The general form of the SET system and/or device characteristics command is: SET /keyword<=values> The keywords fall into several categories:- General Device Characteristics: /BUF=ddn: /[NO]CRT<=ttn:> /[NO]ESCSEQ<=ttn:> /[NO]HOLD<=ttn:> /[NO]LOWER<=ttn:> /[NO]PRIV<=ttn:> /[NO]PUB<=ddn:> /[NO]REMOTE<=ttn:> /[NO]SLAVE<=ttn:> /SPEED=ttn: /TERM=ttn: /termtype<=ttn:> /UIC<=[g,m]<:ttn:>> /WCHK<=ddn:> Terminal Characteristics only available under the Full Duplex driver: /[NO]EBC<=TTn:> /[NO]ECHO<=TTn:> /[NO]FDX<=TTn:> /[NO]FORMFEED<=TTn:> /[NO]HFILL=TTn: /[NO]HHT<=TTn:> /[NO]LINES=TTn: /[NO]RPA<=TTn:> /[NO]TYPEAHEAD<=TTn:> /[NO]VFILL<=TTn:> /[NO]WRAP<=TTn:> Memory Allocation Keywords: /[NO]MAIN=pname<:base:size:type> /POOL<=top> /[NO]SUB=mname:pname<:base:size> /MAXEXT<=size> Miscellaneous: /[NO]COLOG<=> /[NO]COTERM<=TTnn:> /LOGFILE= /[NO]LOGON /MAXPKT<=n> /SYSUIC<=[g,m]> Each of the keywords has its own help file as "HELP SET keyword" 2 ASR33 #termtype 2 ASR35 #termtype 2 BUF /BUF=dev:[size]. Set or display the default buffer size of the the specified device. A nonprivileged user can display the buffer size of any device, but can alter only the buffer size of device TI:. The specified size must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 255(10). If dev: is a terminal, size must be greater than 2 and less than or equal to 255(10). When size is omitted, the system displays at the issuing terminal the buffer size of the specified device. 2 CRT /CRT[=TTnn:] where TTnn: is a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) terminal. The /CRT keyword defines the terminal as a CRT and enables the backspace deletion option. When the keyword omits =TTnn:, the system displays at the issuing terminal all terminals defined as CRTs. /NOCRT[=TTnn:] deletes the CRT status of the specified device and disables the backspace deletion option. 2 COLOG /COLOG. If COT is active, the keyword displays the name of the console listing file and the console terminal. If COT is not active, it is initiated using TT0: as the console terminal and SY:[1,4]CONSOLE.LOG as the listing file. /COLOG=TTnn:. If COT is active, the keyword closes the current listing file, opens the next version as the new listing file, and uses the specified terminal as the console terminal. If COT is not active, it initiates console logging using the specified terminal as the console terminal and SY:[1,4]CONSOLE.LOG as the default listing file. /COLOG=dev:[uic]filename.typ. If COT is active, the keyword closes the listing file and opens the specified file for use as the listing file. Note that TT0: becomes the default console. If COT is not active, the keyword initiates console logging using the specified file as the the listing file and TT0: as the console. /COLOG=TTnn:dev:[uic]filename.typ. If COT is active, the keyword closes the listing file, opens the specified file for use as the listing file and use the specified terminal as the console terminal. If COT is not active, it initiates console logging using the specified file and terminal. /NOCOLOG. This keyword instructs COT to close the current listing file, redirect CO: to TT0: and exit. 2 COTERM /COTERM[=TTnn:]. If COT is active, the keyword redirects console terminal messages to either TT0: or to the specified terminal. If COT is not active, console logging is initiated using TT0: or the specified terminal as the console terminal. Note that the keyword initiates COT without a listing file. /NOCOTERM. This keyword inhibits the printing of messages on the console terminal. Console messages are recorded in the listing file. 2 LOGFILE /LOGFILE[=dev:[uic]filename.typ. If COT is active, this keyword closes the current listing file and either increments the version number of the current file (if the file spec is omitted) or creates a new listing file using the specified file. If COT is not active, it initiates console logging using SY:[1,4]CONSOLE.LST or the specified file as the listing file. Note that COT is initiated without a console terminal; console terminal messages are written in the listing file only. 2 EBC /EBC[=ttnn:] where ttnn: is a terminal. The /EBC keyword enables the 8-bit character option. The full duplex terminal driver passes all eight bits of input characters to the specified terminal. When