HFL and HDX: A new means of finding out what HELP is available through the system HELP command. Usage: HDX MCR|DCL [qual1 [qual2 ...qual9]] [>outputfilespec] HFL MCR|DCL [qual1 [qual2 ...qual9]] 1.0 HFL - Help File Level display HFL shows what all the major qualifiers are on a given HELP topic. Examples: HFL DCL shows all level 1 topics under DCL; HFL MCR BRU shows all second level qualifiers under BRU. Display on TI: only, formatted as many per line as possible. TECO macro, may seem slow. 2.0 HDX -- Help File Index command (runs very fast!) HDX is used like HFL, by typing "HDX MCR|DCL qualifier ...". It differs in that it does not stop at the one level; if you type "HDX DCL SET", for example , HDX will list out every sub-qualifier under the SET command, from level 2 on down as far as the help files go. (This alone takes several pages on your terminal -- be prepared to use NO SCROLL.) Can redirect output to a file or terminal by appending ">filespec" or ">LP0:" to the command line. Written in C. If you try "HDX DCL" you will be shown the qualifiers for everything (!) under DCL. Beware: this can take several minutes!