XRF - FORTRAN Cross-Referencer ============================== XRF is a FORTRAN cross-referencing task. It is invoked as follows:- XRF outfile=infile[/LI] Where 'outfile' is the file to put the cross-reference map in (default extension .XRF) and 'infile' is the input file (default extension .FTN). If /LI is specified the output file is prefixed by a listing of the file with line numbers appended. Current known restrictions on XRF are:- 1) Maximum on 2048 input statements (excluding comments) 2) Maximum of 2000 symbol definitions/references 3) Statement labels above 32767 cannot be handled. 4) Statement numbers only match those produced by F4P, not those produced by FOR For an explanation of the symbols XRF uses in the cross-reference, type HELP XRF SYM 2 SYM AS ASSIGN CA ARGUMENT IN CALL STATEMENT CM COMMON VARIABLE DA DATA DF DEFINE FILE DI DIMENSION DO DO DT BYTE, COMPLEX, DOUBLE PRECISION, INTEGER, LOGICAL, REAL ED ENCODE, DECODE EN ENTRY EQ EQUIVALENCE, PAUSE, RETURN, STOP GO GO TO ID CLOSE, OPEN IF IF IN INCLUDE IO ACCEPT, PRINT, READ, TYPE, WRITE IU BAKSPACE, ENDFILE, FIND, REWIND PD BLOCKDATA, FUNCTION, PROGRAM, SUBROUTINE PM PARMETER PS COMMON BLOCK NAME XP SUBPROGRAM NAME = STORED INTO BY REPLACEMENT STATEMENT @ STATEMENT LABEL DEFINITION