Arrow Keys: The arrow keys always operate in the same manner. They are always "enabled" ( as opposed to the keypad which can be either enabled or disabled ). Their functions are as follows: +---------+---------+---------+---------+ ! ^ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! <-- ! --> ! ! ! ! V ! ! ! normal !cursor up!cursor dn! left ! right ! gold ! pagetop ! pageend ! !sentence ! +---------+---------+---------+---------+ Keypad: 'NORMAL' is when the key is typed without typing the PF1 'gold' key first. 'GOLD' is is the action taken when the PF1 key is typed immediately preceeding the keypad key. +---------+---------+---------+-----------+ ! gold !nextpage !findnext ! delline ! normal ! PF1 ! PF2 ! PF3 ! PF4 ! gold ! !lastpage ! find ! undelline ! +---------+---------+---------+-----------+ ! "7" ! "8" ! "9" ! "-" ! normal !findlast !swapchar ! append ! delword ! gold !searchbk !swapline ! spcins ! undelword ! +---------+---------+---------+-----------+ ! "4" ! "5" ! "6" ! "," ! normal ! bottom ! top ! paste ! delchar ! ! fill ! center ! zapsel ! undelchar ! +---------+---------+---------+-----------+ ! "1" ! "2" ! "3" ! "enter" ! normal !nextword ! eol ! cut ! ! gold !lastword ! deleol ! chcase ! ! +---------+---------+---------+ ! ! '0' ! "." ! ! normal ! next line ! select ! replace ! gold ! break line ! insoff ! Set Pat ! +---------+---------+---------+-----------+ Gold keyboard functions: Gold A set left margin Gold F exit the editor Gold G insert disk file at current line Gold M enter setup menu Gold P justify and fill current paragraph Gold Q que select range to printer Gold R reverse line Gold S dump entire file to input file name ('save') Gold U erase (not delete) entire line Gold W dump current select range to a disk file *CURSOR UP Cursor Up - Moves the cursor up one line. *PAGETOP Hitting the 'GOLD' key and then the Uparrow key moves the cursor to the top of the page. *CURSOR DOWN Cursor Down - Moves the cursor down one line. *PAGEEND Hitting the 'GOLD' key and then the Downarrow key moves the cursor to the bottom of the current page. *LEFT Cursor Left - Moves the cursor left by one character position. *RIGHT Cursor Right - Moves the cursor right by one character position. SENTENCE (PF1 + "RIGHTARROW") If the Rightarrow key is pressed following the 'GOLD' key, the cursor is moved forward through the file by sentences. (A sentence is defined as a period followed by any non-alphanumeric character.) *NEXT LINE Typing the '0' key when in keypad mode will cause a cursor to move to the start of the next line. *BREAK LINE The '0' key, when preceeded by the 'GOLD' key, causes a CR/LF to be inserted at the current cursor position. *NEXTWORD The '1' key will move the cursor to the next word (see ^F). *LASTWORD The '1' key, when preceeding by typing the 'PF1' key, will cause the cursor to move to the end of the previous word (see ^R). *EOL The '2' key moves the cursor to the end of the current line. *DELEOL Deletes from cursor to the end of the line. Entered as PF1 2. (GOLD 2) *CUT The '3' key starts the marking of lines for saving in the paste buffer. Lines are marked by then typing the down arrow key until the last line to be saved is passed. The '.' key is then typed to actually save the lines. The lines are then retrieved by typing the '6' key. *CHCASE Typing GOLD and then the 3 key causes all upper case characters to be changed to lower case characters when the 'WORD (1)' or 'EOL (2)' keypad keys are typed. Only those characters skipped by the command (EOL or WORD) will be affected. CHCASE mode can be turned off ONLY by typed GOLD and '3' again, thus CHCASE is toggled. *BOTTOM The '4' key causes a movement to the end of the file. *FILL Typing GOLD and then the 4 key will cause the text on the current line to be expanded with spaces out to the current fill margin (see /FILL:N). The fill margin defaults to 72, and can be changed by typing ^V and then, after the 'SET>' prompt, the string FILL:value , where 'value' is the decimal value for the new fill margin. *TOP The '5' key is top of file (line 1). *CENTER The '5' key, when typed immediately after the PF1 key is typed, centers the current line based upon the current fill (see GOLD M or Control V). The center line should not contain embedded tabs. *PASTE The '6' key inserts text saved by the 'cut (3)' key. *ZAPSEL The '6' key, when typed immediately after the PF1 key is typed, erases the contents of the paste buffer. *FINDLAST The '7' key is used to locate a text pattern in the file and move backward to that page if the pattern is found. The search is from the current line to the first line of the file, a backward search. *SEARCHB The '7' key, when typed immediately after the PF1 