; ; Assemble and build TYPE. ; ; TYPE consists of 3 modules and PIPUTL.OLB ; The object modules are provided on the distribution tape ; for all 3 modules, and should only need to be assembled ; if you would like a listing. ; ; The task image provided on tape is executable as is, but ; may be re-built if you want a map or would like to link ; it to a resident library. This command file automatically ; checks for F4PRES and, if you request TYPE to be re-built, ; it will link to F4PRES. ; ; LS: should be defined as the listing device, and MP: ; as the map device. If not defined, they default to NL:. ; .ASK ASN Do you wish to re-assign LS: or MP: .IFF ASN .GOTO ASSEM ; ; We will pause to let you assign LS: and/or MP:. ; .PAUSE .ASSEM: .ASK ASM Do you wish to assemble any modules .ASK BLD Do you wish to rebuild TYPE.TSK .IFF ASM .GOTO BILD .ASK TYPE Assemble TYPE .ASK MATCH Assemble MATCH .ASK PRECSI Assemble PRECSI .IFNLOA LS: ASN NL:=LS: .IFT TYPE MAC TYPE,LS:TYPE/-SP=TYPE .IFT MATCH MAC MATCH,LS:MATCH/-SP=MATCH .IFT PRECSI MAC PRECSI,LS:PRECSI/-SP=PRECSI .BILD: .IFF BLD .GOTO END .IFNLOA MP: ASN NL:=MP: .; .; CHECK FOR F4PRES. .; .TESTFILE LB:[1,1]F4PRES.TSK .IF EQ 1 TKB @TYPF4P.BLD .IF NE 1 TKB @TYP.BLD .END: