*CONTROL A Control A causes the VTEDIT function to terminate and returns the user to the normal command prompting mode. All changes are of course saved. *CONTROL B Control B causes the displayed page to be the last page in the file (end of file). *CONTROL C Control C works the same as ^A with the abort message displayed. *CONTROL D Control D deletes the current line. 'Current' is the line that cursor is presently on. All lines after the deleted line will be reprinted. Multiple lines (1-9) can be deleted at one time by preceding this command with an 'escape digit' sequence, saving much time in display reprinting. From 1 to 999 lines can be deleted at one time by preceding the command with the GOLD digits sequence. *CONTROL E Control E will cause the text saved by either the control W or control X commands to be executed as a command stream. At the end of this text, input is reset back to the key- board. This provides a simple macro-command type facility since control sequences can be stored and executed. Additionally, by preceding this command with the 'escape digit' you can repeat the commands 1 to 9 times, as in ESC 4 ^E. *CONTROL F Control F will cause the cursor to move forward to the next word in the current line, stopping at the end of the line. *CONTROL G Control G is like control E, but only causes the saved text to be inserted into the current line. It is thus much faster than using the control E command. (see text for control X and control W). This command can be modified by preceding it with the 'esc digit' sequence (digit is 1-6) which causes the text to be retrieved from different save areas (there are seven, the default and 1-6). *CONTROL H Typing the backspace key moves the cursor to the end of the current line. If the cursor is at the end of the line, the cursor will move back to begining of the line. *CONTROL K Typing the control K combination will cause all the characters from the current cursor position to the next 'word' (see PF1) to to be deleted. This will be much faster than holding down the rubout key. *CONTROL N Control N is a find and replace command. It will replace all occurances of the text with new text from the current line down to the end of the page. *CONTROL P Control P reprints the current page on the screen. *CONTROL R Control R is the opposite of control F in that the cursor will move backwards to the previous word in the line, stop- ping at the left margin. *CONTROL T Control T causes the page to move to the top of the file at line one. *CONTROL U Control U erases (but does not delete) from the current cursor position to the beginning of the line. *CONTROL V Control V allows you to change the parameters passed as command switches, or simply to set values, such as turning line numbering off (/NOLINE) or moving to a given line number (/PAG:300). Control V parameters: /NOL 'nolinenumbers' Do not print line numbers out /LIN 'linenumbers' Print line numbers (default) /VT52 say our terminal is a DEC VT52 (or Heath H19) /VT100 say our terminal is a DEC VT100 (the default) /PAG:n Start initial page at line 'n', not at line 1 /PDEL enable normal rubout key movement /FIL:n set fill line length to value in 'n' /WRAP enable auto line wraparound for kb input /LMA:n set the left margin to 'n' *CONTROL W Control W saves all the text in the current line into the text save area. Line terminators are not included. Multiple save areas can be specified by using the 'escape digit' sequence prior to this. See the above text for control G. *CONTROL X Control X loads the text save area from the keyboard. See help for control E and control G. *CONTROL Y Control Y can be used to fake a carriage return for storing commands with the control X command. This is useful if a command sequence for say, text replacement (^N) is to be stored and later executed with the control E command. If typed any other time, it will simply reprint the current line.