PIP - THE RSX-11M FILE UTILITY PIP (Peripheral Interchange Program) is a general RSX Utility which is used to 1) copy files from one device/[UIC] to another, 2) delete unneeded files completely from your User File Directory(UFD), 3) purge unneeded versions from your UFD, 4) merge two or more files into a single file, 5) provide a directory listing of the files on the user's UFD, 6) list a source file at the user's terminal(TI:) or LP:. Additional HELP may be requested by typing HELP PIP keyword where allowed keywords are COMMANDLINE Using the PIP command line COPY Copying files (or listing them on TI:) DELETE Deleting files DIRECTORY Obtaining a listing of one's files MERGE Merging two or more files together. PURGE Purging files SPOOL Spooling a file to the line printer. SWITCHES List of PIP switches. TRUNCATE TRUNCATING unused blocks from a text file. UNLOCK Unlocking a LOCKED file. Information on a given switch 2 COMMANDLINE The general format of a command to PIP is outputfile/Sw1../Swn = inputfile1/Sw1...,inputfile2/Sw1.... where Sw1,..Swn are any number of switches. The switches are the commands to PIP which perform operations on the files. If switches are omitted PIP will copy an existing input file into an output file. If the file version number is omitted PIP uses the highest version number. PIP has many command switches but almost everyting one needs to do can be done with a very few switches. HELP with the RSX11M File Specifier may be obtained by typing HELP FILES. PIP allows a "wildcard" in its command structure. Any part of a standard RSX11M File Specifier(NAME, TYPE, VER, etc) may be replaced with a "*". An * signifies that any NAME, TYPE, or VERSION within a UFD can satisf the given command switch. 2 SWITCHES The following are switches supported by PIP. /AP Append input file to output file /BL:n Define initial allocation. See COPY /BS:n Define magnetic tape blocksize /BR Obtain a brief directory listing /CD Preserve creation date on file copy /CO Output file is to be contiguous. See COPY /DE Delete file /DF Set default device and/or UFD for subsequent commands /EN Create secondary directory entry for file /EOF:n:m Set EOF marker for file. /FI Identify file by File ID instead of filename /FO Output file owner to be same as input file. See COPY, /AP, /PR, /UF, and /UP /FR Determine free block count for disk /FU Obtain a full directory listing /GR:RWED Sub-switch to /PR /ID Identify PIP version /LD List files deleted. See /DE or /PU /LI List directory /ME Merge two or more files together /NM Suppress certain PIP error messages /NV Create a new version of the file. See COPY /OW:RWED Sub-switch to /PR /PR Alter file protection /PU:n Purge to n contigous copies /RE Rename input file to output name /RM Remove directory entry for a file /RW Rewind tape /SB Set span block attribute in output file /SD Selective delete /SP Specify list of files to be printed /SR Allow shared read /SU Supercede output version /SY:RWED Sub-switch to /PR /TB List total blocks allocated in directory /TR Truncate file /UF Create UFD on output volume to match input file /UN Unlock file /UP Update file contents /WO:RWED Sub-switch to /PR Type HELP PIP for more information on each switch. 2 APPEND APPEND outfile[/FO]=infile[s]/AP[/FO] Opens an existing file (outfile) and appends the input file(s) to the end of it. (FO is the file owner.) The parameters PIP allows for this command are: outfile - explicit filename and type infile - explicit file parameters; wildcard by default /FO - file ownership is infile UFD; without FO, ownership is current UIC. 2 BL #NV 2 BRIEF #TB 2 BS BLOCKSIZE outfile/[BS:n]=infile(s)/[BS:n] Defines the block size for 7- and 9-track magnetic tape. 2 CD CREATION DATE outfile/CD=infile Gives the output file the creation date of the input file rather than the date of the file transfer. (This switch cannot be used with the Merge switch.) 2 COPY #NV 2 DELETE DELETE infile(s)/DE[/LD] Deletes files. LD is a Sub switch to list the files PIP deletes. The version number must be explicit or wildcard. 2 DF DEFAULT ddn:[g,m]/DF Changes PIP default device and/or UFD. (This switch does not change protection priveleges.) 2 DIRECTORY #TB 2 ENTER ENTER outfile=infile(s)/EN[/NV] Enters a synonym for a file in a directory with an option to force the version number of the outfile to one greater than the latest version for the file. outfile - filename.type, or version, can be individually explicit, wildcard, or null. A field that is * or null assumes corresponding input field. infile - default for filename, type, and version is *.*;* /NV - forces output version number of copied file to be one more than the current highest version 2 EOF END-OF-FILE infile(s)/EOF[:block:byte] Specifies the end-of-file pointers for a file. If the block and byte values are not specified the end-of-file pointers are moved to the end of the allocated area. 2 FILE_ID FILE IDENTITY outfile=/FI:filenumber:sequencenumber Accesses a file by its file identification number (File-ID). 2 FO FILE OWNERSHIP The /FO switch allows the specification of the output file owner. For specifics on its use type HELP PIP where is COPY, /AP, /PR, /UF, or /UP. 2 FREE FREE [ddn:]/FR Prints the available space and the largest block of contiguous space available on a volume. SY0: is assumed by default. 2 FULL #TB 2 GROUP #WO 2 IDENTIFICATION IDENTIFICATION /ID Causes the version number of the PIP currently in use to be displayed on the terminal. 2 LD LIST DELETED FILES The /LD subswitch is used with the /DE or /PU switch to list the deleted files. Type HELP PIP where is either /DE or /PU for more information. 2 LIST #TB 2 MERGE #NV 2 NM NO MESSAGE infile(s)/SW/NM Suppresses certain PIP error messages, for example the message NO SUCH FILE(S). The switches that can be used with the No Message command are: /UN to unlock locked files /LI to list directory /DE to delete file(s) /SD to selectively delete file(s) /PU to purge files and any Sub switches of the above switches. 2 NV COPY outfile[s]=infile[s]/subswitches Creates a copy of a file on the same or another volume. The parameters that PIP allows are: outfile - if filename.type; version are null or all wild cards input parameters are preserved unless overruled by /NV or /SU. If filename, type, or version is defined, none can be a wildcard, and if more than one input file is specified they are all merged together into the output file (implicit /MErge switch) - If TI: is specified the file is listed on the terminal infile - if filename.type;version are all null, the default is *.*;* /BL:n - specifies number of contiguous blocks for output file where n is octal or decimal (.) value /CO or /-CO - contiguous or noncontiguous output file /FO - file ownership is infile UFD; without FO, ownership is current UIC. /ME - Merge several input files into one output file (default) /NV - forces output version number of copied file to be one more than the current highest version /SU - creates a new file having the same filename, type and version to replace outfile. 2 OWNER #WO 2 PROTECTION #WO 2 PURGE PURGE infile(s)/PU:[n][/LD] Deletes a specified range of versions of a file (but never deletes the latest version.) Specification of a file version is not necessary. Wildcards are valid for filename and type. When you specify :n, PIP deletes all but the n latest contiguous versions. Without :n, PIP deletes all but the latest version. The /LD subswitch causes all of the deleted files to be listed. 2 RENAME RENAME outfile=infile(s)/RE[/NV] Changes the name of a file with an option to force the version number of outfile to one greater than the latest version for the file (using the NV switch). Output device must equal input device, explicitly or by default. outfile - wildcard or null field assumes corresponding field from infile infile - null filename.type; version defaults to *.*;* /NV - forces output version number of copied file to be one more than the current highest version 2 RM REMOVE infile(s)/RM Removes an entry from a directory file (the opposite of enter). 2 RW REWIND outfile/RW=infile/RW With outfile, causes specified tape unit to erase its resident tape. With infile, causes specified tape unit to rewind its resident tape before opening the input file. 2 SB SPAN BLOCKS outdsk:outfile/SB=inmag:infile Allows outfile records to span blocks when copying from ANSI tapes to FILES-11 devices. (This is the default PIP operation.) 2 SD SELECTIVE DELETE infile(s)/SD Prompts for user response before deleting files. This new switch allows you to selectively delete files. The version number must be explicit or wildcard as with the DELETE switch. It will prompt you with a candidate filename from the class specified in the command line. Your response choices are the letters Y, N, G, and Q followed by either a carriage return or a control-Z (^Z). The following table describes the effect of each combination of letter and terminator. LETTER TERMINATOR OPERATION ------ ---------- --------- Y Delete this file and continue in this mode Y (^Z) Delete this file and exit from PIP N Save this file and continue in this mode N (^Z) Save this file and exit from PIP Save this file and continue in this mode (^Z) Save this file and exit from PIP Q Save this file and return to command mode Q (^Z) Save this file and exit from PIP G Delete this and all remaining candidates - return to PIP command mode when done G (^Z) Delete this and all remaining candidates - exit from PIP when done 2 SPOOL SPOOL infile(s)/SP[:n] Specifies a list of files to be printed. (n is the number of copies.) This switch applies only if you have the print spooler task or the queue manager. File identification must be explicit by filename.filetype;version. 2 SR SHARED READING infile(s)/SR Allows shared reading of a file that has already been opened for writing. 2 SUPERCEDE SUPERCEDE FILE outfile/SU=infile(s) Specifies that the output file be superceded by the input file(s). The output file will have the same filename, filetype, and version but will have a different file id. The output file identification must be explicit by filename.filetype;version. 2 SYSTEM #WO 2 TB LIST listfile=infile(s)/LI/subswitch Lists one or more directories with an option to specify directory listing formats. outfile - listing file specifier; defaults to TI: infile - default is *.*;*. Subswitches dictate the type of report displayed: /LI/BR or /BR - Very Brief Report /LI - Limited Report /LI/FU[:n] or /FU[:n] - Full Report (n=decimal characters per line; default is device buffer size) /LI/TB or /TB - Total Blocks Report. 2 TRUNCATE TRUNCATE infile(s)/TR Truncates the files to the current EOF mark releasing unused storage for use by other files. 2 UFD_CREATION UFD CREATION outfile(s)/UF[/FO]=infile(s) Creates a User File Directory entry on a volume. outfile - specify UIC as [*,*] to transfer multiple infile UIC's /FO - file ownership is infile UFD; without FO, ownership is current UIC. 2 UNLOCK UNLOCK infile(s)/UN Unlocks a file that was locked as a result of being closed improperly. 2 UPDATE UPDATE FILE outfile=infile(s)/UP[/FO] Opens an existing file (infile) and writes it, from the beginning, into outfile. outfile - must be explicitly identified. infile - null parameters default to *.*;*. /FO - file ownership is infile UFD; without FO, ownership is current UIC. infile(s) replace contents of outfile on the volume specified. The file id of the output file is preserved. 2 WORLD PROTECTION Symbolic: infile/PR:Symbolic[/FO] Numeric: infile/PR:Octal value[/FO] (file name and type must be explicit) Alters file protection for the file specified. /FO - file ownership is infile UFD; without FO, ownership is current UIC. Symbolic protection codes assign privilege merely by their presence, using: System = /SY:RWED Owner = /OW:RWED Group = /GR:RWED World = /WO:RWED Numeric protection denies privilege by setting bits in a protection status word. Add selected octal values from the following list to deny privilege: OCTAL CODE BIT SYSTEM R 1 0 W 2 1 E 4 2 D 10 3 OWNER R 20 4 W 40 5 E 100 6 D 200 7 GROUP R 400 8 W 1000 9 E 2000 10 D 4000 11 WORLD R 10000 12 W 20000 13 E 40000 14 D 100000 15