturday at 20:00, etc. See SCHEDULE.DOC for more information. Ratfiv Ratfiv is a structured Fortran preprocessor providing SWITCH, IF - ELSE, WHILE, FOR, DO, REPEAT - UNTIL, STRING, and BREAK and NEXT constructs. Also supported are INCLUDE files, DEFINE for symbolic constants and macros with arguments, conditional compilation, use of >, <, etc. instead of .GT., .LT., etc, and the RETURN VALUE construct in functions. Ratfiv was developed from the Ratfor compiler distributed by Lawrence Berkely Labs; the major enhancements in it are: 1. Ability to specify a format statement inside READ, WRITE, ENCODE, and DECODE statements; 2. True line continuation using the underline character; 3. Production of properly indented upper case Fortran code with comments passed through; 4. Addition of a /SYMBOLS switch to the command line to specify reading of the SYMBOLS file; 5. Incorporation of a powerful, easy to use macro processor; 6. Conditional compilation of large blocks of code; 7. Correct line number reporting; 8. Exit with error status if an error occurs during compilation; 9. Use of character constants in case labels. 10. Ratfiv keywords need not appear at the beginning of a source line in order to be recognized. This version of Ratfiv may be used if you want to compile the Ratfiv source to the other programs written in Ratfiv on this tape. To build Ratfiv, do @BUILD Documentation is in the file RATFIV.DOC. Page 2 Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Institute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 MULTI-TREK is a game similar to traditional Star-Trek games except that it involves several players (currently up to 8), who play against each other rather than against imaginary Klingons, Romulans or whatever. The MULTI-TREK universe consists of a 100 by 100 matrix, of which an approximate 20 by 20 matrix of each player's immediate area is displayed and continuously updated at their terminal. MULTI-TREK was originally submitted to the New Orleans collection, then to the 1979 San Diego collection with the addition of robot ships. This version has been recoded in RATFOR and has significant enhancements and improvements, most notably the addition of energy nets, an improved screen display, much better input-output (any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning may be used at speeds from 1200 baud on up), use of default ship and direction with most commands ("L" sets the default direction), more competitive scoring, smarter robot ships, and fewer bugs. Complete instructions for starting and playing MULTI-TREK are in the file MTREK.DOC. The game consists of a driver task (MTREKD), a player task (MTREK) for each terminal, and a shared global common area for inter-task communication. This version runs on IAS 3.0, however, it should run under any system with shared global areas and rudimentary task switching or time-sharing. Real-time systems without time-sharing may have to play with priorities to insure that the driver task gets sufficient CPU time and that all players get an equal amount of time. MULTI-TREK was written with a structured Fortran called RATFOR. This UIC contains all of the Fortran produced by RATFOR, as well as the RATFOR source (file type .RAT). The RATFOR compiler is also included on the distribution tape. MTREK will work properly with any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning. The source code is set up to drive ADM3-A's or VT100's. if you are using different terminals, you should modify the file "TERMINAL.RAT" (you could modify "TERMINAL.FTN") to drive your terminal. Modification should be straight-forward as the code is commented on where to change it. To build MTREK, do @BUILD Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Computer Center Intstitute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 MULTI-TREK is a game similar to traditional Star-Trek games except that it involves several players (currently up to 8), who play against each other rather than against imaginary Klingons, Romulans or whatever. The MULTI-TREK universe consists of a 100 by 100 matrix, of which an approximate 20 by 20 matrix of each player's immediate area is displayed and continuously updated at their terminal. MULTI-TREK was originally submitted to the New Orleans collection, then to the 1979 San Diego collection with the addition of robot ships. This version has been recoded in RATFOR and has significant enhancements and improvements, most notably the addition of energy nets, an improved screen display, much better input-output (any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning may be used at speeds from 1200 baud on up), use of default ship and direction with most commands ("L" sets the default direction), more competitive scoring, smarter robot ships, and fewer bugs. Complete instructions for starting and playing MULTI-TREK are in the file MTREK.DOC. The game consists of a driver task (MTREKD), a player task (MTREK) for each terminal, and a shared global common area for inter-task communication. This version runs on VAX VMS, however, it should run under any system with shared global areas and rudimentary task switching or time-sharing. Real-time systems without time-sharing may have to play with priorities to insure that the driver task gets sufficient CPU time and that all players get an equal amount of time. MULTI-TREK was written with a structured Fortran called RATFOR. This UIC contains all of the Fortran produced by RATFOR, as well as the RATFOR source (file type .RAT). The RATFOR compiler is also included on the distribution tape. MTREK will work properly with any terminal with clear screen and cursor positioning. The source code is set up to drive ADM3-A's or VT100's. if you are using different terminals, you should modify the file "TERMINAL.RAT" (you could modify "TERMINAL.FTN") to drive your terminal. Modification should be straight-forward as the code is commented on where to change it. To build MTREK, do @BUILD Send comments, problems, etc. to: William Wood Computer Center Intstitute For Cancer Research 7701 Burholme Ave. Philadelphia, PA. 19111 (215) 728 2760 >CONTRIBUTION FROM HOUSTON AREA RSX/IAS LUG WILLIAM D. BURTON TEXAS RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MENTAL SCIENCES (TRIMS) 1300 MOURSUND HOUSTON, TEXAS 77030 (713) - 797 - 1976 EXT 501 DSCDIR - FORTRAN PROGRAM TO PRODUCE A DIRECTORY OF THE CONTENTS OF DSC (DISK SAVE AND COMPRESS) TAPES. FILES: DSCDIR.FTN, DSCDIR.CMD, DSCDIR.DOC DSCCPY - FORTRAN PROGRAM TO COPY JUST A FEW FILES FROM A DSC TAPE WITHOUT RESTORING THE ENTIRE VOLUME OR READING ALL REELS OF A MULTIPLE-REEL SET. FILES: DSCCPY.FTN, CPYFTN.FTN, CPYMAC.MAC, DSCCPY.CMD DSCCPY.DOC DSCTAPE - TEXT FILE WHICH SUMMARIZES WHAT I KNOW ABOUT DSC TAPE FORMAT. FILE: DSCTAPE.TXT ****************************************************************** editor's notes: This software was given to the NETWORKS SIG at the Spring 1981 DECUS meeting. The new pages for RMDEMO work even if you DO NOT HAVE DECNET. ****************************************************************** The following programs were submitted by the Digital Equipment People as Network software for RSX-11M 1) New page displays for rsx-11m rmdemo display to display a) active task list ************************************************************* editor's note: The active task list page looks like it might show the names of the files that a particular task has open. It could be a very valuable debugging tool. ************************************************************* b) remote node display (maps) c) logical link display d) help page 2) Vms compatible network mail for rsx-11m 3) Remote command terminal from rsx-11m to a) tops-20 b) rsts c) vms 4) Poor mans node route through, allows phase II DECNET messages to route throught a phase III node or thur another phase II node. 5) Remote virtual devices using DECNET *********************************************************** editor's note: This allows an RSX-11M system to run without a disk (what about boot physically attached to the CPU. The RSX-11M system uses the "virtual disk device" via DECNET to connect to a physical disk on a host system. Currently the host system is another RSX-11M system. Maybe someone could work out the software to make the host system a VAX/VMS system. ************************************************************ a) Virtual Disk ************************************************************* editor's note: this virtual disk is something quite different than the Virtual disk invented by Ralph Stamerjohn. An implementation of Ralph's virtual disk appears on this tape in uic [313,*]. ************************************************************* b) Virtual Magtape c) Virtual Line Printer This package is a revision to the package submitted on the Chicago spring 1980 RSX/IAS tape. There are 6 changes. 1. a bug in the cross hair cursor support has been eliminated. 2. a bug in SCALE.MAC which caused an occasional floating point to interger overflow error has been eliminated. 3. to run under RSX11M you should just assemble all the *.MAC'S and build your library.