key is typed, does a search but from the current line to the begining of the file instead of to the end of the file. Entered as PF1 7 from the keypad. *SWAPCHR By typing the 8 key, the character at the current cursor position will be swapped with the next one if neither of them are line terminators. *SWAPLIN By typing the PF1 key and then typing the "8" key, the current line will be swapped with the next line of the file. It is an error if the current line is the last line in the file. Entered as GOLD 8. *APPEND The '9' key appends the current line to the paste buffer. This is the only way to store lines that are not adjacent into the paste buffer. The "6" key as mentioned above will retrieve the text in the paste buffer. *SPCINS Inserts the ASCII character whose value is given in the previous GOLD digits command. Entered as GOLD digits GOLD 9. See GOLD digits. *GOLD This is the key that switches other keys to their gold functions. It has a one shot effect, thus it must always be typed just before the usual keypad key is typed. Entered as the PF1 key. *PF2, CONTROL P, AND GOLD PF2 Next page, reprint current page and previous page respectively. *FNDNEXT FINDNEXT (PF3) does a search to the next occurance of a previous search string, moving the cursor to sit on the first character of the string found (if found). The search is from the current line and cursor posi- tion to the end of the file. The search pattern can be loaded by using the 'FIND' command or by typing GOLD ENTER. *FIND FIND (GOLD PF3) finds the next occurance of a string from the current line to the end of the file. Page 2 *DELETELINE UNDELLINE (GOLD PF4) Deletes the current line or word. DELLINE is the same as Control D Undeleteline (GOLD PF4) recovers the most recently deleted line. Delline can be modifed in two ways. The first is to enter a repeat count to delete N lines (or a * to delete to end of page). The other option is to start a select range (by typing the keypad key 3) and then moving down until you have moved past the last line to be deleted. Typing PF4 will then delete the entire range of lines. *DELETEWORD UNDELWORD (PF1 + "-") Delword deletes up to the start of the next word. Undeleteword recovers the most recent delete. If used at the end of the line, causes the next line to be merged at the end of the current line. *DELETECHAR UNDELCH (PF1 + ",") Same as rubout, except that at EOL, merges with the next line. UNDELCH restores the most recently deleted character. Entered as , or GOLD ,. *REPLACE Same as control N (^N). Causes a search and replace for page. *GOLD + "." Typing this will cause all following characters to replace characters rather than to be inserted into the current line. This is automatically disabled by any keypad command or by reaching eol. This command acts like a toggle. Entered as 'PF1 .' on the keypad. *GOLD A Typing PF1 and A will set the current left margin to the current cursor position. *GOLD F Typing PF1 and then F will cause you to exit the editor. It will prompt you for the output file (the same as the line editor END command) and then exit. *GOLD G Typing PF1 and then G will insert a file starting at the current line. *GOLD L Typing PF1 and then L will toggle you into and out of 'learn mode'. While in learn mode, any commands you type are saved as a macro which can then be executed by the ^E command. *GOLD M This gets you into a small menu, where various parame- ters can be set. *GOLD P This will fill the current paragraph (from the current line to the next blank line) out to the current right margin (fill). See Gold M or control V for setting the margin. The margin default is 72. *GOLD Q Typing Gold (PF1) and Q will queue the current select range out to the default line printer. *GOLD R Typing Gold (PF1) and R will reverse the current line. *GOLD S This is the same as the SAVE command outside of the VT command. *GOLD U Typing Gold (PF1) and U will erase (but not delete) the current line. This is different than the ^U command which erases from the current cursor position to the beginning of the line. *GOLD W This dumps the current 'select' range out to a disk file. The range of lines is determined by the start- ing line number which must be the line at which the 'select' command was given (the '.' keypad key). The stopping line number is the current line, which is assumed to be greater than the starting line number. For example, to write lines 100-130 out to the disk file 'JUNK.DAT' the following would be done: 1) Move to line 100, then type the '.' key (select) 2) Advance to the next page (PF2) 3) Move to line 130 with the downarrow 4) Type PF1 and then 'W' 5) For the 'FILE>' prompt, enter JUNK.DAT When completed, the cursor will be on line 130.