BATCH Processing ================ As RSX-11M does not (yet) support batch processing, a small version of it has been developed using the virtual terminal driver (VTDRV) developed by Dave Elderkin. The main purpose of BATCH is simply to run an indirect command file without tying up a terminal, and creating a log file of the output. It also has a facility for supplying data 'inline' to a program (for more information on this facility type HELP BATCH DATA). Before BATCH processing can be initiated, the virtual terminal driver must be loaded, and the tasks BATCH.TSK and SUB.TSK installed. Files are then submitted to the processor via a command of the form:- SUB logon-text filename where logon-text is an account/password combination for HELLO (e.g. 1/2/FRED) and filename is the name of the command-file. When processing is complete a message will be output on your terminal, and the log file will exist as filename.LOG;1. For further help type:- HELP SUBMIT for information on SUBMIT HELP BTQ for information on displaying the BATCH queue HELP VTDRV for information on the Virtual Terminal Driver 2 DATA If instead of the usual SUBMIT comand-line the user types a line like:- SUB logon-text $filename the file (with an extension of .DAT) will be processed by BATCH itself, rather than by passing it to AT. to process. The lines in this file must all be in one of two forms:- MCR commands - These are passed to the Virtual Terminal Driver in the form required by MCR Data Lines - These are identified by a leading ! and are passed (minus the !) to the Virtual Terminal Driver in the form required by most utility programs. If the first character after the ! is a ^ it, too, is omitted and the next character is interpreted as the corresponding control character. For example, a data file containing:- PIP !/LI !^Z would produce a PIP listing in the log file.