(the original version incorrectly directed you to do some conditional assemblies) 4. there is a conditional assembly statement to change in PLOTPRIMS.MAC and PLTDAT.MAC to allow the package to support a Tektronix 4025 (the user program must call TK4025) 5. for users in an overlayed enviroment only PLTDAT.OBJ needs to be in the root. 6. a bug in the call to 'HOME' has been fixed to allow it to work on all terminal types. All the fortran programs on the tape except TK4025 are demonstration programs that should be compiled and linked to the library before you try to use them. SFGL70 is a graphics package which supports Tektronix 4006,4010,4014 AND 4025 terminals. It's useful feature is that in most cases it will only add approximately 1K words to the user task. When using the file SFGL70.DOC to learn how to use the package, ignore the references to PDP-6 equivalent. They were needed internally at UTRC because this package replaced an older graphics package our users had been using. This file explains the SFGL70 package submitted to the 1980 FALL DECUS Symposium by Ken Demers. If you encounter ******************************************************** editor's note: I cannot find any submission by Ken Demers on the fall 1980 tape. The only stuff I can find is on the Chicago spring 1980 tape. ********************************************************** any problems or have any questions please call me at United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut (203) 727-7527. The package can run under IAS and RSX-11M. I also have a version that can be conditionally assembled for RT-11(not on this tape). SFGL70.OLB is the library to be linked with the user task. The distributed version has been built with IAS. To run under RSX-11M assessmble to source modules and create a library from the object modules. The user manual is in RUNNOFF format in the files SFGL70.RNO and SFGL70.DOC. I origionally received the PLOTPRIMS.MAC routine from Steve Davis of Haskins Labs New Haven, Ct. It was origionally developed at the Speech Communications Research Lab Inc. Santa Barbara, Ca. However I have made various changes to enhance the total package which I developed. One last comment: Many people around the USA are currently using the package and find it very useful. The package will work on a VT100 (if it has the hardware to make it look like a Tektronix 4010). There will be future enhancements to take full advantage of the VT100's additional capability. Thanks, Ken This KIT contains KMSKIT UPDATE #4. To use these files you need the files on the Fall '79, Spring '80 and the Fall '80 RSX SIG DECUS symposium tapes. 1. A flashy, super enhanced CCL. [344,61] 2. New features and reports for system accounting programs. [344,65] 3. New features for transient libraries. [344,51] 4. New HELP feature from Ray Van Tassel [344,40] ********************************************************************** editor's note: the uic [344,60] was submitted by Ray Van Tassle and appears here with Jim Downward's permission. ************************************************************************* KMSKIT's next major release, is scheduled for release with RSX11M V4.0. W A R N I N G W A R N I N G W A R N I N G 1. The ability to pass command lines to non-installed tasks will be modified. Only commands passed in quoted strings will be supported. ie /PRM ="command line" is legal, whereas /PRM=command_line will be illegal. /PRM may or may not be supported. If it is not supported a modification almost identical to it will be. ie /CMD="full_command_line". The difference between the two syntaxes is that "full_command_line" requires that a 3 letter MCR like command name occupy the beginning of a command line, whereas /PRM="...." automatically inserted a dummy three letter command name into the first three characters of the MCR buffer. At this time the /CMD="...." will definitley be supported, and the /PRM="..." is also supported but may get dropped. Please contact me if dropping support for the /PRM form will cause undue hardship. 2. HELP processing was previously aided by the inclusion of a matchall matchall character,'#' which if found in position 1 would match all keywords at all levels. It could only be placed at the very end of a file. The matchall was created before V3.2 used the # for synonyms. This causes a conflict and eronious behavior at times. For HELP for V4.0, the # matchall will be dropped in favor of a '*' wildcard which will be able to provide a matchall at any level rather than just being at the end of the file. This SLP file for HELP is so good, I just had to include it. It got passed on to me by Rick Van Tassel. It is designed to SLP either the unmodified HELLO or the HELLO modified by the KMS modifications. When applied a ? in place of any keyword identifier is taken to request a formatted listing of all keywords available at that level. Hence if a help file looks like 1 FOO ... 2 key1 .... 2 key2 .... 2 key3 .... 1 BAR ... 1 PIP ... 1 UTL1 ... ... 1 UTLn .... then HELP ? would produce a listing of the format FOO BAR PIP UTL1 UTL2 UTL3 ..... ... UTLn and HELP FOO ? would produce key1 key2 key3 The one restriction with this is that matchalls '#', are not handled correctly. This feature will be expanded for use with RSX11M V4 HELP processing to include the ability to automatically produce listings of keywords if invalid keywords are entered. One problem with transient libraries is that if memory is tight the region required for the library sometimes can not get created and LDLIB produces an annoying message that the task can't run because the region could not be created. Several steps are taken to solve this problem (at least partially) 1. The SUSPEND/RESUME logic/handshaking between LDLIB.TSK and LDLIBS is replaced with STOP/UNSTOP for systems having parent/offspring tasking GENed into their system. A STOPed task has 0 effective priority and is immediately elegible for checkpointing. A suspended task only can get checkpointed by a higher priority task. This makes it easier to checkpoint the initiating task while LDLIB is doing its thing. 2. CKP... has been modified to accept requests from LDLIB to clear out core. LDLIB now sends off requests to CKP... to checkpoint everything (!!!) it can when LDLIB needs to load a loadable library. Clearly this would cause a lot of thrashing on a system in which tasks with loadable libraries were bouncing in and out of core constantly. However, in many systems, the tasks built with loadable libraries are infrequently used. 3. CKP... has been modified so a privileged user can RUN CKP... and checkpoint everything out of core. This is a set of fixes and enhancements to the KMS-FUSION CCL. I have sent them to Jim Downward, and they appear here with his blessing. He is supposed to be working on an entirely new release of CCL, which will fit in with M4.0 (whenever it comes out). That one will undoubtedly be better with 4.0 than this one, but this one works better with 3.2 than his old one. Also in this UIC is a seperate "HEY" task. I find that HEY is so useful, that I want to do it even while CCL is busy, so I yanked it out and made it stand-alone. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 CCL is great !!!!!!!!! However, it had some bugs and some awkward things in it's operation. I have spent quite some time of fixing it up, as follows: Fixed up some bugs (there are some error messages that go out LUN 5, which is difficult since there is a UNITS=2 in the TKB file). 1. I made it privileged (but it sets itself non-priv), so that it links to the EXEC. it can now use $GTTSK for "HEY" and "-taskname", so you can just say "HEY TKB" 2. Added some validity checks for the ?.CCL file, so that it will catch you if you mess it up (which is very easy for a non-experienced CCL user to do in making his own USERCCL.CCL). Also allowed for null lines comment lines, so that you can read a ?.CCL file without going blind. 3. If it has no command line, it will prompt for one. If it does have to prompt for one, it will also print out each command line before spawning it to MCR. Sometimes this is about the only way to see how to set up your CCL control line, to make it come out right. In essence, for debugging a new CCL command, you type "RUN ...CA." and enter your command to the CCL prompt. 4. The last line of a CCL command does not wait, it passes the OCB (if any) and MCR prompt status (bit T3.MCR) to the spwaned task. This lets CCL get out of the way as quickly as it can, especially when you do a COPY or DEL, etc, which will take a long time, and you can start up another CCL thing (many of our infrequently used programs are run by CCL). This removes the need for the %$ parameter (although it is still in). For those times when you want CCL to stay active for all the programs (for example if you specifically want CCL to tell you about the exit-status) you merely make the last command a null line (which did not used to be legitimate). 5. CCL now prints out a message if a tasks exit status is not SUCCESS, and will quit (with a message), unless it is only WARNING. CCL V7.0B This version of CCL is a composit of the work of Angle Li at the University of Miami, Paul Sorenson at Michigan State University, and Jim Downward at KMS Fusion. Angle Li edited the code to remove all the funny F4P lables and to comment the code. In addition he conditionalized the internal commands so that section could optionally not be included. Look for the symbols $DCL and $PIP in CCL.MAC to see what effect the deleting the conditional code would have. Paul Sorenson then provide a substanitial rewrite to CCL to provide significantly more flexible command string parsing. I then fixed some bugs with the the changes, added some additional special characters and packaged this latest release for DECUS. To simplify use of CCL for user's(like myself) who often assign a local LB:(to do a sysgen). The location of SYSCCL.CCL has been moved to LB1: (unless symbol $LB0 is defined in PRECCL.MAC). To use CCL, please do a global assign of LB1: to a physical disk either in VMR or in STARTUP.CMD. As was previously mentioned, this version of CCL has been extensively rewritten to provide a more flexible command format. The major changes that must be kept in mind for this newest version are, 1) All conditional assembly directives are now in PRECCL.MAC for easier access (see comments for their affects). They are $LB0,$PIP,$DCL, and $TABLE. 