DECnet Mail help file 6/30/80 The current DECnet mail utilities support the sending of messages and ASCII files over the network. Mail can only be sent over links that are currently active. (there is no queueing involved) The destination's existence is verifyied before your message is taken. Mail is delivered to your account in a new version of the file MAIL.TXT The mail server implements a poor man's routing scheme. However aliases can be defined in the file LB:[1,2]MAILNODE.DAT. This removes the typing problems. Receiving mail is passive. You will get the following message on your terminal if logged in. [MAL- New Mail on node HALDIR::] To Read your mail, use the Mail reader command file, MAIL.CMD. A current version is kept in DB:[305,344]MAIL.CMD See HELP MAILCMD for further help. To Send mail you use the SEND program. You can get help on SEND by typing HELP NETSEND