THE FORTRAN IV COMPILER The FORTRAN IV compiler is an optimizing Fortran compiler capable of producing in-line or threaded code. By convention /SW sets the switch action, and /NOSW or /-SW negates the switch action (SW represents a switch). The command line to the compiler looks like Object-File, List-File/listswitch = Source-File/switches The default extensions are .FTN for the Source-File, and .OBJ for the Object-File. Further HELP may be obtained by typing HELP FOR KEYWORD, using one of the following keywords. ERROR (Options for getting HELP on errors) ERROR Rnn (HELP for a specific Runtime error number) ERROR Cx (HELP for a specific Compile error letter) SWITCHES (Summary of FOR compiler switches) LIST (Listing Switch Summary) For help on FORTRAN IV-PLUS type HELP F4P 2 ERROR @FORERROR.HLP 2 SWITCHES FOR Compiler Switch Options /CD specify type of output object code /DE compile debug lines /DI expanded listings of internal diagnostics /EX allow comments in columns 73-80 /ID print compiler version number /I4 allocate 2 words/integer /LI list switch /LO print program names on user terminal /NOOP disable optimisations /OP enable optimisations /RO generate read only code /SN include internal sequence numbers /SP spool listing file /VA enale vectoring of arrays /WR enable warning diagnostics Switch default summary: /CD:THR/NODE/NODI/NOEX/NOI4/NOLA/LI:3/LO/NORO/SN/SP/VA/WR HELP on any of these switches may be obtained by typing HELP FOR . where sw is the desired switch. 2 CD /CD:xxx Selects type of object code to be generated. Valid values are: EAE - select code for EAE hardware EIS - select code for EIS hardware FIS - select code for EIS and FIS hardware THR - select threaded code 2 DE /DE Compile lines with a D in column 1. These lines are treated as comment lines by the default /NODE switch. 2 DI /DI Enables expanded listings of compiler internal diagnostic information 2 EX /EX Allows source line input comments from columns 73-80. The default (/NOEX) reads only the first 72 columns.) 2 ID /ID Prints out the compiler version number. The default is /NOID. 2 I4 /I4 Allocate two words for default length integer and logical variables. /NOI4 is the default. 2 LIST FOR LISTING OPTIONS /LI:n Specifies listing options, 0<=n<=7.(Defaults to LI:3) n=0 List diagnostics only. n=1 List source program and diagnostics only. n=2 List storage map and diagnostics only. n=4 List generated code and diagnostics only. For combinations of the above, add together the numeric values, e.g. n=5 List generated code, source program and diagnostics. 2 LO /LO Prints on the user's terminal the names of program units (from PROGRAM, FUNCTION, SUBROUTINE and BLOCK DATA statements). /LO is the default. 2 NOOP #OP 2 OP /NOOP:xxx Disables or enables various optimisations. Multiple /OP:xxx arguments can be supplied, and may be any of:- SPD - optimisation for program speed CSE - common subexpression elimination STR - strength reduction optimisation for inline code BND - global register bindings for inline code 2 RO /RO Directs the compiler to specify pure code and pure data sections as READ ONLY(RO). The default is /NORO. 2 SN /SN Include Internal Sequence Numbers. This provides line information during traceback, but requires storage space and execution time. /NOSN is the default. 2 SP /SP Automatically spool listing file. The default is /NOSP. 2 VA /VA Enable vectoring of arrays. /VA is the default. 2 WR /WR Enable compiler warning diagnostics (W-class messages). The default is /WR.