2) An internal table lookup has been added to offer a compromise between DCL and the .CCL files. (see comments in CCL.MAC) 3) Several new parameters have been defined -- %A%, %B%, %C% and %0% %A% is set the the entire character string past the command. %B% is set to character string up to first space %C% is defined as everything not in %B% (excluding delimiter) %0% is set to values of any leading switches (e.g. BRU/REW/VER, %0%=/REW/VER) 4) Two options have been added for command building. If a parameter is null, it may be replaced by a string starting with the key character "\" and extending to the % delimiter, also, a parameter may be tested by %2?S1\S2% which will insert string "S1" if parameter 2 is defined, otherwise string "S2" will be inserted (either S1 or S2 may be null). 5) A command line may extend to the next line by including the "+" character as the last character in the line. 6) USERCCL.CCL is opened on the user's logon UIC rather than the current default UIC. 7) If CCL can not find a command, it will try sending off its command to another catchall ...CA2. 8) %R is a special character signifying that CCL is to ring the terminal BELL when it exits. A previous version used %B for this. Sorry for the incompatability. 9) %D is added to aid in debugging CCL command lines. When it is encountered, the command up to that point is displayed in expanded format at the user's terminal rather than being sent to MCR. 9) %P is added to signify that an action line is to be printed out on TI:. This makes it very easy to create CCL commands which send escape sequences to control terminal characteristics. 10) %Q is added to signify that CCL should exit without sending on the command to MCR if a required input field is defaulted with a null (ie %1\%) and the input parameter is also a null. This prevents various PIP like commands from occuring with no files specified which often results in defaulting to the entire directory. 11) Two possible TABLE macro files are offered. TABLE.BIG has all kinds of CCL commands and results in a significantly larger CCL. TABLE.KMS includes only those commands which used to be processed by the internal DCL code. If the PIP-like internal CCL commands are not selected for assembly and the TABLE.KMS commands are selected, CCL stays about the same size and has identical functionality. TABLEGEN.CMD allows the user to create an internal CCL file. 12) CCLGEN allows the user to select amoung the ever widening variety of options. If the user desires to use an internal table, CCLGEN will allows the user to link to TABLEGEN.CMD to create an internal table from a standard CCL file (USERCCL.CCL or SYSCCL.CCL for example). 13) CCL now checks to see if the keyword typed in is longer than the maximum specified in the file (previously was ignored). This means that commands FOO and FOOY can be different and distinct. 14) Documentation and HELP files have been updated to reflect the many, many new features Active contributers to CCL now include Mr. Angel Li RSMAS/MPO University of Miami 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy. Miami, Fl. 33149 (305)-350-7491 Paul Sorenson Dept. of Physiology Mich. State Univ. E. Lansing, MI 48824 (517)-355-5125 And myself, James G. Downward KMS Fusion, Inc PO Box 1567 Ann Arbor, Mi 48106 (313)-769-8500 This UIC contains updates to the SYSLOG accounting system. More elaborate reports now exist. ACCREP is amost suitable for a charge back accounting system. SYSLOG now outputs a special flag shortly after midnight so the system will know when one day ends and another begins. This packet enables LOGTSK to automatically append a day's data to a monthly backup file and only keep the current day's data in SYSLOG.DAT. Good Luck, Jim Downward KMS Fusion, Inc PO Box 1567 Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104 (313)-769-8500 13-May-81 THIS ACCOUNT HAS TWO SUBMISSIONS. FIRST IT HAS A GOOD SUBMISSION OF THE PREVIOUS LOADABLE XDT. THIS ONE HAS ALL KNOWN PROBLEMS FIXED. SECOND, IT HAS COMBINED DIRECTORIES OF THE PREVIOUS SEVEN SIG TAPES AND AN ABSTRACT OF THOSE TAPES. THE FILES ARE AS FOLLOWS: TAPESB.RNO - ABSTRACTS OF PREVIOUS TAPES TAPESB.MEM - OUTPUT FILE OF TAPESB.RNO RSXSIG.UIC - LIST OF ALL UIC'S ON ALL TAPES. RSXSIG.FIL - LIST OF ALL FILES ON ALL TAPES, SORTED BY FILENAME. RSXSIG.TYP - LIST OF ALL FILES ON ALL TAPES, SORTED BY EXTENSION. RSXSIG.COM - LIST OF ALL FILES ON ALL TAPES, SORTED BY UIC. *************************************************************************** editor's note: This index is a fantastic piece of work. I have used it extensively and find it invaluable. The first thing you should do with this tape is print the file TAPESB.MEM. note the file TAPESB.RNO is in DEC Standard Runoff (DSR) and the runoffs we have give "illegal command error messages". DSR has more powerful indexing features and Ralph put them to good use. Do not overlook the usefullnes of RSXSIG.COM. It contains a sorted directory of EVERYTHING. Print it if you like, but I keep it on-line and use TECO to find things in it. Ralph what can I say ... Thank you so very much Philip Cannon ****************************************************************************** This submission arose out of the pre-symposium seminar on RSX-11M crash dump analysis. A major item of interest is the seminar workbook, which is a written version of the material covered in the seminar. The appendixes to the seminar workbook discuss several of the other files. Another appendix of interest is a description of RSX data structures, including contents, usage, and a cross reference of other structures which point to this one. The CRAxxx programs represent "homework" from the seminar. These programs crash RSX systems in known ways. The resulting crash dumps can then be used as references. CDAPAT.CMD;1 This file applies the patches to CDA CDASEABLD.CMD;1 Build command file for CDASEA program CRAASMALL.CMD;1 Assembly command file for CRAxxx programs CRABLDALL.CMD;1 Build command file for CRAxxx programs CRASHREAD.CMD;1 Command file to read in crash dump, assign file name and UIC, and get initial listing. STEP0.CMD;3 Command file for monolithic assembly CRASH.COR;1 Patches for CRASH module. See Appendix C LOWCR.COR;1 Patches for LOWCR to use $CRALT entry point CDASEA.FTN;1 Program to search .CDA file for specified value. CRABPT.MAC;1 Crash system with BPT at system state CRAEMT.MAC;1 Crash system with EMT at system state CRAEVO.MAC;1 Crash system with odd EMT vector CRAILI.MAC;1 Crash system with illegal instruction in kernel mode CRAIOS.MAC;1 Crash system with odd IOT vector - kernel mode CRAIOU.MAC;1 Crash system with odd IOT vector - user mode CRAOD4.MAC;1 Crash system with odd location 4 CRAOSP.MAC;1 Crash system with odd stack pointer CRASEG.MAC;1 Crash system with segment fault in kernel mode CRATRP.MAC;1 Crash system with TRAP in kernel mode CRAT04.MAC;1 Crash system with odd address CRAYZO.MAC;1 Crash system with stack violation C5TA.MAC;1 Dummy module for monolithic assembly MACRO.MAC;1 Prefix file for monolithic assembly CDACLQ.PAT;1 Patch for CDA to fix clock queue entries LUDMP.PAT;1 CDA patch to check for Files-11 on FCB TDUMP.PAT;1 CDA patch to correct Pre-AST status CRASHW.RNO;3 Workbook from CDA seminar ******************************************************* CRASHW.DOC editor's note: the author submitted CRASHW.RNO which I believe is in DSR (DEC Standard Runoff) format. I have DSR on a VAX and used it to produce the CRASHW.DOC file. ******************************************************* STEP1.TEC;1 Teco macro for monolithic assembly STEP2.TEC;1 Teco macro for monolithic assembly README.1ST;1 This file [352,1]README.1ST - MIAMI SPRING 81 - FILES SUBMITTED BY: Bob Turkelson NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 935 Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 344-5003 The following describes the various utility programs and routines for RSX-11M V3.2 contained in this UIC. I would appreciate being sent a copy of any significant modifications made to these programs. DISKUSAGE.FTN Produces a table summarizing disk space usage by UIC (number of files, blocks used and allocated), totals for each group, and compares the total group allocated space with an assigned disk space allotment value. It reads a file DISKUSAGE.DAT containing the disk unit/ group/allotment numbers, and a file TOTALBLK.DAT which is a PIP /TB listing file. Written in F4P. Please see the comments at the beginning of the file and within DISKRPT.CMD and TB.CMD for more information. DISKRPT.CMD Reads the DISKUSAGE.DAT file mentioned above, creates TB.CMD and executes a PIP command file to create TOTALBLK.DAT, and executes the DISKUSAGE program. It executes TB.CMD. It renames the input and output files to TByymmdd.DAT and TByymmdd.TBL where yymmdd is the current date. Examine both command files and change the UIC assignments for your system. Note that the data file and task file are expected to be in the same UIC. CONSOLE.FTN Creates a copy of CONSOLE.LOG files with repeated records replaced by a message indicating the number of occurences of the record. Good for eliminating many device NOT READY messages before printing these files. The user may merge multiple file versions into the output file. Written in F4P. CONSOLBLD.CMD TKB command file to build CONSOLE.TSK. FT.FTN A tape utility program for determining tape record sizes, copying tapes, etc. This program is written in F4P and is not structured well. No doubt better utilities exist, but this has been helpful to us at times. I had a request to submit this program to this tape. FT needs to be built with the conversion/byte manipulation routines mentioned below. In addition, it also needs MTBLOK.MAC, which appeared on at least two RSX SIG tapes several years ago. FTBLD.CMD TKB command file to build FT. Note that UIC and library specifications need to be modified for your system. FT.DOC FT program documentation. TAPCVT.FTN Another tape utility program which I have not used. See the documentation for information. TAPCVT.DOC TAPCVT program documentation. FPCONV.MAC Routines to convert between IBM 360/370 and PDP 11 floating point format. SWABI.MAC Byte swapping routine. DAYFLD.FTN