CVL - CHANGE VOLUME LABLE CVL is a mini-utility which will allow an RSX11M user to view disk initialization parameters not displayed via the /VI switch of the MOUNT command, and to reset certain critical parameters. CVL is a privleged MCR task which must be rebuilt each SYSGEN. The disk must be mounted to change anything. A privileged user may display (/VI) the info on any disk. A non-privileged user may do things only for a disk that is allocated to him. The command line is CVL DDn:newname/SW1/SW2/.... where newname is the newname for the volume and /SW is any of /CL - CHANGE THE LABEL /VI Display volume information but change nothing. /LRU = NN Change the LRU for the volume to NN. /MAXEXT = NN Change the MAXEXT for the volume to NN. /MXF = NNN Increase the maximum number of files allowed on the volume to NNN. ~ /WINDOW = NN Change the default window pointers for the volume. /FPRO = [RWED,RWED,RWED,RWED] where any of RWED used sets READ, WRITE, EXTEND, or DELETE privleges for SYSTEM, OWNER, GROUP, and WORLD, respectively. Also as an aid in recordkeeping, the date the volume was initialized is displayed. THE NEW VALUES DO NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT UNTIL THE VOLUME IS DISMOUNTED AND MOUNTED AGAIN, AS THE F11ACP REMEMBERS THEM WHEN THE DISK IS MOUNTED, AND NEVER LOOKS AT THEM ON THE DISK AGAIN.