the keyword omits =ttnn:, the system displays all the terminals that have the EBC option enabled. /NOEBC[=TTnn:] disables the 8-bit character option. Before passing the input character to the device, the terminal driver removes the parity bits. 2 ECHO /ECHO[=ttnn:] where ttnn: is a terminal. The /ECHO keyword instructs the full duplex terminal driver to display each character typed on the entering terminal. When the keyword omits =ttnn: the system displays all the terminals that have the echo option enabled. /NOECHO[=TTnn:] instructs the terminal driver to inhibit the display of all input characters typed on the specified terminal. 2 ESCSEQ /ESCSEQ[=ttnn:] where ttnn: is a terminal. The /ESCSEQ keyword enables the recognition of escape sequences from the specified terminal. The terminal driver treats the ESC character as the beginning of an escape sequence rather than as a line terminator. See the RSX-11M-PLUS I/O Drivers Reference Manual for further information about escape sequences. When the keyword omits =ttnn: the system displays all the terminals that can send and receive escape sequences. /NOESCSEQ[=TTnn:] disables the recognition of escape sequences at the specified terminal. 2 FDX /FDX[=ttnn:] where ttnn: is a terminal. The /FDX keyword instructs the full duplex terminal driver to accept input from the specified terminal while simultaneously outputting to it. When the keyword omits =ttnn:, the system displays all full duplex terminals. /NOFDX[=TTnn:] disables the full duplex option from the specified terminal. 2 FORMFEED /FORMFEED[=ttnn:] where ttnn: is a terminal. The keyword indicates that the specified terminal has a hardware formfeed. (Full duplex terminal driver only.) When the keyword omits =ttnn:, the system diaplays all terminals that have a hardware formfeed. /NOFORMFEED[=TTnn:] indicates that the specified terminal does not have a hardware formfeed. 2 HFILL /HFILL=ttnn:[value] where ttnn: is a terminal, and value is a number in the range of 0-7 inclusive. This keyword specifies the number of fill characters that the full duplex terminal driver places after a carriage return when outputting to a terminal. When the keyword omits the value parameter, the system displays the fill character value for the specified terminal. 2 HHT /HHT[=ttnn:] where ttnn: is a terminal. This keyword indicates to the full duplex terminal driver that the specified terminal has a hardware horizontal tab. When the keyword omits =ttnn:, the system displays all terminals that have hardware horizontal tabs. /NOHHT[=TTnn:] indicates that the specified terminal does not have hardware vertical tabs. 2 HOLD /HOLD[=ttnn:] where ttnn: is a CRT display terminal. The /HOLD keyword enables hold-screen mode at the specified terminal. When hold-screen mode is enabled, the terminal displays output one screenful at a time. The screenful of output remains on the screen until the user types SHIFT/SCROLL. The terminal then refills the screen. The user can also advance the screen contents one line at a time by typing the SCROLL key. If the keyword omits =ttnn:, the system displays all the terminals currently in hold-screen mode. /NOHOLD[=TTnn:] disables hold-screen mode at the specified terminal. 2 KSR33 #termtype 2 LA120 #termtype 2 LA180S #termtype 2 LA30P #termtype 2 LA30S #termtype 2 LA36 #termtype 2 LINES /LINES=ttnn:[value] where ttnn: is a terminal and value is a decimal number in the range 1-255 inclusive that establishes the number of lines per page. (Full duplex terminal driver only.) When the keyword omits the value parameter, the system displays the number of lines per page for the entering terminal. 2 LOGON /LOGON. Enables logging onto terminals in a multiuser protection system. The keyword is privileged. /NOLOGON. Disables logging onto terminals in a multiuser protection system. The keyword is privileged. 