DSRDMP - Dynamic Storage Region Analyser ======================================== DSRDMP will produce a report on the current contents of DSR broken down into its constituent tables & lists. To run DSRDMP, both DSRDMP and DSRDM1 must be installed, and the user should then type RUN DSRDMP. DSRDMP invokes DSRDM1 to do the actual dump of DSR into its task space, and for this period (< 5 seconds) both jobs are non-checkpointable and run at a priority of 120. For the analysis of DSR, DSRDMP makes itself checkpointable and lowers its priority to 50. (DSRDM1 has exited by then.) DSRDMP will produce the report in a file called DSRDMP.REP on the disk SY: under the account it is run from. It will also optionally create a file called DSRDMP.DMP under the current account on any device assigned to LUN 3 of DSRDMP (NL: by default) containing an OCTAL/ASCII/RAD50 dump of DSR, the Device Tables and F11ACP and its local buffers.