Convert from day of week (numeric) to ASCII day of week. DAYWK.FTN Convert from day of year to month, day, and day of week; or from month, day to day of year and day of week. BINHEX.MAC Convert to hexadecimal. EBCASC.MAC Convert a string from EBCDIC to ASCII. ASCEBC.MAC Convert a string from ASCII to EBCDIC. MOVE.MAC Routines to move a string of bytes, to fill a string with a byte, and to convert a string to upper case ASCII. FPCONV.DOC Documentation for the above conversion and byte SWABI.DOC manipulation routines. DAYFLD.DOC DAYWK.DOC BINHEX.DOC EBCASC.DOC ASCEBC.DOC MOVE.DOC FILL.DOC CAPS.DOC HEL.COR SLP correction file to allow a privileged user to log on in a special way even if logons are disabled. Creates HELNEW.MAC, which you may MAC and TKB appropriately (preferrably with a non-ANSLIB SYSLIB). Good if you log off by mistake after a SET /NOLOGON. [352,1]README.1ST - END [352,2]README.1ST - MIAMI SPRING 81 - FILES SUBMITTED BY: Bob Turkelson NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 935 Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 344-5003 This UIC contains files for the TALK program. TALK is a terminal emulation program which enables a user on an RSX-11M V3.2 system with the full duplex terminal driver to communicate with a remote host computer over a single line interface (such as a DLV11 or DL11). The program begins in terminal mode, and has the capability of bi-directional file transfers. See the documentation and program source for details. TALK is currently being worked on, but we expect to make only relatively minor modifications to this version as we continue testing. Note that requesting a function menu (with ^W) does not currently work for a VT100 in smooth scroll mode. The documentation is preliminary. It closely reflects the current state of the program, but has not been completely updated and reviewed. I plan to submit an updated version of these files to the RSX SIG tape in the fall. Kindly advise me of any changes you make to the program. TALKPRE.MAC TALK prefix file. TALK.MAC TALK source file. TALK.CMD Command file to assemble and build TALK. TALK.DOC TALK documentation. TALK.RNO Runoff input file for TALK documentation. [352,2]README.1ST - END [352,3]README.1ST - MIAMI SPRING 81 - FILES SUBMITTED BY: Charles M. Cosner NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 935 Greenbelt, MD 20771 XMDRV.MAC is a DMC-11 device handler for RSX-11D. See the comments at the beginning of the file for information. [352,3]README.1ST - END [357,1]README.DOC is a description of files submitted by: PDP-11 Seaboard LUG c/o Donald Arrowsmith Naval Air Propulsion Center Box 7176 Trenton, N.J. 08628 609-896-5730 [357,1] Contains an assortment of changes to RSX-11M V3.2. Each change should be evaluated on its merits for a given site. All changes have been in use but of course are not guaranteed. A good system manager takes a hard look at each possibility and either uses it directly or as a hint for another change. The following are included: PAT.CMD is an indirect file which helps to make object changes from the Dispatch articles. CORAL.COR, INITL.COR, IOSUB.COR, SYSCM.COR, SPROVFDT.COR, and MCRDEF.COR are correction files which im- plement pre-allocated I/O packets and only retain the pre-allocated ones on I/O termination. Most of this is due to Steinberg's submissions on the last DECUS tape. HELLO.COR is a minor change to the same file from the Spring tape. There was a problem with 'matchall' characters in lower level help sections. INDNP1.COR removes some unused messages from the 11M version of Indirect. INDOPN.COR makes Indirect non-privileged during file opens (so users can't write/append files that would normally be inaccessible.) INDSU2.COR prints MCR lines if quiet and tracing. Double tracing is also eliminated for .WAIT, .IFINS, .IFACT, ... TKTN.COR is changed to not print task registers if a load failure occurred. LBRLI.PAT modifies the listing format to allow for the SYSLIB date routine which was changed from 3.1 to 3.2. P5CEL.PAT modifies TKB CREF output when a symbol is de- fined in the root and referenced by up-tree elements. The value was formerly not relocated if the task was privileged. SLPR11.PAT modifies the SLP page format to center the listing thereby making it easier to bind the output. SLPSB.PAT corrects a problem with the placement of the delete audit trail (;**-n) in lines which are longer than the audit position and have tabs in the last 'n' characters. HELP.ULB is a complete copy of my help files. Many of these originally came from J. Downward's contribution a few SIG tapes ago. Many new ones have been added and many er- rors have been corrected. Since we run a single user sys- tem, some of the multi-user comments have been deleted. Several BRU patches: BRUREAD.PAT corrects the error recovery procedure on TU10/TE10 drives (originally tried to do a read reverse fol- lowed by a skip record). COMLIB.PAT prints the tape label as part of the direc- tory listing. TAPEIO.PAT corrects a line in dispatch article which caused BRU initialized discs to appear to be created on the date of the backup but the time of the re- store. Miami, Spring 1981 - RSX/IAS SIG tape The following are contributions from: A.R.A.P. Box 2229 Princeton, NJ 08540 Contact: John Leonard (609) 452-2950 System: IAS VS3.0, 11/70, RP06 based [360,1] - READM4.DOC [360,200] - ARAP.OLB, needed for all following software Only new source modules included, but library contains all modules from previous tapes also. [360,212] - IAS/VAXNET - This is a simple-minded virtual terminal program with the ability to send/receive ASCII files between two IAS systems, or an IAS and a VAX system, over asynchonous lines (DZ11 like devices). This originally appeared on the VAX SIG tapes and was modified to work on IAS as the host system. Simple yet effective. Refer to NETBLD.CMD to build the two programs that run on the local and remote systems. See also VAXNET70.CMD. MEMO11.RNO describes the steps needed to actually transfer files. [360,213] - UND - This program finds undefined variables in FORTRAN programs. It subtasks to the FORTRAN compiler and uses a /LI:2 listing file. It will report undefined variables, variables appearing in subroutine calls that are not explicitly defined, etc. Refer to UNDEF2.RNO, UNDEF1.RNO and UNDMN.FTN for further instructions. UNDTEST.FTN is an example test file for UND and UNDTEST.LST is the resultant output. [360,214] - C36 - conditional fortran pre-processor C36 is used by ARAP to convert fortran source to both IBM and CDC machines and is specific to our operations. However, C36 also has the ability to conditionally include or exclude lines of code by using a logical definition file and IF-THEN-ELSE types of constructs within the code to be converted. It is not a process which needs to be run before every compile. Rather, it lends to maintaining a base line version of a program on a development machine, while allowing easy conditional conversion for specific exportation to other machines which require different coding algorithms in selected places. Refer to C36.RNO for documentation and also C36MN.FTN. [360,215] - DSM from spring 1980 SIG tape - only updated modules included. A couple of bugs have been fixed pertaining to disk drive size recognition and maximum number of uic's checking. DSX - Also included on this uic is a somewhat modified version of DSM which is used to associate a specific file to a given disk cylinder/track/sector address. This is useful for finding the files in which disk errors occur. Refer to DSX.RNO for further description and use. [360,230] - SFS fortran cross-referencer from Spring 1979 SIG tape. Fixed to identify VIRTUAL statement. Only modified modules included. [360,245] - SPY from fall 1979 - only updated modules included. Bug fixed - problems when real time tasks alter priority to below 100. [ARAP.RUNOFF] ARAP modified Triangle RUNOFF. ARAP has added a number of features to RUNOFF to enable us to produce technical reports. We required support for greek characters, extended sub/super script capability, ability to produce very complex mathematical equations etc. I was unable to put together a formal contribution of ARAP RUNOFF in time, but would like to point out some of our extensions to anyone interested. I might add that we have successfully been using RUNOFF in conjunction with a screen editor to produce reports on a production basis. Some of the features include: a) Support for Greek/Math character set. Output is produced on a DIABLO 1640 in two passes. Lines up amazingly well. b) Super/subscripts adjustable in 1/8 line increments. Can set to super/sub 3/8 line instead of 1/2 and change amount througout document as needed. c) Line spacing adjustable to 1/8 line (.SP) and also .BLANK can use 1/8 spacing. e.g. .BLANK 1+5/8 d) Overbar function, implemented similar to underline. Adjusts to highest superscipt to be overscored. e) Equation mode command. Allows reasonable description of equations, set spacing around equation, sets line spacing (to 1/8), allows '#' to be horizontal half-space for aligning 1 character above 2 (a/bc) for example. f) Justified output uses a horizontal half-space to fill. g) Overstrike ability using backspace, justifies properly. h) String substitution definitions. Similar to the numeric substituion, but allows strings within the text to be identified and substituted for. e.g .SUB ARAP = 'Aeronautical Research Associates of P' Any occurence of ARAP within text will be substituted. Please call me if your are interested in using RUNOFF for this sort of work. I will be happy to send an example of output, send a tape etc. Included are the README.DOC files from previous contributions to the SIG tapes. This will be ARAP's last active participation in the IAS/RSX SIG, as we move on to the VAX SIG. If anyone is interested in a tape containing all ARAP contributions, contact John Leonard (609) 452-2950, at the above address. SPRING 1979, New Orleans The following is a description of files contributed by: AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES of PRINCETON (A.R.A.P.) Box 2229, 50 Washington Road Princeton, N.J. 08540 (609) 452-2950 Any inquiries should be directed to John D. (Len) Leonard. A.R.A.P. configuration 11/70, 320kw, TU16, 3 RP06's FORTRAN IV-PLUS is the default compiler (FOR) and all .FTN files are F4P code and should be compiled as such. Currently running IAS VS 3.0 All of the following files are on [360,*]. Note that ARAP.OLB is needed for most all task builds. Also, on [360,205] RENAME.CMD must be executed to rename some of the files from 6 letters to 6+ letters. [360,200]ARAP - Contains ARAP.OLB and associated source for routines contained in ARAP.OLB. These routines are of general interest. ARAP.FTN is a conca- tenated source file of all .FTN modules. [360,205] Indirect MCR procedures and PDS command procedures. BACKUP.CMD - Automation of PRESERVE and DSC disk-disk weekly backup procedures, uses VOLID. INITIAL.CMD - Initialize disk, uses LBN. NEWUSER.CMD - Create new PDS user, see also NEWUSER.MCR. TARGETGEN.CMD - Generate system on user packs from master system pack. and for fun listings - TUIT.LST - Now there is no excuse. PSU.LST - Keep your Computer room on the lighter side. [360,210]FDUMP - File dump, produce OCTAL-ASCII-RAD50 listings a'la IBM 360. See FDUMP.FTN for doc and FDUMP.CMD to build. [360,210]LBN - Logical Block Number. Assists in pack initial- ization and tracking of bad block data. See LBN.RNO and LBN.CMD for build. See also INITIAL.CMD. [360,210]RESET - Reset 'blocks used' characteristic for locked and aborted files, e.g., 0/106 used/allocated. See RESET.FTN for doc and RESET.CMD to build. [360,210]VOLID - Change volume ID, used at A.R.A.P. to correct volume ID's destroyed by DSC. See VOLID.FTN for doc and VOLID.CMD for build. [360,210]WHOMM - Who's on the tape drive!!? Will need slight modification for devices other than MM0:. See WHOMM.MAC for doc and WHOMM.CMD to build. Note that IASWHO.MAC on object distribution of IAS 3.0 also reports mounted volumes. [360,210]F4PRES- Files needed to build 4k F4P resident library used at A.R.A.P. See F4PRES.CMD for doc and build. See also MEMO2.RNO for a discussion of resident libraries in light of SYSRES and F4PRES. [360,220]BAN - Create user banner. Allows user to specify banner headings. Used mostly for deferred printing. See BAN.RNO and BANBLD.CMD to compile and link. See also BANTST.CMD, the banner test program. SAMPLE.BAN is an example of BAN out- put. [360,230]SFS - Search Fortran Source. Fortran variable cross-reference provides list of variable and routine reference, total variables and text listing of statements where referenced. Global cross references for up to 100 routines. See SFS.RNO and SFSBLD.CMD to build. SAMPLE.SFS is an example SFS listing. TEST01.SFS and TEST02.SFS are sample SFS runs. [360,240]SSD - SSD consists of the program SSD and FORTRAN callable AST routines. SSD allows pseudo-sense switches and data to be sent to a FORTRAN task, permitting run-time control of time-sharing tasks. See SSD.DOC for more detail and SSDBLD.CMD to build. FALL 1979, San Diego The following is a description of files contributed by: AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES of PRINCETON (A.R.A.P.) Box 2229, 50 Washington Road Princeton, N.J. 08540 (609) 452-2950 Any inquiries should be directed to John D. (Len) Leonard. A.R.A.P. configuration 11/70, 320kw, TU16, 3 RP06's FORTRAN IV-PLUS is the default compiler (FOR) and all .FTN files are F4P code and should be compiled as such. Currently running IAS VS 3.0 All of the following files are on [360,*]. Note that ARAP.OLB is needed for most all task builds. [360,200]ARAP - Contains ARAP.OLB and associated source for routines contained in ARAP.OLB. These routines are of general interest. ARAP.FTN is a conca- tenated source file of all .FTN modules. This copy of ARAP.OLB supercedes the copy on the New Orleans SIG tape. [360,240]GETCPU- GETCPU is a FORTRAN callable function which re- turns a timesharing tasks accumulated CPU time in ticks. See GETCPU.BLD and GETCPU.DOC. RSD1.MAC supercedes RSD1I.FTN from the New Orle- ans SIG tape. [360,245]SPY - SPY dynamically graphically displays timeshar- ing task's CPU utilization on a terminal basis. It is written in the spirit of DEMO and the dis- plays available on VAX. Refer to SPY.DOC for full documentation, SPYBLD.DOC and SPYBLD.CMD for task build options. CHICAGO, SPRING 1980 - RSX/IAS SIG TAPE THE FOLLOWING ARE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM: A.R.A.P. BOX 2229 PRINCETON, NJ 08540 CONTACT: JOHN LEONARD (609) 452-2950 SYSTEM: IAS VS3.0, 11/70, RP06 BASED [360,1] - README.1ST [360,200] - ARAP.OLB, NEEDED FOR ALL FOLLOWING SOFTWARE SOURCE FILES ARE ONES ADDED TO THIS VERSION OF ARAP.OLB. REFER TO PREVIOUS 2 SIG TAPES FOR OTHER SOURCES. [360,215] - DSM - DISK STORAGE MONITOR DSM, NOT (NOTICE), AND A PDS PATCH SET UP A SYSTEM TO SET DISK ALLOCATION LIMITS, CHECK THE LIMITS AUTOMATICALLY, AND ENFORCE THE LIMITS BY WAY OF LOGIN MESSAGES, PURGING FILES AND FINALLY, REVOKING PRIVILEGES. DSM IS ABLE TO MAINTAIN A REQUIRED LEVEL OF FREE DISK SPACE WITHOUT CONSTANT SYSTEM MANAGER AGGRAVATION, ONCE THE ALLOCATION SPECS ARE DETERMINED. SEE DSM.RNO/DSM.DOC AND MEMO8A AND 8B. [360,216] - QX - EXTENDED QUEUE LISTING FEATURES QX GIVES MORE DETAILED INFORMATION OF PRINT QUEUES. SPECIFICALLY, CONCATENATED FILE QUEUE, LISTING OF FILES SET PRINT DEFERRED AND PRINT TIME OF EACH FILE. QXBLD.CMD WILL COMPILE AND LINK QX.TSK. REFER TO QX.DOC FOR EXAMPLES AND SWITCHES. [360,217] - KPS - KEYPUNCH SIMULATOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS PROGRAM IS TO SIMULATE THE FUNCTIONS OF THE KEYPUNCH USING A TERMINAL. KPS IS A VERY SIMPLE EDITOR WITH THE ADDED SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF KEYPUNCHES. THESE FUNCTIONS INCLUDE THE USE OF 'PROGRAM CARDS' AND A 'DUP' KEY, ALLOWING INPUT OF A FIXED FIELD NATURE WHERE KEYPUNCH FUNCTIONS MAKE THE TYPING TASK EASIER. SEE KPS.RNO/DOC. KPSBLD.CMD BUILDS KPS AND KPSRCV, A RECOVERY TASK TO RECLAIM THE EDIT IF A CRASH OCCURS MID-EDIT. ;[211,14]README.TXT ; ; SPRING DECUS SYMPOSIUM, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ; RSX TAPE COPY SUBMISSION ; ; INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION ; CITY OF GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA ; 200 E. UNIVERSITY AVE. / P.O. BOX 490 ; GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA 32602 ; (904) 374-2020 ; ; SUBMISSIONS BY MARK C. WESTON AND J. NOEL CARBONI ; ; TALK.MAC - TALK IS A INTER-TERMINAL COMMUNICATION PROGRAM THAT ; ALLOWS SIMULTANEOUS CONVERSATION BETWEEN TWO VT52 TERMINALS. ; ; TAPE.MAC - TAPE.MAC IS THE START OF A GENERAL PURPOSE TAPE COPY PROGRAM ; THAT WILL ULTIMATELY USE SWITCHES TO SELECT DENSITY, MODE, AND ; ACCEPT INDIRECT COMMAND FILE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FILE NAME OF ; UNLABLED TAPES. IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS ON THIS ; PROGRAM PLEASE FORWARD THEM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. CURRENTLY THIS ; PROGRAM WILL READ UNLABELLED EBCDIC TAPES AT 1600 BPI. INDIRECT ; COMMAND FILE SPECIFICATION OF FILE NAMES IS ACCEPTED ALSO. ; EBASC.MAC IS A CONVERSION ROUTINE THAT IS USED WITH TAPE.MAC. ; ; UP1.FTN - A FORTRAN PROGRAM THAT USES THE DATA PRODUCED BY THE PROPRIETARY ; SRF (SYSTEM RESOURCE FACILITY) FROM GEJAC TO CREATE A HISTOGRAM ; OF CPU UTILIZATION VERSUS TIME. SRFMAINT.CMD IS USED IN ; COMBINATION WITH THIS. ; ; WP.CMD - A TEXT PROCESSING SYSTEM BASED IN EDT V2.0 AND RUNOFF. THIS ; SYSTEM IS MENU ORIENTED AND IS USED ON A VT52 OR VT100 TERMINAL. ; THIS WAS A SYSTEM THAT WAS THROWN TOGETHER IN ONE DAY TO COVER ; THE ACTING DP MANAGERS REAR END. (NOTE: THIS IS THE THIRD ACTING ; DP MANAGER .... THE LINE FORMS TO THE REAR, PLEASE!). ; ; PLOT.FTN - A PLOTTING ROUTINE FOR THE DIABLO 1750 LETTER QUALITY PRINTER ; PLOTTER. 3D.FTN WILL PLOT A 3D FUNCTION USING PLOT.FTN AS AN ; EXAMPLE. WE WROTE THIS IN ONE DAY. ; ; WHOTT.MAC - A TASK THAT WILL RETURN THE TERMINAL NUMBER OF THE REQUESTING ; TERMINAL AS THE EXIT STATUS IN INDIRECT COMMAND FILES. ; (NO BIG DEAL, BUT USEFULL). ; ; TSHEET.FTN - A PROGRAM TO KEEP TRACK OF WORK TIME AND PRINT OUT TIMESHEETS. ; PUN.FTN IS USED TO PUNCH IN OR PUNCH OUT. A FILE TIME.CLK, ; WHICH IS EDITABLE IS USED TO STORE TIME INFORMATION. The software contribution from the Washington, DC area LUG consists of the following programs: 1. PIPLST - A system of command files and TECO macro's that reformat directory listings into a 5 column format along with some summary information. Uses PIP to create directory, then TECO and FLY to mung the listing around. Files: piplst.cmd piplst.tec piplstann.tec tec.tsk V35 teco fly.tsk see RSX Fall 77 Symposium tape for source 2. PUG - A nice little task to find zero length and locked files. Program will print out the names and locations and will optionally delete ALL of them. Be sure that this what you want it to do. >pug db: [/de] ! works quite well 3. GAB - A half duplex terminal connector. Everything you type will show up on both terminals until the next CTRL C, then everything the other person types will show up on both terminals. A great replacement for BRO. Use CTRL Z to exit hookup. >GAB TTnn: 4. DIARY - Create a timestamped diary of any thing that you care to type in. >DIARY This is a message... >DIARY DIA>This is line one DIA> and line two DIA>^Z > The info is appended to SY:[default]DIARY.TXT. 5. FILES - Program to determine which file a specific block belongs ********************************************************************** editor's note: readme.doc was renamed to "files.doc". It looks like files.doc is nothing more than the first part of the listing from files.mac. ********************************************************************* to. See