* * File ckmker.rc * * This file contains the resources for rmaker for the kermit program * * You might need to recompile RMAKER with NRESCOMP = 100; * * Table of contents: * KERM * 0 - Version number string * MENU * 1 - File menu * 2 - Set menu * 3 - Transfer menu * 4 - Remote menu * 5 - Server menu * 6 - Launch menu * WIND * 1000 - Remote command response * CNTL * 1000 - Remote command vertical scroll bar * 1001 - Remote command horizontal scroll bar * DLOG * 257 - About kermit * 230 - Screen (status) * 1001 - Communications settings * 1002 - Protocol settings * 1003 - Remote command parser * 1004 - File settings * 3998 - DLOG for "Get file..." * 3999 - SFPPutFile DLOG for "Receive file..." * 4000 - SFPGetFile DLOG for "Send file..." * DITL * 1 - error message * 2 - error message * 3 - abort from protocol * 100 - alert when opening an exsiting file * 230 - Screen display (status) * 257 - About kermit * 1001 - Communications settings * 1002 - Protocol settings * 1003 - Remote command parser * 1004 - File settings * 3998 - Get file... * 3999 - Receive file... * 4000 - Send file... * ICON * 1000 - Kermit Icon * 2000 - Bill Catchings * 2001 - Bill Schilit * 2002 - Frank da Cruz * 3000 - Communications port A * 3001 - Communications port B * ALRT * 1 - Alert ? * 2 - Alert ? * 3 - Alert, abort from protocol * 4 - Alert for opening existing file * ICN# * 128 - Mackermit icon with mask for finder * FREF * 128 - Reference for above * BNDL * 128 - Bundle for above * KSET * -- - default key configurations definition * MSET * -- - default meta string * FSET * -- - default function strings * * Note on resource attributes (parenthesized value after resource id): * These are the same as the resource manager's attributes: * * 64 Read into system heap (don't do this here) * 32 Set if purgeable. * 16 Set if locked (won't be relocated once in memory) * 4 Set if to be preloaded. * * Specify output file of executable code ckmker.rsrc * ID string Type KERM = STR ,0 Kermit Version 0.8(33) -- July 1985 * * MENUS - (4) means to preload the resource. "^T" is the apple character. * Type MENU ,1(4)  About Kermit (- Type MENU ,2(4) File Restore Settings... Save Settings... (- Get file from server... Send file... Receive file... (- Quit Type MENU ,3(4) Settings File Defaults... Communications... Protocol... (- -Shift-1...-Shift-9 Type MENU ,4(4) Remote Show Response (- Finish Bye (- Cwd... Delete file... Directory... Help... Host... Space... Type... Who... (- Be a Server Type MENU ,5(4) Transfer To Application... * * WIND - Remote command window * Type WIND ,1000 Remote Response 215 185 315 490 Visible GoAway 0 0 Type CNTL ,1000 Vertical Scroll Bar -1 395 236 411 Visible 16 0 0 0 50 Type CNTL ,1001 Horizontal Scroll Bar 235 -1 251 396 Visible 16 0 0 0 50 * * DLOG 257 - About KERMIT * Type DLOG ,257 55 70 260 430 Visible 1 NoGoAway 0 257 About DLOG * * DLOG 230 - Screen (status) dialog * Type DLOG ,230 70 59 227 448 Invisible 1 NoGoAway 0 230 * * DLOG 1001 - Communications settings * Type DLOG ,1001 30 60 310 450 Invisible 1 NoGoAway 0 1001 * * DLOG 1002 - Protocol settings * Type DLOG ,1002 30 60 310 450 