[352,1]README.1ST - MIAMI SPRING 81 - FILES SUBMITTED BY: Bob Turkelson NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 935 Greenbelt, MD 20771 (301) 344-5003 The following describes the various utility programs and routines for RSX-11M V3.2 contained in this UIC. I would appreciate being sent a copy of any significant modifications made to these programs. DISKUSAGE.FTN Produces a table summarizing disk space usage by UIC (number of files, blocks used and allocated), totals for each group, and compares the total group allocated space with an assigned disk space allotment value. It reads a file DISKUSAGE.DAT containing the disk unit/ group/allotment numbers, and a file TOTALBLK.DAT which is a PIP /TB listing file. Written in F4P. Please see the comments at the beginning of the file and within DISKRPT.CMD and TB.CMD for more information. DISKRPT.CMD Reads the DISKUSAGE.DAT file mentioned above, creates TB.CMD and executes a PIP command file to create TOTALBLK.DAT, and executes the DISKUSAGE program. It executes TB.CMD. It renames the input and output files to TByymmdd.DAT and TByymmdd.TBL where yymmdd is the current date. Examine both command files and change the UIC assignments for your system. Note that the data file and task file are expected to be in the same UIC. CONSOLE.FTN Creates a copy of CONSOLE.LOG files with repeated records replaced by a message indicating the number of occurences of the record. Good for eliminating many device NOT READY messages before printing these files. The user may merge multiple file versions into the output file. Written in F4P. CONSOLBLD.CMD TKB command file to build CONSOLE.TSK. FT.FTN A tape utility program for determining tape record sizes, copying tapes, etc. This program is written in F4P and is not structured well. No doubt better utilities exist, but this has been helpful to us at times. I had a request to submit this program to this tape. FT needs to be built with the conversion/byte manipulation routines mentioned below. In addition, it also needs MTBLOK.MAC, which appeared on at least two RSX SIG tapes several years ago. FTBLD.CMD TKB command file to build FT. Note that UIC and library specifications need to be modified for your system. FT.DOC FT program documentation. TAPCVT.FTN Another tape utility program which I have not used. See the documentation for information. TAPCVT.DOC TAPCVT program documentation. FPCONV.MAC Routines to convert between IBM 360/370 and PDP 11 floating point format. SWABI.MAC Byte swapping routine. DAYFLD.FTN Convert from day of week (numeric) to ASCII day of week. DAYWK.FTN Convert from day of year to month, day, and day of week; or from month, day to day of year and day of week. BINHEX.MAC Convert to hexadecimal. EBCASC.MAC Convert a string from EBCDIC to ASCII. ASCEBC.MAC Convert a string from ASCII to EBCDIC. MOVE.MAC Routines to move a string of bytes, to fill a string with a byte, and to convert a string to upper case ASCII. FPCONV.DOC Documentation for the above conversion and byte SWABI.DOC manipulation routines. DAYFLD.DOC DAYWK.DOC BINHEX.DOC EBCASC.DOC ASCEBC.DOC MOVE.DOC FILL.DOC CAPS.DOC HEL.COR SLP correction file to allow a privileged user to log on in a special way even if logons are disabled. Creates HELNEW.MAC, which you may MAC and TKB appropriately (preferrably with a non-ANSLIB SYSLIB). Good if you log off by mistake after a SET /NOLOGON. [352,1]README.1ST - END