readme.doc for more info. 6. TIMIT - Set of programs and subroutine for RSX11M-PLUS to do account file report generation, user accounting by login and individual TASK accounting. Requires F4P brcause of include files, I*4 support and parameter definitions. Conversion to FORTRAN should be doable, but not simple. Programs: ACLIST - List accounting history file in formatted summary fashion Depends on the Accounting history files being named "ACddmmmyy.DAT", command file to start up accounting and COLOG with this format filespec. Another program ACRESET - runs at 2400 to stop accounting and re-start with the proper name for the next day. GETAB - Grab users' Accounting block format and print out information. Written as test system to allow allocation of users activity to many different job orders in an automated way by writing out the info into different files rather than to just the terminal. TIMIT - Grab accounting info before and after some operation in an attempt to regain some task accounting capabilities for RSX11M-Plus. Works very well within the limitations of the information that M+ keeps for us. Try TIMIT installed as ...TMR. >TMR PIP/LI This will generate a list of all system resource usage by the command. >TMR TIMIT - V01 Enter command or task name. ==> command ==> command 2 ==> command 3 ==>^Z Report of totals of all three commands. Each command could be the cause of multiple task execution by requests or spawns, etc. All task invocations will be counted along with QIO's, DIR's, CPU tics, etc. For further info or to report any problems ( and please do, these programs are in active use ) call or write: L. Michael Fraser, Chairman Computer Science Department Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Dept. Bethesda, MD 20014 (301)295-1189 or 1372 MGT IS A MAG TAPE TRANSFER PROGRAM THAT ALLOWS A USER TO TRANSFER DATA FROM MAGTAPE TO DISK,MAGTAPE TO MAGTAPE,MAGTAPE TO TERMINAL,DISK TO MAGTAPE ETC. MGT DOES A BLOCK DATA TRANSFER SO NO DATA TRANSLATION IS PERFORMED. IT CAN BE USED TO COPY ANY TAPE. IT ALSO HAS SOME NICE BLOCKING FEATURES. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT: REB BURROUGHS GENERAL DYNAMICS P. O. BOX 748 MAIL ZONE 1189 FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76101 PHONE 817-732-4811 EXT. 4675 ************************************************************************* * * * HEX - Microprocessor hex file management utility * * * * Kevin Angley * * Telex Terminal Communications * * 3301 Terminal Drive * * Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 * * (919) 834-5251 * * * ************************************************************************* The HEX utility runs under the RSX11M operating system. Its purpose is to manipulate INTEL ASCII Hex-formatted files that are produced by many cross assemblers (or linkers) for 8-bit microprocessors (8080, Z80, 8085, etc.). Operations that can be performed on a hex file with HEX include: FILL - fill address range with a value. READ - read in a hex file. COMPARE - compare specified addresses to another hex file. COPY - copy values from one area to another. CRC - compute the standard bisync cyclic redundancy check on a range. DISPLAY - display portions of the file to the screen or to a listing file. EDIT - examine and optionally replace values in the file. MOVE - move values from one area to another. SEARCH - scan the file for a particular byte or word value. SUM - compute 16-bit byte-wise sum-check (as with DATA I/O prom burner). TRANSFER - manipulate the transfer address. WRITE - write out locations to create new hex files. The file HEX.TSK is ready to run (without FCSRES). To build the non-FCSRES version, TKB @HEXBLD. To build the FCSRES version, TKB @HEXFCSBLD. If you need to assemble a module, type @MAC and respond with the module name that you wish to assemble. HELPHEX.HLP is a help session on HEX and all subcommands. An actual user's manual can be obtained by sending about a dollar for postage to me at the above address. HEX can be easily modified to handle other formats (TEKHEX, MOTOROLA, etc.) by changing the modules READ and WRITE. Source module READTCI is an example of how read could be modified to input a different format. I would VERY much like to hear from you if you find this useful, find a bug, have modified it for other formats, added whistles and bells, etc. ************************************************************************* A MACRO SUBPROGRAM TO CONVERT CLUNKS TO DATES AND DATES TO CLUNKS The module CLUNK.MAC can be used to convert Datatrieve-11 clunks to system date and time and back again. It can be called by a Macro, Fortran, or Basic-Plus 2 program. This routine was inspired by the article on Datatrieve dates by Chuck Watson in the Feb. '81 issue of the Wombat Examiner. I saw it as desirable to have a application program using the FMS package access a data file created by Datatrieve, hence this routine came about. CLUNK has been tested for date conversions for all days between 1-Jan-1900 thru 31-Dec-1999. This seems to be a useful subset of dates for our particular installation. This subset also dodges the issue of what happens at the turn of the century by avoiding it... Time-of-day is also included in this implementation. Although Datatrieve-11 is not capable of exspressing it, it can be extracted and used by application programs. Datatrieve does not seem to mishandle these dates which have time also included in them. As far as BP2 and Fortran are concerned, the Datatrieve time unit is a 4-word integer array and should be treated as such in I/O statements. For BP2, include the time in the MAP statement used to define the record definition. For Fortran, include the time in the I/O list for reads and/or writes (don't forget the FORMAT statement). Your comments and recomendations for improvemnt are welcome. The code is not quite as clean as I would like it, but it would not otherwise make it to Miami.... If you find this useful, please let me know. Bob Rock Northeast Electronics Div Northern Telecom Inc. Airport Rd. Concord, N.H. 03301 This account contains a version of the Universal Magtape Reader origiannly written by D. Macre in DEC Paris. A number of changes have been made to make it more usable. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains the disk fragmentation utility originally based on FRAG by Michaud. I have made a few cosmetic changes, such as allowing lower-case, and allowing the device to be From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains a version of FRC, the utility to force a command line to another terminal. It has been modified from William Storey's original design to use the Spawn directive, and so does not have to map the Executive. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ******************************************************************* editor's note: This uic contained the two files README.1ST and README.DOC. I decided to combine them into one README.1ST file. I changed the name of the README.DOC file to SRDMOD.DOC. This account contains Version 6.0 of SRD. It is an attempt to combine the modifications made by Bob Turkelson (Goddard Flight Centre) and Ray van Tassle (Motorola) as well as to add a number of new ones. For a detailed writeup on the changes made read the following section (which is the author's original README.DOC file now appearing as SRDMOD.DOC). ********************************************************************** This is an improved version of SRD, dated 3-DEC-1980. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This version is intended to combine all the versions of SRD I know of (Ray van Tassle's, Bob Turkelson's and my own) into one (easily tailorable) unit, which can then hopefully be used as a base for future modifications. The changes from 'standard SRD' fall into three categories, as follows:- 1. Those made by:- Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. It has been sporadically updated over the last year and a half, so long that I forgot what it's original base was. I think it was the version distributed with our IAS V 2.0 system. The original SRD had a massive number of bugs, the worst one was probably that it would loose files on a Write-back (but mostly only on very large directories) !!!!!!! This version has had all the bugs I could find fixed, plus a lot of enhancements. Some of the key things are: Write-back works properly, and it also re-tries if it gets an I/O error on the write. It will dynamically expand it's core buffer (via EXTSK$ directive) if the directory won't fit. If the entire directory won't fit, it will do it in chunks, each of which is sorted properly; along with a warning message. A trailer line for each directory is given, showing the number of files in the UFD, and the number of files selected. If a switch that causes the file header to be read is specified (/MI, /FU, or a date switch), the number of blocks used/allocated is also given. A "nolist" switch is added, so you can get the above trailer info, without getting a list of the individual files (very handy for scanning an entire disk). The user write-up has been re-written. On date select, the "before" and "after" dates can now both be specified. The format of the output has been slightly modified so that a simple TECO macro can make a PIP command file to copy (or whatever) the selected files. Two macros to do just that are also on this tape, in my UFD for TECO macros. To use them, do: SRD XXX.CMD=???? TEC XXX.CMD *EISTRIP$$ *EIGET$$ * (any other edit you may want to do) *EX$$ 2. Those made by: BOB TURKELSON NASA/GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER CODE 934 GREENBELT, MARYLAND 20771 (301) 344-8864 Dave Parker, Henry Tumblin Duke University Medical Center Box 3181 Durham, NC 27710 (919) 684-6804 Support for /CO/LO/MU switches (to select contiguous, locked, or multi-header files). Support selection of files created between two dates when both /BE and /AF are used in the same command line. Yes/No/Quit/Go responses for selective delete (obtained from another version of SRD). Support /OV:[n] switch to select obsolete versions of files, which are those files which would be deleted if the /PU:[n] switch were used, and those which would not be selected if the /SV:[n] switch were specified. This provides a convenient method for users to see their obsolete files, and for system managers to determine which users are not regularly purging their files. Fixes for a few bugs (including the one reported in the October 1979 Multi-Tasker). Remove the requirement that a period must be included in the /SE: switch file specification, even if the file searched for has the null type. If the conditional symbol WILD$ is defined in SRDPRE.MAC, treat the file specification string given in the command line as if it has wild card matching after the name and type fields given, unless /DE, /SD, or /PU is specified (but never if the file specification appears in an /SE: or /SD: switch). A previous version of SRD treated any file specification in this manner, even if it appeared in the /SE: switch. Thus there was no method of obtaining only *.CM files, if any *.CMD files existed, or only TALL.