THE FORTRAN IV-PLUS COMPILER The FORTRAN IV-PLUS compiler is an optimizing Fortran compiler capable of producing in-line code. It can theoretically produce a Fortran program which executes almost as fast as an assembly language program. By convention /SW sets the switch action, and /NOSW or /-SW negates the switch action (SW represents a switch). The command line to the compiler looks like Object-File, List-File/listswitch = Source-File/switches The default extensions are .FTN for the Source-File, and .OBJ for the Object-File. Further HELP may be obtained by typing HELP F4P KEYWORD, using one of the following keywords. ERROR (Options for getting HELP on errors) ERROR Rnn (HELP for a specific Runtime error number) ERROR Cnn (HELP for a specific Compile error number) SWITCHES (Summary of F4P compiler switches) LIST (Listing Switch Summary) (Information on named compiler switch) For help on FORTRAN-IV type HELP FOR 2 ERROR @F4PERROR.HLP 2 SWITCHES F4P Compiler Switch Options /CK check array references /CO:n specify n continuation lines /DE compile debug lines /ID print compiler version number /I4 allocate 2 words/integer /LA lock switch setting /LI list switch /RO generate read only code /SP spool listing file /TR controls error traceback /WF specify number of work files /WR enable warning diagnostics Switch default summary: /NOCK/CO:5/NODE/NOI4/NOLA/LI:2/NORO/SP/TR:BLOCKS/WF:2/WR HELP on any of these switches may be obtained by typing HELP F4P . where switch is the desired switch. 2 CK /CK Code is generated to check that all array references are within the array address bounds specified by the program. Individual subscripts are not checked against dimension specifications. The default is /NOCK 2 CO /CO:n A maximum of n continuation lines are permitted in the program, 0 .LE. n .LE. 99. Note that n may be expressed either in octal or decimal radix. If a decimal point follows the number, it is interpreted in decimal radix; otherwise, it is interpreted in octal radix. The default is /CO:5 2 DE /DE Compile line with a D in column one. These lines are treated as comment lines by default. The default is /NODE 2 ID /ID Print FORTRAN IV-PLUS Compiler identification and version number. The default is /NOID 2 I4 /I4 Allocates two words for default length of Integer and Logical variables. Normally, single storage words will be the default allocation for all Integer or Logical variables not given an explicit length definition (i.e., INTEGER*2, LOGICAL*4). The default if /NOI4 2 LA /LA Causes the current switch settings to be retained (latched) for subsequent compilations. Normally switch settings are restored to their default values prior to processing each command line. This switch is convenient for compiling a series of programs with the same switch settings. The default is /NOLA 2 LIST /LI:n Specifies listing options; 0 .LE. n .LE. 3. The argument n is codes as follows: n=0 minimal listing file: diagnostic messages and program section summary only n=1 source listing and program section summary n=2 source listing, program section summary and storage map n=3 source listing, assembly code, program section summary, and storage map The default is /LI:2 2 RO /RO Directs the compiler to specify pure code and pure data sections as Read Only, in order to take advantage of code-sharing in multiuser tasks. The default is /NORO 2 SP /SP automatically spool listing file. The default is /SP 2 TR /TR:x The /TR switch controls the amount of extra code included in the compiled output for use by the OTS during error traceback. This code is used in producing diagnostic information and in identifying which statement in the FORTRAN source program caused an error condition to be detected during execution. /TR:x can have the following forms: /TR Same as /TR:ALL /TR:ALL Error traceback information is compiled for all source statements, and function and subroutine entries. /TR:LINES Same as /TR:ALL /TR:BLOCKS Traceback information is compiled for subroutine and function entries and for selected source statements. The source statements selected by the compiler are initial statements in sequences called blocks. /TR:NAMES Traceback information is compiled only for subroutine and function entries. /TR:NONE No traceback information is produced. /NOTR Same as /TR:NONE The default is /TR:BLOCKS 2 WF /WF:n The /WF switch determines the number of temporary external work files that should be used during compilation. One, two, or three files can be used. Increasing the number of files will increase the size of the largest program that can be compiled, but may decrease compilation speed. The default is /WF:2 2 WR /WR Enable compiler warning diagnostics. If /NOWR is set, no warning messages will be issued by the compiler. The default if /WR