[333,104] -- BERGEN RECORD Tape utility from Milton Rogers. TMV - TAPE MOVE UTILITY TMV is an installed task to manipulate tapes as foreign volumes. It can be used to position a tape forward or backward, rewind a tape, write susccessive tape marks or preform a rewind and unload. The command syntax is: TMV MMn:/sw , where n is the tape unit number (0-3), and /sw is one of the following switches: /BS:nnn - Backspace nnn (decimal) files. Default is 1. /FS:nnn - Forward space nnn (decimal) files. Default is 1. /EOF:nnn - Write nnn (decimal) consecutive tape marks. Default is 1. /RW - Rewind tape to BOT. /UN - Rewind tape and put unit off line. (Unload tape) Only one switch at a time is allowed and at least one switch must be specified.