Invisible 1 NoGoAway 0 1002 * * DLOG 1003 - Remote command parser * Type DLOG ,1003 50 37 192 415 Invisible 1 NoGoAway 0 1003 * * DLOG 1004 - File settings dialog * Type DLOG ,1004 50 61 300 425 Invisible 1 NoGoAway 0 1004 * * DLOG 3998 * Type DLOG ,3998 70 77 203 360 Invisible 1 NoGoAway 0 3998 * * DLOG 3999 * Type DLOG ,3999 0 0 168 331 Invisible 1 NoGoAway 0 3999 * * DLOG 4000 * Type DLOG ,4000 0 0 228 404 Invisible 1 NoGoAway 0 4000 * * DITL 1 - Error occured * Type DITL ,1 2 BtnItem Enabled 65 20 94 63 OK StatText Disabled 12 72 94 236 ^0 ^1 * * DITL 2 - Debug information * Type DITL ,2 2 BtnItem Enabled 90 13 110 83 OK StatText Disabled 10 60 70 350 Debug: ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 * * DITL 3 - Abort typed * Type DITL ,3 3 BtnItem Enabled 63 75 83 125 OK BtnItem Enabled 63 154 83 204 Cancel StatText Disabled 10 75 46 216 Emergency Exit? * * DITL 230 - Screen (status) preload, not purgeable. * Type DITL ,230(4) 15 * 1 BtnItem Enabled 121 94 153 186 Cancel File * 2 BtnItem Enabled 121 201 153 293 Cancel Group * 3 Receiving/Sending message StatText Disabled 13 15 29 84 Receiving * 4 Receiving/sending filename StatText Disabled 13 88 30 276 * 5 "AS" field or blank if none StatText Disabled 32 58 49 84 As * 6 AS file name or blank if none StatText Disabled 32 88 49 276 * 7 Kilo bytes transfered StatText Disabled 61 14 78 68 KBytes: * 8 Numeric value for above (or xx/xx if known) StatText Disabled 61 70 78 133 * 9 Packets StatText Disabled 62 148 77 208 Packets: * 10 Numeric field for above StatText Disabled 62 210 77 253 * 11 "Retries" StatText Disabled 63 272 79 327 Retries: * 12 Numeric field for above StatText Disabled 63 329 79 376 * 13 DATA FORK or RSRC FORK StatText Disabled 32 292 49 361 * 14 BINARY MODE or TEXT MODE message StatText Disabled 14 292 30 383 * 15 Status/message line StatText Disabled 84 31 118 362 Emergency exit: hold down  and type a period. * * DITL 257 - About KERMIT * Type DITL ,257(32) 11 * 1 BtnItem Enabled 169 144 189 202 OK * 2 StatText Disabled 15 62 32 306 ^0 * 3 StatText Disabled 33 62 50 305 Columbia University * 4 StatText Disabled 51 62 68 305 Copyright 1985, All Rights Reserved * 5 IconItem Disabled 15 10 47 42 1000 * 6 IconItem Disabled 88 47 120 79 2000 * 7 StatText Disabled 130 21 147 115 Bill Catchings * 8 IconItem Disabled 89 253 121 285 2001 * 9 StatText Disabled 130 237 146 310 Bill Schilit * 10 IconItem Disabled 89 153 121 185 2002 * 11 StatText Disabled 130 127 146 223 Frank da Cruz * * DITL 1001 - Communications settings * Type DITL ,1001(32) 31 * 1 BtnItem Enabled 240 260 265 310 OK * 2 BtnItem Enabled 240 330 265 380 Cancel * 3 StatText Disabled 5 5 21 182 Communications Settings * 4 StatText Disabled 35 5 50 75 Baud Rate * 5 RadioItem Enabled 35 80 50 130 300 * 6 RadioItem Enabled 35 155 50 205 600 * 7 RadioItem Enabled 35 230 50 280 1200 * 8 RadioItem Enabled 35 305 50 355 1800 * 9 RadioItem Enabled 55 80 70 130 2400 * 10 RadioItem Enabled 55 155 70 205 4800 * 11 RadioItem Enabled 55 230 70 280 7200 * 12 RadioItem Enabled 55 305 70 355 9600 * 13 RadioItem Enabled 75 80 90 140 19.2K * 14 RadioItem