2 LOWER /LOWER[=dev:] where dev: is either a terminal or line printer. Specifies that the lower-case characters are not to be converted to upper-case when they are received from the specified terminal or line printer driver. If the keyword omits =dev:, all the devices for which lower-case characters are not converted are displayed. /NOLOWER[=dev:] resets the device characteristics so that lower- case characters received on input are automatically converted to upper-case and echoed or printed as upper-case. 2 MAIN /MAIN=pname:[base:size:type]. This keyword establishes a main partition or displays an existing partition's boundaries. pname - 1-6 character partition name base - physical base address of the partition specified as a number of 64-byte blocks size - Size of partition specified as a number of 64-byte blocks type - partition type: either TASK, SYS, COM or DEV TASK for a user-controlled task partition SYS for a system-controlled task partition COM for a common partition DEV for a common partition that maps onto the device registers Base and size may be entered in any of the following formats:- Format Calculated Value (bytes) nnnn Octal (nnnn*100) nnnn. Decimal (nnnn.*64.) nnnK Octal K (nnn*4000) nnn.K Decimal K (nnn.*2048.) /NOMAIN=pname. This eliminates the named partition from the system. 2 MAXEXT /MAXEXT[=size]. Establishes the maximum size to which a task can extend itself by means of the Extend Task directive. The maximum size can be expressed in four formats: n nk n. nk If the keyword omits =size, the system displays the current maximum size in the format: MAXEXT=m where m is an octal number equal to the maximum size allowed for the task, in 64-byte blocks. 2 MAXPKT /MAXPKT[=n]. The /MAXPKT keyword specifies the maximum number of I/O packets to be retained in a separate queue for use by the QIO directive. The number of retained packets (n) is used to optimize the servicing of QIO requests. If the keyword omits n, the system displays the maximum number the current number of available I/O packets in the format: MAXPKT=m.:c. where m. is the maximum number of and c. is the current number of available I/O packets. 2 MKII #termtype 2 POOL /POOL[=top]. Increases the size of the dynamic storage reion top - specifies the first location in memory to be used for user partitons. Specify the location units of 64-byte blocks. It can be given in octal or decimal. If the keyword omits =top, the sytem displays the size of the dynamic storage region in the format: POOL=top:max:total where: top - the first location for the user partitions in units of 64-byte blocks. max - the longest free block in decimal words. total - the total pool space in decimal words. 2 PRIV /PRIV[=ttnn:]. Sets the specified terminal to privileged. If the keyword omits =ttnn:, the system displays all the privileged terminals. /NOPRIV[=TTnn:] sets the specified terminal to nonprivileged status. 2 PUB /PUB[=dev:]. (Multiuser protection systems only). The keyword establishes the specified device as a public device. If the keyword omits =dev:, the system displays all the public devices. /NOPUB[=dev:] causes the specified device to lose its public status. 2 REMOTE /REMOTE[=ttnn:] where ttnn: is a terminal with a line to a DH11, DL11, or DZ11 multiplexer. The keyword declares that the specified terminal is connected to a modem and can be connected by means of a dial-up network. When the keyword omits=ttnn:, the system diaplays all remote lines (including DH11 lines). /NOREMOTE[=TTnn:] establishes the specified terminal's line as local line not connected to a modem. 2 RPA /RPA[=ttnn:] where ttnn: is a terminal. The /RPA keyword enables the read-pass-all option of the full duplex terminal driver. The terminal passes all input characters to the driver input buffer. When the keyword omits =ttnn:, the system displays all terminals that have the RPA option enabled. /NORPA[=TTnn:] disables the read-pass-all option. 2 SLAVE /SLAVE[=TTnn:] where TTnn: is a terminal. Establishes the specifed terminal as one that can enter data only if it solicited from a task; thus, the specified terminal always rejects unsolicited input (other than CTRL/O, CTRL/Q, and CTRL/S). Absence of TTnn: results in the display of all terminals currently classified as slaves. /NOSLAVE[=TTnn:] removes slave status from the specified terminal. 