TERMINAL CONTROL COMMANDS Control characters are special characters produced by holding down the CTRL key and striking some other keyboard character. These special characters can be used to control the output to or input from the terminal. In general if a command requires that the CTRL key be held down its presence is signified by a ^ preceding the letter. HELP is available on the following qualifiers RUBOUT ^C Invoke MCR ^R Retype ^Z Exit ^Q Restart ^S Stop ^O Stop printing ^U Delete line ^X Purge the Typeahead Buffer Type HELP CONTROL qualifier for more information. 2 RUBOUT Each time the RUBOUT key is hit the previous character in the line is deleted. Note that it will only be visibly rubbed out on a screen if the terminal is set as a CRT (see SET). 2 ^U Typing ^U deletes the entire line. 2 ^R Typing ^R retypes the current line with rubouts removed. 2 ^O Typing ^O stops the current output to the terminal until another ^O is typed. All output sent to the terminal in between is lost. 2 ^S Typing ^S suspends output to the terminal, but no output is lost. 2 ^Q Typing ^Q resumes output to a terminal suspended via ^S. 2 ^C Typing ^C will request MCR (and give you an MCR> prompt) even if your terminal is currently busy. 2 ^Z ^Z is the exit command for terminating most system utilities. 2 ^X For systems with the full-duplex terminal driver, ^X empties the typeahead buffer for the terminal.