Submission for Fall Decus Tape 1982 in Annaheim from Bankers Trust Co. Kitty Bethe 130 Liberty St., 37th floor NY, NY 10006 (212) 775-4190 This submission consists of some of our troubleshooting utilities and operator command files which might be of general use. Our systems are PDP 11/70s running Mplus version 1; unless otherwise noted these programs are expected to work under 11M and Mplus v2. No command files are expected to work for other environments; where already converted to Mplus v2, the command file is included with an extension of .MV2 . Conventions: Task build command files are nameBLD.CMD, where not vanilla (MAC name=name) macro assembly files are nameASM.CMD. No additional documentation other than this file and the source code is available at this time. Sorry, we didn't have the time; please don't call us to ask us how to use it or tell us it doesn't work in an environment different than ours (fix it and resubmit it !). Control Z will exit any of these programs that are interactive. ** correction, we've included our Help files from our utility uic [2,1] which covers more than we've submitted (most of the rest is from previous Decus tapes) Warning, almost all of the troubleshooting utilities were originally written to deal with real emergencies and may or may not have been cleaned up later on. PROGRAMS in this account: (Fortran IV Plus and non priviledged unless otherwise noted) FILEID If you input the 2 octal numbers of a file id it will give you the name and owner UIC for the file. Used to follow up on crytic error messages from BRU. (Assign desired pack to SY: to use for satellite drives) FNDBLK If you input a decimal physical block number on the pack assigned to SY: it will tell you the filename, owner UIC and block number within the file in question. Used to correlate data corruption with errorlog entries. ERC If installed (as ...ERC) then the command ERC n, where n is a number, will add n to the error sequence (used by QUICKERR.CMD) Macro, Priviledged. ERRSUM Does a 1 page error summary, including device timeouts. Only for Mplus v1 (possibly RSX-11M pre v.4) DSKZAP Copies a physical block number from an input pack to an output pack (they can be the same), displays the block in specified format (octal,decimal,ascii,byte octal) suppressing lines of all zeros, then allows you to edit it in same format. It asks you if you are sure ! Mount both packs foreign and be priviledged, unfortunately does not do CRC calculations for you (for repairing index files). Originally written to rewrite the home block from the previous days backup in a dire emergency, used since for index file repairs (CRC done manually) ERRCHK Exits with status equal to the error count, used in command files to check if any errors occured during an operation (for example BRU). Macro, Priviledged. TCI Compares task images, outputs information about task header differences and does up to 50 code differences (the number 50 is a parameter at beginning of fortran source), for each code difference lists the segment name and memory address of the difference. With the debug switch on it will also list the segment table (even when ZAP won't) - a small bug exists whereby the segment names are sometimes garbage but the table will still match in order the one on the map, (occurs rarely, haven't had the time to resolve it). Used to periodically check out integrity of production task images. Warning, a patch to the F4P compiler back in 1980 causes very old tasks not to compare because data storage in IDATA (and thus PDATA call lists) is in different order. **** probably will not work in Mplus V2 or RSX-11M V 4*** VT100TST Simple Fortran program that demonstrates most advanced graphics features on a VT100. All the .MAC files in this account are supporting subroutines for the Fortran programs above. COMMAND FILES Since these are specific to our environment do not use without reading them and modifying as necessary BRUDSK Command file to do the nightly disk to disk backups done by operators; checks exit status all over the place, tells them what is likely to be the problem and what to do about it. Assumes a round robin ( pack A to B to C ... and back to A again) for audit trail purposes. The audit trail mechanism is used to check if they are about to copy over the current pack or make a copy of a non current one - they are warned with large banners but in our environment it wasn't reasonable to completely disallow the operation (they are asked if they are sure). This command file assumes the utilities ERRCHK,ERRSUM and TIME (not included here - prints the time and error count on the invoking terminal) are located in uic [2,1] ; it also assumes that a command file [1,2]SYSID.CMD defines $SYSID to be a system id string and a command file [1,7]LP11 exists to set up a terminal line as a printer for long error logs (for your conveniance LP11 and NOLP11 are included) Another assumption is that all disk packs have a unique number form 1-9999 (disk pack id) for audit trail purposes. A further assumption is that the Bru is done in UIC 1,7 and that that is the UIC for the audit trail also (the files DISK.ID and BACKUP.ID are the audit trail created on the output pack and updated on the input pack MULTIBAD does multiple BADs, preserving audit trail, no warnings yet COPY does the nightly backup using DSC (when all else fails) - audit trail not maintained here yet QUICKERR does an error summary of all current errors and those in ERROR.SYS (we rename ERROR.SYS to ERROR.SAV at Shutup and have other command files to get at saved error info) then restores the error count by adding back the number it had before the ERF. Prompts for errors from specific devices or device classes after the summary. The MV2 version is completely different, with similar functionality (we don't have to remember all those new switches !)