Enabled 75 155 90 215 57.6K * 15 StatText Disabled 175 5 191 75 Auto Wrap * 16 RadioItem Disabled 175 80 191 153 On * 17 RadioItem Disabled 175 197 191 247 Off * 18 StatText Disabled 125 5 141 75 Parity * 19 RadioItem Enabled 125 255 141 312 Mark * 20 RadioItem Enabled 125 319 141 384 Space * 21 RadioItem Enabled 125 80 141 130 Even * 22 RadioItem Enabled 125 140 141 190 Odd * 23 RadioItem Enabled 125 197 141 251 None * 24 StatText Disabled 150 5 166 61 Echo * 25 RadioItem Enabled 150 80 166 170 Local * 26 RadioItem Enabled 150 197 166 288 Remote * 27 StatText Disabled 229 5 245 120 Connection Port * 28 RadioItem Disabled 229 125 244 140 * 29 RadioItem Disabled 229 187 244 202 * 30 IconItem Disabled 220 145 252 177 3000 * 31 IconItem Disabled 220 207 252 239 3001 * * DITL 1002 - Protocol settings * Type DITL ,1002(32) 35 * 1 BtnItem Enabled 200 332 225 382 OK * 2 BtnItem Enabled 238 332 263 382 Cancel * 3 StatText Disabled 5 5 21 182 Protocol Settings * 4 StatText Disabled 35 5 50 135 Block Check Type * 5 RadioItem Enabled 35 144 50 199 1 * 6 RadioItem Enabled 35 207 50 262 2 * 7 RadioItem Enabled 35 271 50 326 3 * 8 StatText Disabled 57 5 72 135 Handshake * 9 RadioItem Enabled 57 332 72 387 Bell * 10 RadioItem Enabled 57 144 72 199 CR * 11 RadioItem Enabled 57 271 72 326 ESC * 12 RadioItem Enabled 57 207 72 262 LF * 13 RadioItem Enabled 79 271 94 326 None * 14 RadioItem Enabled 79 144 94 199 XON * 15 RadioItem Enabled 79 207 94 261 XOFF * 16 StatText Disabled 114 237 146 313 SEND (outbound) * 17 StatText Disabled 113 156 146 224 RECEIVE (inbound) * 18 StatText Disabled 155 10 171 149 Start of packet char * 19 EditText Enabled 155 183 171 203 00 * 20 StatText Disabled 175 21 191 149 End of packet char * 21 EditText Enabled 176 183 192 203 00 * 22 StatText Disabled 195 88 212 149 Pad char * 23 EditText Enabled 197 183 213 203 00 * 24 StatText Disabled 217 91 234 149 Padding * 25 EditText Enabled 218 183 234 203 00 * 26 StatText Disabled 239 10 255 148 Seconds for timeout * 27 EditText Enabled 239 183 255 203 00 * 28 StatText Disabled 258 53 274 148 Packet length * 29 EditText Enabled 260 183 276 203 00 * 30 EditText Enabled 153 265 169 285 00 * 31 EditText Enabled 174 265 190 285 00 * 32 EditText Enabled 195 265 211 285 00 * 33 EditText Enabled 216 265 232 285 00 * 34 EditText Enabled 237 265 253 285 00 * 35 EditText Enabled 258 265 274 285 00 * * DITL 1003 - Remote command parser * Type DITL ,1003(32) 8 * 1 BtnItem Enabled 83 100 113 185 Do It * 2 BtnItem Enabled 83 203 113 288 Cancel * 3 StatText Disabled 5 8 21 298 Remote command is ^0 * 4 (help on arg1) StatText Disabled 31 8 47 83 ^1 * 5 EditText Enabled 31 90 47 365 * 6 (help on arg2) StatText Disabled 56 8 72 83 ^2 * 7 EditText Enabled 57 90 73 365 * 8 StatText Disabled 120 30 136 352 Emergency exit: hold down  and type a period. * * DITL 1004 - File settings. Keep radItems at same index as in other * dialogs with same settings. Type DITL ,1004 14 * 1 OK button - do settings BtnItem Enabled 211 87 237 159 OK * 2 Cancel button - forget these settings BtnItem Enabled 211 193 237 265 Cancel * 3 Prompt string StatText