Help is available for the following DPG utilities in [2,1] BADLST ERC SOAK DCOMPR ERRCHK SYSID DMTEST ERRSUM TCR DOB FILEID TCI DSKZAP FNDBLK TIME OPA TTGET Type HELP % utilityname for help on a specific utility 1 BADLST >ASN ???:=OU: >RUN BADLST Lists the Bad Blocks on the disk assigned to OU:, used by disk testing command file 1 DCOMPR >RUN DCOMPR Compares binary data files or task images, prints each difference by block number, record number and word number (decimal) Prompts for filenames,record size, number of records to do (a QIO error will result, nonfatal, if you go past eof) and starting record number If a difference is found it prompts for further action by asking if you want to continue, the reponses are N No, stop this compare S Same, continue comparing within this same record Y Yes, continue comparing at next record 1 DMTEST Tests DMC lines: invoked by [2,1]TESTDM.CMD further information is in the file [2,1]DMTEST.DOC 1 DOB >DOB outfile=infile Dissassembles object code into macro-11 - from the Decus Sig tapes 1 DSKZAP >RUN DSKZAP Allows editing of physical disk blocks on foreign mounted packs or copying a physical block from one foreign pack to another 1 ERC >ERC oo Loads the octal number oo into the error count ( used by [1,7]QUICKERR.CMD) 1 ERRCHK >RUN [2,1]ERRCHK Gives the current error count (error sequence) as its exit status, used in many command files 1 ERRSUM >RUN [2,1]ERRSUM Gives a short and accurate error summary from the ERROR.SYS in the current UIC, returns an exit status of 1 if there are any hardware errors (else 0). used by [1,2]SHUTUP.CMD AND [1,7]QUICKERR.CMD 1 FILEID >RUN FILEID ENTER FILE ID AND SEQUENCE NUMBER> Prompts for File Id and Sequence number until a ^Z or a return is typed. Outputs the filename and owner uic for each file id entered (n.b. The sequence number does not have to be correct to get this information; incorrect sequence numbers are flagged with a warning message) 1 FNDBLK >RUN FNDBLK ENTER LOGICAL BLOCK NUMBER> Asks for a decimal disk block number and returns the filename and owning uic of the file that the block is allocated to as well as the decimal block number within the file (assumes SY: is assigned to the desired disk) 1 OPA >OPA Online pool analyzer: reports on pool utilization on a per task basis and also does a visual map of pool >OPA /F This option adds a listing of free segments of pool available N.B. Can be used via LOG to get a disk copy >CHD 1 7 >LOG OPA.LOG/TI=TI: AT.>RUN [2,1]OPA AT.>^Z Warning: this is a priviledged task mapped to the exec, be sure to run the copy of OPA on the boot pack !!! Further information can be found in [2,1]OPA.DOC 1 SOAK measures the idle time on a system by using all idle time itself, no more help available at this time 1 SYSID invoked by [1,2]sysidlst.cmd (invoked by startup.cmd) creates sysid.cmd, a command file which defines the global symbol $SYSID as the 1 character system id 1 TCI >TCI filespec1=filespec2 Compares 2 task images and exits with status, if equal (1) or not (2); also prints an appropriate message. 1 TCR @TCR.HLP 1 TIME >RUN TIME put on the clock queue by STARTUP.CMD, reports the time,date, error count and checks the FPP unit 1 TTGET this program exits with status = terminal number it's running on (invoked by [1,7]brudsk.cmd)