The format of the PRINT command is: PRINT < jobname /jsw = > filespec <,...> where: ddn: is the despool device to be used, jobname is the name to be given to the print job, /jsw are the job related switches, filespec is a standard file spec, /fsw are the file related switches. (job field related switches , i.e. left of the '=' ) /AFTER:hh:mm - the time after which the job is printed /[NO]FLAG - print file flag pages /FORM:n - forms type /HOLD - hold the job in the queue /LENGTH:n - number of lines per page /PRIORITY:n - priority of the print job in the queue /[NO]RESTART - restart the job from the first file (file related switches) /COPIES:n - number of copies of the file /[NO]DELETE - delete the file after printing All switches can be abreviated to two characters For further help type "HELP PRINT " or "HELP PRINT DEFAULTS" 2 DEFAULTS PRINT switch defaults are: ddn: = PRINT queue jobname = the name of the first file or PRINT if '*' filespec typ = LST /AFTER:0:0 /NOFLAG /FORM:0 /LENGTH:infinite /PRIORITY:50 /NORESTART /COPIES:1 /NODELETE All switch values are assumed decimal 2 AFTER /AFTER:hh:mm Print job after specified time The job is held in the queue until the specified time and then released. If, when it is released, there are other jobs in the queue, it will not print immediately, but will be queued as usual. 2 COPIES /COPIES:n Print n copies of the file n copies of the file are printed. If applied to multiple files then n copies of the first file will be printed, followed by n copies of the second file, and so on. 2 DELETE /[NO]DELETE Delete (do not delete) the file after printing If /DELETE is specified the Queue Manager deletes the file after it is despooled. Note that the despooler can be built selectively to delete files based on the filename - see [1,24]LPPBLD.CMD for details. 2 FLAG /[NO]FLAG Print (do not print) file flag pages If /FL is specified, each file is preceded by one or more file flag pages (depending on how the printer is set up) in addition to the one or more job flag pages that precede the whole job. The default depends on what was done at SYSGEN, but is usually /NOFLAG. 2 FORM /FORM:n Print the job on Form Type n This switch sets the forms setting that an output device must have to accept the job. The job is held until a printer with matching forms setting is available. If not specified it defaults to Form Type 0, that is standard lineprinter paper. For further information on forms consult the 'Utilities Procedures' manual, pages 7-8 to 7-9 2 HOLD /HOLD Hold the job in the queue This switch specifies that the job is to be entered into the print queue, but is to be held until released with the /REL switch on QUE. 2 LENGTH /LENGTH:n Set number of lines per page If this switch is specified then the print processor issues a form feed if one is not encountered within n lines, hence causing the paper to move to the beginning of the next form. n can be set from 1 through 65535, and the default is infinite, i.e. form feeds are never added. 2 PRIORITY /PRIORITY:n Set the priority of the job With this switch jobs in the print queue can be assigned a print priority from 0 through 250. Obviously the jobs with a higher priority are printed first. The default priority is 50. 2 RESTART /[NO]RESTART Restart (do not restart) from beginning of job If a job does not, for some reason, complete the Queue Manager by default, when active again, restarts the job from the top of the file that was being despooled at the time the job was interrupted. If /RESTART is specified then in such an event the Queue Manager restarts the job from the top of the job.