Disabled 10 10 26 182 File Settings * 4 RadioItem Enabled 50 10 70 325 Attended: dialog on each file received. * 5 RadioItem Enabled 84 10 105 330 Unattended: with the following defaults... * 6 RadioItem Enabled 112 32 130 341 Supersede existing files of the same name. * 7 RadioItem Enabled 130 32 147 351 Create new file names to avoid conflicts. * 8 StatText Disabled 159 33 176 77 Mode: * 9 StatText Disabled 160 176 176 213 Fork: * 10 Place holder StatText Disabled 48 410 56 426 - * 11 Radio for fork type data RadioItem Enabled 160 213 177 271 Data * 12 Radio for fork type resource RadioItem Enabled 176 213 193 296 Resource * 13 Radio for data type text RadioItem Enabled 159 77 176 140 Text * 14 Radio for data type binary RadioItem Enabled 175 77 193 143 Binary * * * DITL 3998 * Type DITL ,3998 5 * 1 Get button BtnItem Enabled 90 38 112 117 Get * 2 Cancel button BtnItem Enabled 90 155 112 225 Cancel * 3 Prompt string StatText Disabled 32 12 48 184 Get remote file: * 4 EditText for remote file name EditText Enabled 57 15 76 247 * 5 IconItem for Kermit Picture IconItem Disabled 11 216 43 248 1000 * * DITL 3999 * Type DITL ,3999 15 * 1 Receive button BtnItem Enabled 69 18 90 99 OK * 2 Cancel button BtnItem Enabled 69 109 90 179 Cancel * 3 Prompt string StatText Disabled 13 12 29 184 Receive as: * 4 Disk name UserItem Disabled 57 226 75 312 * 5 Eject button BtnItem Enabled 93 236 111 306 Eject * 6 Drive button BtnItem Enabled 123 236 142 306 Drive * 7 File name EditText Enabled 39 14 55 182 * 8 Gray line UserItem Disabled 18 210 141 212 * 9 IconItem for Kermit Picture IconItem Disabled 11 251 43 283 1000 * 10 Place holder (invisible) StatText Disabled 32 435 128 536 h * 11 Radio for fork type data RadioItem Enabled 133 111 150 169 Data * 12 Radio for fork type resource RadioItem Enabled 149 111 166 193 Resource * 13 Radio for data type text RadioItem Enabled 133 17 150 80 Text * 14 Radio for data type binary RadioItem Enabled 149 17 167 82 Binary * 15 Button to receive the rest BtnItem Enabled 101 18 125 178 Proceed Automatically * * DITL 4000 * Type DITL ,4000 18 * 1 BtnItem Enabled 51 174 69 254 Send * 2 BtnItem Enabled 148 488 166 568 0 * 3 BtnItem Enabled 91 173 109 253 Cancel * 4 UserItem Disabled 83 284 101 380 * 5 BtnItem Enabled 121 290 139 370 Eject * 6 BtnItem Enabled 154 291 172 371 Drive * 7 UserItem Enabled 10 9 124 149 * 8 UserItem Enabled 10 148 124 164 * 9 UserItem Enabled 30 269 188 271 * 10 StatText Disabled 32 435 128 536 h * 11 RadioItem Enabled 186 169 203 227 Data * 12 RadioItem Enabled 202 169 219 251 Resource * 13 RadioItem Enabled 186 49 203 112 Text * 14 RadioItem Enabled 202 49 220 114 Binary * 15 StatText Disabled 132 14 150 46 As: * 16 As file name edit text EditText Enabled 52 455 148 556 * 17 Invisible text EditText Enabled 155 17 176 256 * 18 IconItem Disabled 31 311 63 343 1000 * * MacKermit Icon, ID 1000 * Type ICON ,1000 00000000 00000000 00000002 0003760B 00058D07 0007070E 00080082 00140242 00160642 50119886 300C631C 5FC30CF8 20F7FFE0 001F5700 0003AA00 00015600 0007AF00 003FF7E0 00FC00F8 0185FF5C 2105DB44 6605D744 EC05CF44 7005D744 2005DB45 0005FF4F 