* files if any TALLER.* files existed. The version from the New Orleans tape corrected this problem. However, to list all files beginning with OMSI, one must specify >SRD /SE:OMSI* rather than simply >SRD OMSI . In order to make SRD easier to use in our most common situation, without removing its new capability, we chose to make this modification. If any files are to be deleted, we always require the stricter syntax, to help insure that no file is deleted just because its name may be similar to those being deleted. Support for the /ID switch to identify which version of SRD is being used. Current version is V5.0. Support for the /BF switch which displays how much buffer space is available for use by SRD to read in the directory file. The code for reading the directory file into memory has been modified to read in as much of the directory as possible into memory, compress the directory, then if there is still more to read, attempt to continue reading it in. This seems to work on directories which are large but not logically dense. The dynamic checkpoint allocation does not seem to be working properly and SRD should not be built with this feature until it is resolved. 3. Those made by me:- Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. a. Modify SRD.CMD (as developed in 2) to contain all the code for building SRD, thus removing SRDASM.CMD. b. Set up initial values of switch masks from Task Builder GBLDEF statements (and add code to SRD.CMD to set them up), thus allowing users to configure various aspects of SRD defaults (e.g. inclusion/exclusion of [0,0]) as they wish. c. Replace the conditionalised code under WILD$ (from 2) with a pair of switches /WI and /WD. If /WI is set (by specification or task builder parameter) then FRED implies FRED* (and so on). In addition the switch /WD indicates whether such wild-carding is valid for delete operations. Note that if /WI is not specified then FRED will still imply FRED.*, but FRED. will look only for files with a null extension. d. /BF switch (in 2) renamed to /SI (size) to avoid conflict with date switches. e. /DA, /AF and /BE modified to handle inclusion of time and/or date. f. Date handling extended to cover:- /AE = After or on a given date/time. /AF = After (but not on) a given date/time. /BE = Before or on a given date/time. /BF = Before (but not on) a given date/time. /DA = On a given date/time. g. Added /HE to provide help. h. Added /AT to determine whether or not output device should be attached if a terminal. i. Added /M2 to allow a different flavour of 'Middle-Sized Listing' (as developed in 1). If /M2 is not set (by specification or TKB) then the format is as defined by Ray van Tassle viz:- Filename Creation Date/Time Revision Date/Time If it is set, the format is one I prefer, viz:- Filename Filesize CLM flags File ID Creation Date/Time j. Added a /00 switch to specify whether [0,0] should be included in [*,*] searches. k. Added a /SY switch to specify whether system accounts ([0,*] to [10,*]) should be included in [*,*] searches. l. Modified output so that if /RD (Revision Date selection) is specified with a date selection or /MI/M2 the date output is the revision Date instead of the Creation Date. m. Combined the methods of 1 and 2 for coping with big directories, so that now SRD will read the directory a bit at a time (if necessary), compressing as we go (as in 2) and if there is still insufficient room, will do it in chunks (as in 1). As far as I can tell the method works, but I have been unable to test it properly as I cannot now create a directory too big for it to handle (I gave up after about 1600 files - if you have more than that in one directory you've probably got problems anyway!). n. Updated the version to 6.0. For full details on this version of SRD consult SRD.DOC. This account contains RTR, a small program designed to access RSTS/E format disks from RSX-11M, and FORMAT, another program that will convert the output from RTR into one suitable for input to the BASIC-PLUS-2 translator program. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains a simple program to convert a document created by the DPD product WORD11 into standard RUNOFF format. It is only recommended to those who like using RUNOFF (I don't any more). Full details are in WTR.DOC. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains a very simplistic program to recover a file that has just been written. It was written in a great hurry, and sadly never really revised, so it is rather rough and ready. Still, it is better than nothing after you have just deleted the only copy of a file you've spent all day editing! From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains SND, a generalised Send/Receive packets task that can be very useful for checking out systems where several tasks communicate via Send/receive packets. It was originally written by Mike Stevenson of DEC UK and I have only made minor modifications to it. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains PIN, the Procedure Interpreter designed by James G Downward as a much smaller version of AT. I have rewritten most of it to use file primitives (instead of FCS) and to do its own parsing (instead of using CSI) - this has made it vastly smaller. I have also added a 'Chain' facility. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains the FORTRAN Cross-Referencer XRF. I have only modified it slightly to allow for Tabs in the input file, to allow lowercase in the input file, and to output more meaningful error messages (and an error count). From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains CCL - the implementation of a catchall task originally written by James Downward. I have tidied up the code considerably, and have added support for recursion and for dynamic task installation (see CCL.DOC). I have also removed all the code that required mods to MCR. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains TCF - the small program to output control codes to a terminal. The only changes I have made have been to add documentation. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains FIN, a small program to search a set of files for a given string. It is copied from GREP as written by Bruce Wright and Ray French, with only minor modifications (like the addition of /HE), a couple of bugs corrected and the name changed (what the hell does GREP mean?). From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains CVL, a small program to allow you to manipulate the volume label of a disk, originally written by H.L. Coleman & James Downward. I have simply tidied up a few minor bugs, added a help facility and made the task non-privileged so that it does not need to map the Executive. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains a pair of programs to produce a detailed breakdown of what DSR is currently being used and for what. It even attempts to follow FCB pointers through F11ACP, and usually finds everything in pool. The only item knowingly omitted is Error Message Blocks, which appear to be exceedingly rare. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ******************************************************************** editor's note: This program looks like it dumps on the data structures in an RSX-11M pool. (except error blocks). Someone should see if it knows about more data structures than the Online pool analyzer (OPA) or the crashed pool analyzer (CPA). Maybe following FCB pointers will help determine what files a large program (that you didn't write, but just inherited) has opened. ********************************************************************** This account contains the contiguous block report utility originally based on FRAG by Michaud. I have made a few cosmetic changes, such as allowing it to be run from disk (like FRG) rather than having to be installed. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ************************************************************* editor's note: this uic contains a very good doc file (HOL.DOC) on the program. The best I have seen. ************************************************************** This account contains VCO, a program which compares two files block by block. It is intended mainly for comparing task images or object files. In addition it allows wildcards to be specified, thus allowing you, in particular, to compare two whole UICs. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains CHK, a small program that calculates Files-11 checksums. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains an updated version of the disassembler designed by F. Borger. The main changes have been the addition of more instrcutions (like SPL), the addition of a /MA switch to output it in a form suitable for input to the Macro Assembler, a /HE switch to provide help, and the correction of odd (minor) interpretive bugs. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ******************************************************************* editor's note: This uic contains the only documentation (DOB.DOC) that I know of for the disassembler. ********************************************************************* This account contains STB, a small program for interrogating an RSX11M.STB file to find out where various symbols are located in the Executive. It is very useful for finding UCB addresses and suchlike. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ********************************************************************* editor's note: I have no idea what this program does. It looks like it is supposed to dump a magnetic tape in some format that is specific to a user's site. *********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** editor's note: I have no idea what this program is used for. It seems to have some relationship to the programs in [373,102] that allow one to write software that is INDEPENDENT of the type of screen terminal to which one is doing I/O. Maybe its a site specific example ?? *********************************************************************** ********************************************************************* editor's note: This program will take a snapshot dump of another task. The author claims it is different from the version of SNAP submitted on the Spring 1980 RSX/IAS tape in uic [307,20]. *********************************************************************** ; ; This module will take a snapshot dump of another task. ; This account contains TPC, the fast DOS-11 tape copy program developed by Reid Brown & G.H. Cohen. I have only changed the help facility, added documentation, and stopped it crashing at the end of its operation. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ********************************************************************* editor's note: This uic contains the only TPC.DOC file I have ever seen. It is for an old version of TPC but perhaps someone (namely Glen Everhart) should fix it up so that it includes documentation for BIGTPC. *********************************************************************** ************************************************************************ editor's note: This program looks like it does a tape backup, but I have no idea in what format. It does appear to have an ASCII to EBCDIC translator. *************************************************************************** This account contains REW, an incredibly simple program that simply rewinds a magtape! From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. **************************************************************** editor's note: this uic contained a copy of PIPUTL.OLB which is licensed software. I deleted it. ****************************************************************** This account contains a release of Teco Version 35, subtly modified by Phil Stephensen-Payne, together with some MUNG files. For details of changes consult the help file TEC.HLP. The file TECO.DOC has also been updated since the official release and now contains an alphabetical section on commands, an up-to-date index and a few other goodies. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains a version of BATCH which has been modified to stop it hanging/crashing the system, and to support input data files as well as command files. The version of VTDRV in this account has also been modified slightly to support BATCH. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains a version of the SOS editor for RSX-11M - it was whipped from the RSX-11M-PLUS distribution. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ********************************************************************* editor's note: This file no longer contains a version of DEC's SOS editor. I deleted it (you can't put liscensed software on this tape, this stuff is all public domain). But for those of you who have M and M+ systems you might try running the SOS editor from the M+ kit on your M system. He implies that it works. *********************************************************************** This account contains the sources of the macros and subroutines in USRLIB.OLB and USRMAC.MLB. These cover a wide variety of topics, such as data conversion, string manipulation, and sorting. Read USRLIB.HLP and USRMAC.HLP for details. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ********************************************************************* editor's note: This looks like a pretty complete package. It appears that USRLIB.HLP and USRMAC.HLP are intended to be files that allow one to use the HELP facility to get information. Maybe one (well I don't have time to try everything) types HELP "subroutine name" and it gives you the calling sequence and says something about what the subroutine does. Anyway I think its an interesting idea to use the HELP facility to document the modules in a subroutine library. ******************************************************************** This account contains a set of subroutines to enable you to write programs that do various aspects of screen control (e.g. cursor positioning) without knowing or caring what sort of terminal it will run on. See SCREEN.DOC for more details. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains the sources of the date and time subroutines in USRLIB.OLB. These convert one one type of date or time to another, and retrieve the current date or time in one of several forms. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ********************************************************************* editor's note: This uic contains string manipulation software that came from the RSX/IAS SIG tape spring 1978 in Chicago. It looks unmodified, but there is a help file STRING.HLP which did not appear on the 1978 tape. The help file idea extended to one's subroutines is an interesting idea. *********************************************************************** This account contains the sources of a few system routines (like TPARS). In each case I have updated them to be in line with RSX-11M V3.2. It also contains a prototype DELCK (for spoolers) and a routine (LOG) for logging overlay reads in an overlaid task. ********************************************************************* editor's note: The program for logging overlay reads looks very interesting. You have to write a module called PRINT, but that should not be hard. I deleted the sources of the few system routines (CAT5.MAC,CAT5B.MAC, EDTMG.MAC,OD2CT.MAC,TPARS.MAC) because they carry DEC's copyright. The object modules for these programs are supplied on your RSX-11M kit. The program TPEXAM.MAC is an example of the use of TPARS and TPMAC.MAC contains some macros for working with TPARS. For those of you who do not know what TPARS is I will include the following short quote from the manual: " Fair warning: The reader is assumed to have a cursory knowledge of table driven parsing and/or finite state automata. TPARS is a general purpose table driven parser. It is fundamentally capable of handling anything that is finite state parsable. Due to its structure and choice of basic lexical types, however, it works most efficiently for keyword grammars such as operating system command lines, etc. A string is parsed by interpreting the transitions in a state table supplied by the caller. The state table is a list of states. Each state consists of a list of transitions to other states. Each transition is composed of the following elements: " *********************************************************************** From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. This account contains a policy statement indicating the standards I have attempted to follow in creating all the other programs. It also includes boiler-plate files to assist in implementing those standards. From: Phil Stephensen-Payne, c/o Systime Ltd., Concourse Computer Centre, 432 Dewsbury Road, LEEDS LS11 7DF, England. ***************************************************************** editor's note: this uic contains a lot of HELP files. Some of them are modified versions from previous sig tapes. There are some new ones that have not appeared before. I personally have not seen TKB.HLP before. **************************************************************** ************************************************************************* editor's note: There are several document files in this uic which are very interesting. RSMINT.DOC - a 200 page manual on the internals of RMS-11. TABLE.CNT - the table of contents for the above manual on RMS-11. (the editor thinks table.cnt and rmsint.doc should be combined in one manual. doesn't runoff offer a table of contents ?) INTERTASK.DOC - a short paper on the methods of intertask communication on RSX-11M. This paper mentions core-to-core drivers (section 8) as one method for intertask communication. The RSX/IAS spring 1981 tape contains two such drivers. They are [300,120]VSDRV.TXT and [307,34]SRDRV.DOC. RSXMOD.DOC - a note on how to change the exec to support foreign disk drives. This is site specific, but it could be useful for those poor souls who have to maintain software for foreign devices that do not emulate the DEC equivalent hardware. RSXPLU.DOC - a note on how to get a 11-M PLUS kit from DEC up and running on a system with foreign disk drives. STNLON.DOC - a note on how to use ZAP to permantely change the mag tape vectors and CSR's in the standalone versions of BAD,DSC, and PRESRV. XDTHNT.DOC - A note on a clever way to use the SET /BUF command to cause a loadable driver to call XDT. *************************************************************************