The DTC program provides an on-line appointment scheduler and calendar facility. The program has three display commands, D/W/M for Day-/Week-/ Month-At-A-Glance, plus alternate-display and schedule-file maintenance commands. It is invoked by: $ DTC [[command] [date]]. If no command is given, the DTC command menu is displayed. Commands are then requested and processed until the user types Q (quit), EX (exit), or ^Z. The date format is mmddyy for Day and Week, and mmyy for the month part. The command "D 052785" displays appointments for May 27, 1985. The command: "9:00 " would insert the appointment specified by "appointment string" at 9 AM on the default date. The default date is the last date given unless the I command is used to reset to today's date. Dates may be given as mmddyy, mm/dd/yy, or dd-mmm-yy, or reasonable subsets (i.e, "D 5" shows appointments for the fifth of the current month, "M 7/86" is July 1986). Time entries of the form hh:mm>hh:mm specify ranges. A DCL command to enter an appointment might be (quote is used to preserve lower-case, no final quote): $ DTC "D 041585 9:00 Income Tax due tonight! Entries in the DTC file of form "999999080[dir]filename.typ=" point at the filename and the S or G cmds enter appts. in them, other cmds read them. Use the F cmd to change files. DTC commands T, C, and R correspond to D, M, and W but exit after one display. More info in SYS$NOTICE:DTCHG.TXT.