This is some modifications to TECO version 36. Ray Van Tassle Motorola 1301 E. Algonquin Rd. Room 4135 Schaumburg, Ill. (312)-576-6017 I plan to support these changes as long as I can, so if there is a new version of TECO, I will modify these mods correspondingly. The only ones liable to cause anyone else problems are the patches to OBJ modules. I use DISOBJ to find out where the patches go. At any rate, if you have problems, call me. It would really be nice if this stuff got put into an "official" TECO release. To put them in, put this stuff in the UIC with TECO, and do "@MAKE" They do the following: 1) On an EI command, if the device/UIC are omitted, it will first look in the default device/UIC, and if not found, it will then look in LB:[2,2]. We use this to keep a "library" UIC of handy TECO macros, including a nifty TECO.TEC. 2) Some fixes to terminal I/O for RSX-11D and IAS. 3) When creating a file with an explicit version of ";1", it will re-write it if it is already there. (I would prefer to have a switch on the file-spec to specify /UP, but I didn't want to add things to the external interface. 4) When doing a normal edit (EB), it creates the output file with an initial allocation equal to the size of the input file. This makes the file creation slightly faster. 5) Patch to SCREEN.OBJ and TECO.OBJ, to take better advantage of "split-screen" mode. The one in SCREEN will paint a blob for a space on a HAZELTINE (or another CRT which doesn't have inverse video. The one in TECO.OBJ turns off the automatic echoing of the current text line on and if split-screen is on. 6) If invoked as MUN, TECO will lower it's priority after 30 seconds. This will keep a long MUN (for example: MUN SEARCH) from screwing up the other users. 7) Changed the "IMMEDIATE" mode operation slightly. This is un-documented, but very handy. It lets you write a TECO macro to get control when you use the alternate keypad, like the immediate mode and . This TECO macro is invoked by "n1,n2MA$$", where n1 & n2 tell you which key was pressed. I fixed it so that it would pass the entire 7-bit value to the macro (if I want it stripped to the lower 5 bits I can do it in the macro), and took out the echoing of the command. 8) To go along with this, I have a macro (KEYS.TES), which has most of the useful functionality of VTEDIT, but which is much, much faster and smaller. This works even on a tube (such as a hazeltine) that doesn't have an alternate keypad, you just to give it a double keystroke. 9) To go along with these, there is a TECO.TEC, which will load-up KEYS, go into split-screen mode, and fly! I fixed up CRTRUB.MAC, to add CRT support for a HAZELTINE 1500 (we have both VT-100's & HAZELTINES), and split-screen even works on a tube that does not have it!!!!!!! (Albeit not as nice as on a VT100). 10) The TECO.TEC supplied here set up these things, and if invoked as TES, starts up in split screen mode, if as TEV, starts up in VTEDIT mode. We keep this in LB:[2,2], so everyone gets started with it, unless they over-ride it with their own TECO.TEC.