The Run Task command has three general formats, depending on the scheduling parameters and whether the task is installed. The first form runs a task either immediately or after a specified delay time which may itself be synchronized with a clock unit; the second runs a task at an absolute time-of-day, and the third installs a task, runs it immediately, and removes it on exit. For help on these forms, type: HELP RUN DELAYED For immediate or delayed running. HELP RUN ABSOLUTE For absolute-time requests. HELP RUN FILE For install-run-remove. 2 DELAYED The general form of the run-task-after-delay command is: RUN taskname Where taskname is the name of an installed task to be run. sync is a single character selected from {H,M,S,T} to synchro- nize the delay time with the next hour, minute, second, or system clock tick. If sync is omitted, the delay will begin immediately. dtime is a delay time parameter consisting of two parts: an integer magnitude, and a single character selected from {H,M,S,T} indicating the units. The delay time value must be a 15-bit positive number and must be less than or equal to 24 hours, no matter what unit is used. The task initiation request will be made dtime after sync. If dtime is omitted, there will be no delay. Keywords: /RSI=magu To specify a rescheduling interval. Format of "magu" is the same as the format of "dtime", above. Default is no rescheduling. /UIC=[uic] Specifies the UIC the task will run under. 2 ABSOLUTE The general form of the run-task-at-absolute-time-of-day command is: RUN taskname atime Where taskname is the name of the installed task to be run. atime is the absolute time-of-day when this task is to be started. atime is in the format hh:mm:ss. Keywords: /RSI=magu Specifies a rescheduling interval for the task. The value is in two parts: an integer magnitude and a single character indicating the units the interval is specified in, selected from {H,M,S, T} for hours, minutes, seconds, and clock ticks. The magnitude must be 15 bits or less and may not total more than 24 hours. /UIC=[uic] To specify the UIC the task is to run under. 2 FILE The general format of the install-run-remove command is: RUN <$>filename... Where dev: is the device-unit on which the task image file resides. $ specifies that the file is to be found under the system UIC. filename is the name of the file to be run. If $ is included, the filename may not include a UIC specification. Keywords: /CKP=YES or NO Specify if task is to be checkpointable. /INC=words Number of words by which the task is to be in- creased. (See the INSTALL command). /PAR=parname To specify the partition the task will run in. Default: the partition specified at task build. /PMD=YES or NO Specify if Post-Mortem Dump required. /PRI=priority To specify the priority (1 to 250) the task will run under. Default is /PRI=50. /SLV=YES or NO Specify if task is Slave Task or not. /TASK=taskname To specify the taskname to be used for the task. Default is TTnn, where nn is the number of the requesting terminal. /UIC=[uic] To specify the UIC the task will run under.