2 SPEED /SPEED=dev:[recv:xmit]. Establishes the receive and transmit baud rate for terminals attached to the system through a DH11 or DZ11 multiplexer. The argument "recv" is the baud rate at which characters are input to the computer from the terminal; and "xmit" is the baud rate at which the computer outputs characters to the terminal. Both must be specified in setting the speed. If neither is specified, the current settings are displayed Valid baud rates for the DH11 are: 0, 110, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600. Valid baud rates for the DZ11 are: 0, 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, and 9600. The receive and transmit rates for the DZ11 must be the same. 2 SUB /SUB=mname:pname:[base:size]. This keyword establishes a subpartition or displays an existing partition's boundaries. mname - 1-6 character main partition name pname - 1-6 character subpartition name base - physical base address of the partition specified as a number of 64-byte blocks size - Size of partition specified as a number of 64-byte blocks Base and size may be entered in any of the following formats:- Format Calculated Value (bytes) nnnn Octal (nnnn*100) nnnn. Decimal (nnnn.*64.) nnnK Octal K (nnn*4000) nnn.K Decimal K (nnn.*2048.) /NOSUB=mname:pname. This eliminates the named partition from the system. 2 SYSUIC /SYSUIC[=uic] where uic has the format [g,m]; g and m are octal numbers that represent a group and member number respectively. The /SYSUIC keyword establishes the UIC for the system and all system tasks. The initial default value is [1,54]. This UIC becomes the default UIC used by the LOAD command and the INSTALL$ command. When the keyword omits =uic, the system displays the current system UIC. 2 TERM #termtype 2 TYPEAHEAD /TYPEAHEAD[=TTnn:] where TTnn: is a terminal. This keyword instructs the full duplex terminal driver to buffer input characters before passing the characters to a requesting task. Thus, characters input between requests are not lost. When the keyword omits =TTnn:, the system displays at the entering terminal all terminals that have typeahead enabled. /NOTYPEAHEAD[=TTnn:] disables the typeahead option. 2 UIC /UIC[=uic[:dev:]]. The specified UIC is established as the default UIC for the entering terminal unless dev: is specified, in which case the default UIC is set for that terminal. If a UIC is not specified, the current UIC is displayed. If only dev: is specified, the UIC for the specified terminal is displayed, provided that the terminal issuing the command is privileged. 2 VT05B #termtype 2 VT55 #termtype 2 VT61 #termtype 2 VT100 #termtype 2 VT52 #termtype 2 VT50 #termtype 2 VFILL /VFILL[=TTnn:] where TTnn: is a terminal. This keyword enables the vertical fill character option for the specified terminal. The option instructs the full duplex terminal driver to add four fill characters following each line feed. When the keyword omits =TTnn: the system displays all terminals that have VFILL enabled. /NOVFILL[=TTnn:] disables the vertical fill option. 2 WCHK /WCHK[=dev:]. Specifies for all Files-11 devices except DX:, DT:, and magnetic tape (MT:, MM:, MS:) that all writes are to be followed by a write check. this feature provides high reliability for data transfers to the specified disk. If the keyword omits =dev:, the system displays all Files-11 disk drivers with write check enabled. /NOWCHK[=dev:]. Specifies that write check is to be disabled. 2 WRAP /WRAP[=TTnn:] where TTnn: is a terminal. This keyword enables the warp around option. The wrap around option instructs the full duplex terminal driver to generate a carriage return/linefeed sequence when the number of input characters exceeds the terminal's buffer size. The carriage return/linefeed sequence is transparent and does not appear in the input buffer. When the keyword omits =TTnn:, the system displays all terminals that have the wrap around option enabled. /NOWRAP[=TTnn:] disables the wrap around option; the terminal driver does not accept characters beyond the buffer size for the terminal. 2 termtype /TERM=TTn:termtype or /termtype=TTn: where TTn: is a terminal. This keyword instructs the full duplex terminal driver to set the specified terminal to the specified terminal type. Valid types are: ASR33 KSR33 ASR35 LA30P LA36 VT50 VT52 VT55 VT61 VT100 LA120 LA30S VT05B LA180S MKII Note that setting the terminal type also sets the following characteristics automatically for that terminal: HFILL FORMFEED CRT VFILL HHT LINES BUFFER WIDTH SET /TERM=TTn: will display the terminal type of the specified terminal. SET /termtype will display all terminals of the specified type.