BCK copies standard RMS-11 files from one medium to another (disk to disk or disk to tape), translating the data into a special back-up format. The back-up copy contains the source file's attributes: account number, creation and revision dates, protection code, and so on. However, they do not include placement control instructions; a file cannot be restored to the same physical place on a device that it was backed up from. Back-up files can only be accessed properly by the RST utility (type HELP RST for more information). User programs cannot change back-up data. BCK only uses magnetic tapes with ANSI-standard labels. However, the back-up data written by the utility between the labels does not comply with ANSI standards. Type HELP BCK COMMAND for an explanation of BCK's command line and switches. 2 COMMAND The general BCK command line is: outfile[/switch(s)]=infile[/switch(s)][,infile[/switch(s)] ...] Switch Type Description Default ? string Print HELP message No help HELP /ID Global Identify current version No id of BCK /QU Global Enable Query mode QU /SL[:file] Global Provide summary listing (in No summary file, if specified) /RA Outfile Read after writing NORA /RC Outfile Check after writing NORC /RW Outfile Rewind magtape before NORW writing /SU Outfile Supercede old files NOSU /CD:date[:v] Infile Back-up files based on No date checking creation date /RD:date[:v] Infile Back-up files based on No date checking revision date where date = dd-mon-yy v = None, created/revised on the specified date A, created/revised after the specified date B, created/revised after the specified date