MSAAAA.HLP Per Lindberg QZ -*-Text-*- 1985-06-10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Information on KERMIT-MS files on the Columbia Distribution area (KER:). The filenames are shortened to 6.3 format (they may be longer on some systems, e.g. MSBUILD.HLP instead of MSBUIL.HLP). MS-DOS Kermit is available for: . DEC Rainbow 100, 100+ . "Generic" MS-DOS . Heath/Zenith 100 . Hewlett-Packard 110 . Hewlett-Packard 150 . IBM PC,PCjr,XT,AT and compatibles (Z150, Compaq, etc) . NEC APC . Sanyo MBC . Texas Instruments Professional PC . Wang PC General info: MS228 UPD List of updates from version 2.27 to 2.28 MS227 UPD List of updates from version 2.26 to 2.27 MS226 UPD List of updates from version 1.20 to 2.26 MSAAAA HLP This file MSBUIL HLP How to assemble MS-DOS KERMIT, info on source files MSKERM DOC MS-DOS Kermit chapter from the Kermit User Guide MSKERM MSS Scribe text formatter source for MSKERM.DOC MSKERM HLP Help file -- how to use MS-DOS KERMIT MSKERH MSS Scribe text formatter source for MSKERM.HLP MSKERM MSG Announcement of current version of MS-DOS KERMIT MSKERM BWR Bug list for current version of MS-DOS KERMIT Files to be read by MS-DOS Kermit: MSKERM INI (MSKERMIT.INI) Initialization file, used by KERMIT.EXE MSRBEM INI KERMIT-MS Command File to make Rainbow function keys for EMACS MSMETA INI KERMIT-MS Command File to make IBM PC ALT key to a META key MSIH19 INI Heath-19 keypad setups MSS3270 INI Sim3270 keypad setups MSMETA HLP Help file for MSMETA.INI System/Device Independent source code: MSDEFS H Source code, header file for all source modules MSKERM ASM Source code, main module MSCMD ASM Source code, command processor MSRECV ASM Source code, file receiver module MSSEND ASM Source code, file sender module MSFILE ASM Source code, file i/o handler MSCOMM ASM Source code, communication port buffering & flow control MSSERV ASM Source code, server operation MSSET ASM Source code, SET, SHOW and STATUS commands MSTERM ASM Source code, terminal mode (CONNECT command) MSXDMB ASM Source code, force correct segment order MSFINAL ASM Source code, marks end of data segment System/Device dependent source code: MSXxxx.ASM - System-dependent code for system xxx MSYxxx.ASM - System-dependent screen and keyboard code MSZxxx.ASM - Modem control (modem-dependent) MSXGEN ASM Generic MS-DOS "specific" source code MSXHP1 ASM HP 150 -specific source code MSXHPX ASM HP 110 -specific source code MSXIBM ASM IBM PC -specific source code MSYIBM ASM IBM PC -system-dependent screen & keyboard source code MSXWNG ASM Wang PC-specific source code MSXRB ASM Rainbow-specific source code MSXAPC ASM NEC APC-specific source code MSXMBC ASM Sanyo MBC-specific source code MSXTEK ASM Tektronix 4010 emulation for TI Pro Kermit MSXTIP ASM TI PC -specific source code MSXZ10 ASM Z100 -specific source code MSYZ10 ASM Z100 -specific screen & keyboard source code Documentation on system-dependent stuff: MSAPC HLP Documentation for NEC APC-specific features MSAPC BWR Beware (bugs) file for NEC APC Kermit MSIBMP H19 Note on how to make a H19-style keypad for IBM PC MSMPC HLP Documentation for Sanyo-MBC-specific features MSPCJR HLP Notes on using IBM PC Kermit on the PCjr MSXDMB HLP Documentation for segment-ordering dummy module MSXSYS DOC Programming documentation for system-dependent modules MSXSYS MSS Scribe source for MSXSYS.DOC MSXTIP BWR Documentation for TI/Pro-specific Kermit module MSZ100 HLP Documentation for Z100-specific features Bootstrapping programs and information: MSMKBO C Encoding program, 8-bit-binary .EXE to ASCII .BOO-file MSPCBO BAS Transfer .BOO-file to PC, decoding to .EXE on the fly (PC end) MSBOOT FOR Send .BOO file to PC (mainframe end of boostrap) MSPCTR BAS Decode PC-resident .BOO-file to .EXE (MS Basic) MSRBBO BAS Special .BOO file decoder for Rainbow (MBasic-86) MSRBBO HLP Note on how to translate .BOO to .EXE on a Rainbow MSBOOT BWR Note on problems with bootstrapping MS-DOS Kermit Downloadable object code -- 8-bit .EXE files translated by MSMKBOO.C into a 4-byte-for-3 7-bit ASCII printable encoding with zero-compression: MSAPC BOO Boot object code for NEC APC (?) MSGENE BOO Boot object code for generic MS-DOS KERMIT MSHP15 BOO Boot object code for HP150 KERMIT MSIBMP BOO Boot object code for IBM-PC,XT,AT KERMIT MSMBC BOO Boot object code for Sanyo MBC Kermit MSRB10 BOO Boot object code for DEC Rainbow 100, 100+ MSTIPR BOO Boot object code for Texas Instruments TI PC (?) MSWANG BOO Boot object code for Wang PC MSZ100 BOO Boot object code for Heath/Zenith 100 On some tapes, binary 8-bit .EXE files are also provided. In the Kermit distribution area at CU20B, they are in KB:MS*.EXE, with the "*" replaced by the names shown above.