****************************************************************** editor's notes: This software was given to the NETWORKS SIG at the Spring 1981 DECUS meeting. The new pages for RMDEMO work even if you DO NOT HAVE DECNET. ****************************************************************** The following programs were submitted by the Digital Equipment People as Network software for RSX-11M 1) New page displays for rsx-11m rmdemo display to display a) active task list ************************************************************* editor's note: The active task list page looks like it might show the names of the files that a particular task has open. It could be a very valuable debugging tool. ************************************************************* b) remote node display (maps) c) logical link display d) help page 2) Vms compatible network mail for rsx-11m 3) Remote command terminal from rsx-11m to a) tops-20 b) rsts c) vms 4) Poor mans node route through, allows phase II DECNET messages to route throught a phase III node or thur another phase II node. 5) Remote virtual devices using DECNET *********************************************************** editor's note: This allows an RSX-11M system to run without a disk (what about boot physically attached to the CPU. The RSX-11M system uses the "virtual disk device" via DECNET to connect to a physical disk on a host system. Currently the host system is another RSX-11M system. Maybe someone could work out the software to make the host system a VAX/VMS system. ************************************************************ a) Virtual Disk ************************************************************* editor's note: this virtual disk is something quite different than the Virtual disk invented by Ralph Stamerjohn. An implementation of Ralph's virtual disk appears on this tape in uic [313,*]. ************************************************************* b) Virtual Magtape c) Virtual Line Printer