There are two types of commands accepted by the Queue Manager (QUE):- -- USER COMMANDS -- Format: QUE job-id/switch<:option> Switches: /LIST = list queue entries or devices /MODIFY = modify a print job's attributes /HOLD = hold a print job in a queue /RELEASE = release a held print job /DELETE = delete a print job from a queue -- OPERATOR COMMANDS -- Format: QUE /function<:option(s)> Functions: /STOP = stop a device or the Queue Manager /START = start a device or the Queue Manager /SPOOL = make a device a despool device /UNSPOOL = release a despool device /ASSIGN = assign a queue to a despool processor /DEASSIGN = break assignment between a queue and processor Function/switch names are further qualifiers. 2 LIST The format of the /LIST command is: {jobname} { /BR } QUE { /JOB:n1:n1 } { /LI } :op { [uic] } { /FU } where: ddn: is the despool device (queue) of the job uic is the created job uic jobname is the name of the queue entry n1,n2 is the queue entry number for the job /BR specifies brief listing /LI specifies normal listing /FU specifies full listing :op is the listing option, :QUE list the named queue, or default queue PRINT (default) :ALL[QUE] list all the queues :DEV display characteristics of device ddn: :ALLDEV display characteristics of all spooled devices Note: QUE ddn:/LI lists all files spooled to ddn: QUE [uic]/LI lists all files spooled from account [uic] 2 MODIFY The format of the /MODIFY command is: {jobname} QUE { or } /MOdify /sw { /JOB:n1:n2 } where: ddn: - the despool device (queue) uic - the job creation uic jobname - the queue entry name n1,n2 - the queue entry id number /sw - the attribute to be modified /AFter:hh:mm - time after which to despool the job /[NO]FLag - the file flag disposition /FOrm:n - the form number to print the job on /LEngth:n - the number of lines per page /PRiority:n - queue priority of the job /[NO]REStart - restart disposition of print job 2 HOLD The format of the /HOLD command is: {jobname} QUE { or } /HOld { /JOB:n1:n2 } where: ddn: - the despool device (queue) uic - the job creation uic jobname - the queue entry name n1,n2 - the queue entry id number The /HOLD command places a queue entry in hold state, not allowing it to be despooled. 2 RELEASE The format of the /RELEASE command is: {jobname} QUE { or } /RELease { /JOB:n1:n2 } where: ddn: - the despool device (queue) uic - the job creation uic jobname - the queue entry name n1,n2 - the queue entry id number The /RELEASE command removes a held job from hold state, allowing it it to be despooled. 2 DELETE The format of the /DELETE command is: {jobname} QUE { or } /DELete { /JOB:n1:n2 } where: ddn: - the despool device (queue) uic - the job creation uic jobname - the queue entry name n1,n2 - the queue entry id number The /DELETE command removes the job's queue entry from the queue. This does not affect the files, only the print job entry. If the job is active when the command is issued the output ceases immediately. 2 START The format of the /START command is: QUE /STArt<:op> where: ddn: - the despool device op: - the start option where: ddn: - the despool device op: - the stop option - stop now, i.e. pause EOF - stop after this file EOJ - stop after this job QMG - stop the Queue Manager at the end of the current job The /STOP command allows a device to be stopped while still keeping the job entries in the queue(s). It also allows the Queue Manager to be stopped which stops all devices and queues and breaks assignments. 2 SPOOL The format of the /SPOOL command is: QUE ddn:/SPool where: ddn: - the despool device /sw - the SPOOL switches /FLAG:n - set device spooled with n flag pages /FORM:n - set device spooled with forms n The /SPOOL command creates a queue and processor for the device and starts the queue. 2 UNSPOOL The format of the /UNSPool command is: QUE ddn:/UNSPOOL where: ddn: - the despool device The /UNSPOOL command deletes the despool processor and releases the despool device. The queue remains in the system. 2 ASSIGN The format of the /ASSIGN command is: QUE ddn:/ASsign:queue where: ddn: - the despool device queue - the queue The /ASSIGN command assigns the named queue to the named device: This usually is used to assign the default queue PRINT to a given printer but in addition allows the jobs of one device's queue to be routed to another device. 2 DEASSIGN The format of the /DEASSIGN command is: QUE ddn:/DEAssign:queue where: ddn: - the despool device queue - the queue The /DEASSIGN command breaks the assignment between a queue and a processor. However the assignment between a processor and its own queue can never be broken.