00040047 00040040 00040F40 00050040 00040040 0007FFC0 * * People ICONs: * 2000 - Bill Catchings * 2001 - Bill Schilit * 2002 - Frank da Cruz * Type ICON ,2000 00000000 0003FE00 001D1580 003446C0 00511160 00444720 009118D0 00C46050 01114050 01458028 03160028 0249E3D8 03120038 0250E5D0 02B04490 03600410 03600410 03600010 03C01110 01100E10 01500020 00C840A0 00483F20 00040040 00220040 00018080 00206100 00001E00 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Type ICON ,2001 00000000 000FF800 00355600 00EAAB80 01555540 01AAAAC0 035557E0 02AAADA0 035578E0 06ABC0B0 057E00D0 06E000F0 05DE3DD0 0761C370 055C9D50 07488970 0541C150 03222260 029C1C20 01814060 018000C0 0143E1C0 00C7F280 00AC1F80 007BEB00 00288E00 00388A00 001FFC00 000D5800 0007E000 00000000 00000000 Type ICON ,2002 0003F000 000E5800 00310600 00FA2F80 01C08EC0 013A5940 03573360 0331E1B0 02E000B0 068000F8 05800058 0580007C 0D00002C 0B3E3E34 0F41413C 051C9C48 07888858 02808068 03808050 028000F0 034140C0 01C6B0C0 00CB6980 00680980 0077F700 00308600 001D5C00 000AA800 00055000 0003E000 00000000 00000000 * * Other ICONS * 3000 - Communications port A * 3001 - Communications port B * Type ICON ,3000 7FFFFFFE 80000001 80000001 80000031 80000049 81C00049 82200131 84100081 88100641 88080901 90080901 90082601 90101001 9060C801 88812001 88812001 8484C001 84420001 82210001 82100E01 81081181 80842041 80422021 8021C021 80100021 800C0041 80030081 8000C301 80003C01 80000001 80000001 7FFFFFFE Type ICON ,3001 7FFFFFFE 80000001 80000001 80000001 80FFC001 80806001 80805001 80804801 80804401 80807E01 80800201 80800201 80800201 80800201 80800201 80800201 80800201 80800201 8F8003E1 88800221 88800239 88FFFE29 88000029 88000029 88000039 88000021 88000021 8FFFFFE1 80000001 80000001 80000001 7FFFFFFE * * ALRT 1 - ??? * Type ALRT ,1 113 121 222 378 1 5555 * * ALRT 2 - ??? * Type ALRT ,2 60 81 180 431 2 5555 * * ALRT 3 - Abort from protocol. * Type ALRT ,3 108 147 212 372 3 5555 * * ALRT 4 - Open existing file (uses system DITL for same) * Type ALRT ,4 115 130 221 341 -3996 5555 * * ICN# 128 - MacKermit icon for APPL file * Type ICN# = HEXA ,128(32) 00000000 00000000 00700e00 00881100 01242480 01742e80 038ff1c0 04700e20 04000020 047ffe20 04800120 04800120 04c00320 04b00d20 048c3120 0483c120 04800120 04800120 047ffe20 04000020 04000020 04000020 04000020 04000020 0400ff20 04000720 04000020 04000020 04000020 03ffffc0 00000000 00000000 * mask 00000000 00700e00 00f81f00 01fc3f80 03fe7fc0 07ffffe0 07ffffe0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 0ffffff0 07ffffe0 07ffffe0 00000000 * * ICN# 129 - MacKermit ICON for TEXT file * Type ICN# = HEXA ,129(32) 0FFFFE00 08000300 08000280 08000240 08000220 08000210 08181BF8 08242408 085A5A08 08E7E708 09181888 09000088 091FF888 09200488 09300C88 09281488 09266488 09218488 09200488 091FF888 09000088 09000088 09000088 0900FC88 09001C88 09000088 09000088 09000088 08FFFF08 08000008 08000008 0FFFFFF8 * Mask 0FFFFE00 0FFFFF00 0FFFFF80 0FFFFFC0 0FFFFFE0 0FFFFFF0 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 0FFFFFF8 Type FREF = HEXA ,128(32) * APPL uses loc icon 0, no tagalongs 4150504C 0000 00 Type FREF = HEXA ,129(32) * TEXT uses loc icon 1, no tagalongs 54455854 0001 00 Type BNDL = HEXA ,128 * owner KERM 0 4B45524D0000 * 2 types follow, ICN# and FREF 0001 * ICN#, 2 entries, local 0 to global 128, local 1 to global 129 49434E230001 0000 0080 0001 0081 * FREF, 2 entries, local 0 to global 128, local 1 to global 129 465245460001 0000 0080 0001 0081 * Compiled program code Type CODE ckmker.out,0 * * KSET - Kermit's Keyboard defaults settings (struct KSET). * Create by CKMKEY's decompile option. * * Decompiled information from master Type FSET = HEXA ,2 12 03 1b 4f 70 03 1b 4f 71 03 1b 4f 72 03 1b 4f 73 03 1b 4f 74 03 1b 4f 75 03 1b 4f 76 03 1b 4f 77 03 1b 4f 78 03 1b 4f 79 03 1b 4f 6d 03 1b 4f 6c 03 1b 4f 6e 03 1b 4f 4d 02 1b 50 02 1b 51 02 1b 52 02 1b 53 Type MSET = HEXA ,2 01 1b Type KSET = HEXA ,2 00 00 09 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 04 00 61 73 64 66 68 67 7a 78 63 76 00 62 71 77 65 72 79 74 31 32 33 34 36 35 3d 39 37 2d 38 30 5d 6f 75 5b 69 70 0d 6c 6a 27 6b 3b 5c 2c 2f 6e 6d 2e 09 20 1b 7f fe 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 2a 00 00 00 2b 84 2c 00 00 00 0a 2f 2d 00 00 00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 00 38 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 53 44 46 48 47 5a 58 43 56 00 42 51 57 45 52 59 54 21 40 23 24 5e 25 2b 28 26 5f 2a 29 7d 4f 55 7b 49 50 0d 4c 4a 22 4b 3a 7c 3c 3f 4e 4d 3e 09 20 7e 08 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 2a 00 00 00 2b 00 2c 00 00 00 0a 2f 2d 00 00 00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 00 38 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 53 44 46 48 47 5a 58 43 56 00 42 51 57 45 52 59 54 31 32 33 34 36 35 3d 39 37 2d 38 30 5d 4f 55 5b 49 50 0d 4c 4a 27 4b 3b 5c 2c 2f 4e 4d 2e 09 20 60 08 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8c 8f 00 00 00 8e 00 91 00 00 00 8d 90 8a 00 00 00 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 00 88 89 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 53 44 46 48 47 5a 58 43 56 00 42 51 57 45 52 59 54 21 40 23 24 5e 25 2b 28 26 5f 2a 29 7d 4f 55 7b 49 50 0d 4c 4a 22 4b 3a 7c 3c 3f 4e 4d 3e 09 20 7e 08 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 2a 00 00 00 2b 00 2c 00 00 00 0a 2f 2d 00 00 00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 00 38 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 13 04 06 08 07 1a 18 03 16 00 02 11 17 05 12 19 14 31 32 33 34 36 35 3d 39 37 2d 38 30 5d 0f 15 5b 09 10 0d 0c 0a 27 0b 3b 1c 2c 2f 0e 0d 2e 09 20 60 08 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 2a 00 00 00 2b 00 2c 00 00 00 0a 2f 2d 00 00 00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 00 38 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 13 04 06 08 07 1a 18 03 16 00 02 11 17 05 12 19 14 21 00 23 24 1e 25 2b 28 26 1f 2a 29 1d 0f 15 1b 09 10 0d 0c 0a 1c 0b 3a 1c 3c 3f 0e 0d 3e 09 20 1e 08 0d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e 2a 00 00 00 2b 00 2c 00 00 00 0a 2f 2d 00 00 00 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 00 38 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 cb d0 00 00 cb d4 00 00