; Generic MS DOS Kermit module public serini, serrst, clrbuf, outchr, coms, vts, dodel, public ctlu, cmblnk, locate, lclini, prtchr, dobaud, clearl, public dodisk, getbaud, beep public count, xofsnt, puthlp, putmod, clrmod, poscur public sendbr, term, machnam, setktab, setkhlp, showkey include msdefs.h false equ 0 true equ 1 instat equ 6 rddev equ 3fH open equ 3dH ; external variables used: ; drives - # of disk drives on system ; flags - global flags as per flginfo structure defined in pcdefs ; trans - global transmission parameters, trinfo struct defined in pcdefs ; portval - pointer to current portinfo structure (currently either port1 ; or port2) ; port1, port2 - portinfo structures for the corresponding ports ; global variables defined in this module: ; xofsnt, xofrcv - tell whether we saw or sent an xoff. datas segment public 'datas' extrn drives:byte,flags:byte, trans:byte extrn portval:word, port1:byte, port2:byte machnam db 'Generic MS-DOS 2.0$' erms20 db cr,lf,'?Warning: System has no disk drives$' ; [21a] erms40 db cr,lf,'?Warning: Unrecognized baud rate$' erms41 db cr,lf,'?Warning: Cannot open com port$' erms50 db cr,lf,'Error reading from device$' hnd1 db cr,lf,'Enter a file handle. Check your DOS manual if you are ' db cr,lf,'not certain what value to supply (generally 3).$' hnd2 db cr,lf,'Handle: $' hnderr db cr,lf,'Warning: Handle not known.' deverr db cr,lf,'Any routine using the communications port will' db cr,lf,'probably not work.$' hndhlp db cr,lf,'A four digit file handle $' dev1 db cr,lf,'Device: $' devhlp db cr,lf,'Name for your systems auxiliary port $' badbd db cr,lf,'Unimplemented baud rate$' noimp db cr,lf,'Command not implemented.$' shkmsg db 'Not implemented.' shklen equ $-shkmsg setktab db 0 setkhlp db 0 crlf db cr,lf,'$' delstr db BS,' ',BS,'$' ; Delete string. [21d] clrlin db cr,'$' ; Clear line (just the cr part). clreol db '^U',cr,lf,'$' ; Clear line. telflg db 0 ; non-zero if we're a terminal. xofsnt db 0 ; Say if we sent an XOFF. xofrcv db 0 ; Say if we received an XOFF. count dw 0 ; Number of chars in int buffer. prthnd dw 0 ; Port handle. prttab dw com2,com1 com1 db 'COM1',0 com2 db 'COM2',0 tmp db ?,'$' temp dw 0 temp1 dw ? ; Temporary storage. temp2 dw ? ; Temporary storage. rdbuf db 20 dup(?) ; Buffer for input. prtstr db 20 dup(?) ; Name of auxiliary device. [27d] ; Entries for choosing communications port. [19b] comptab db 6 ; Number of options mkeyw '1',01H mkeyw '2',00H mkeyw 'COM1',01H mkeyw 'COM2',00H mkeyw 'DEVICE',02H mkeyw 'FILE-HANDLE',03H ourarg termarg <> datas ends code segment public extrn comnd:near, dopar:near, prserr:near, atoi:near, prompt:near assume cs:code,ds:datas ; this is called by Kermit initialization. It checks the ; number of disks on the system, sets the drives variable ; appropriately. Returns normally. DODISK PROC NEAR mov ah,gcurdsk ; Current disk value to AL. int dos mov dl,al ; Put current disk in DL. mov ah,seldsk ; Select current disk. int dos ; Get number of drives in AL. mov drives,al ret DODISK ENDP ; Clear the input buffer. This throws away all the characters in the ; serial interrupt buffer. This is particularly important when ; talking to servers, since NAKs can accumulate in the buffer. ; Do nothing since we are not interrupt driven. Returns normally. CLRBUF PROC NEAR ret CLRBUF ENDP ; Clear to the end of the current line. Returns normally. CLEARL PROC NEAR mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset clreol int dos ret CLEARL ENDP ; Put the char in AH to the serial port. This assumes the ; port has been initialized. Should honor xon/xoff. Skip returns on ; success, returns normally if the character cannot be written. outchr: mov bp,portval cmp ds:[bp].floflg,0 ; Are we doing flow control. je outch2 ; No, just continue. xor cx,cx ; clear counter outch1: cmp xofrcv,true ; Are we being held? jne outch2 ; No - it's OK to go on. loop outch1 ; held, try for a while mov xofrcv,false ; timed out, force it off and fall thru. outch2: push dx ; Save register. mov al,ah ; Parity routine works on AL. call dopar ; Set parity appropriately. mov dl,al mov ah,punout ; Output char in DL to comm port. int dos pop dx jmp rskp ; This routine blanks the screen. Returns normally. CMBLNK PROC NEAR mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset crlf ; Can't do anything else. int dos ret CMBLNK ENDP ; Homes the cursor. Returns normally. LOCATE PROC NEAR mov dx,0 ; Go to top left corner of screen. jmp poscur LOCATE ENDP ; Write a line at the bottom of the screen... ; the line is passed in dx, terminated by a $. Returns normally. putmod proc near push dx ; preserve message mov dx,1800h ; now address line 24 call poscur pop dx ; get message back mov ah,prstr int dos ; write it out ret ; and return putmod endp ; clear the mode line written by putmod. Returns normally. clrmod proc near mov dx,1800h call poscur ; Go to bottom row. call clearl ; Clear to end of line. ret clrmod endp ; Put a help message on the screen. ; Pass the message in ax, terminated by a null. Returns normally. puthlp proc near push ax ; preserve this mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset crlf int dos pop si ; point to string again puthl3: lodsb ; get a byte cmp al,0 ; end of string? je puthl4 ; yes, stop mov dl,al mov ah,dconio int dos ; else write to screen jmp puthl3 ; and keep going puthl4: mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset crlf int dos ret puthlp endp ; Set the baud rate for the current port, based on the value ; in the portinfo structure. Returns normally. DOBAUD PROC NEAR mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset noimp ; Say it's not implemented. int dos mov bx,portval mov [bx].baud,0FFFFH ; So it's not a recognized value. ret ; Must be set before starting Kermit. DOBAUD ENDP ; Get the current baud rate from the serial card and set it ; in the portinfo structure for the current port. Returns normally. ; This is used during initialization. GETBAUD PROC NEAR ret ; Can't do this. GETBAUD ENDP ; Use for DOS 2.0 and above. Check the port status. If no data, skip ; return. Else, read in a char and return. PRTCHR PROC NEAR push bx push cx push si push bp cmp prthnd,0 ; Got a handle yet? [27d] jne prtch0 ; Yup just go on. [27d] call opnprt ; Else 'open' the port. [27d] prtch0: call chkxon mov bx,prthnd mov al,instat mov ah,ioctl int dos or al,al jz prtch4 ; not ready... mov bx,prthnd mov ah,rddev mov cx,1 mov dx,offset temp int dos cmp al,5 ; Error condition. je prt3x cmp al,6 ; Error condition je prt3x mov al,byte ptr temp mov bp,portval cmp ds:[bp].parflg,PARNON ; no parity? je prtch3 ; then don't strip and al,7fh ; else turn off parity prtch3: pop bp pop si pop cx pop bx ret prt3x: mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset erms50 int dos prtch4: pop bp pop si pop cx pop bx jmp rskp ; no chars... PRTCHR ENDP ; Local routine to see if we have to transmit an xon chkxon proc near push bx mov bx,portval cmp [bx].floflg,0 ; doing flow control? je chkxo1 ; no, skip all this cmp xofsnt,false ; have we sent an xoff? je chkxo1 ; no, forget it mov ax,[bx].flowc ; ah gets xon call outchr ; send it nop nop nop ; in case it skips mov xofsnt,false ; remember we've sent the xon. chkxo1: pop bx ; restore register ret ; and return chkxon endp ; Send a break out the current serial port. Returns normally. SENDBR PROC NEAR ret SENDBR ENDP ; Position the cursor according to contents of DX: ; DH contains row, DL contains column. Returns normally. POSCUR PROC NEAR ret POSCUR ENDP ; Delete a character from the terminal. This works by printing ; backspaces and spaces. Returns normally. DODEL PROC NEAR mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset delstr ; Erase weird character. int dos ret DODEL ENDP ; Move the cursor to the left margin, then clear to end of line. ; Returns normally. CTLU PROC NEAR mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset clrlin int dos call clearl ret CTLU ENDP ; Set the current port. COMS PROC NEAR mov dx,offset comptab mov bx,0 mov ah,cmkey call comnd jmp r push bx mov ah,cmcfm call comnd ; Get a confirm. jmp comx ; Didn't get a confirm. nop pop bx cmp bl,2 ; Do they want to set device name? [27d] je coms2 ; Yes go get name. [27d] jg coms3 ; Else pick up file handle. [27d] mov flags.comflg,bl ; Set the comm port flag. cmp flags.comflg,1 ; Using Com 1? jne coms0 ; Nope. mov ax,offset port1 mov portval,ax ret coms0: mov ax,offset port2 mov portval,ax ret comx: pop bx ret coms2: mov dx,offset dev1 ; Let user supply device name. call prompt mov ah,cmtxt mov bx,offset prtstr ; Put name here mov dx,offset devhlp call comnd jmp coms21 ; Did user type ^C. nop mov al,0 ; Need a null mov [bx],al ; To terminate string mov dx,offset prtstr ; Point to string mov ah,open ; Open port mov al,2 ; For reading and writing int dos jnc coms22 ; Success coms21: mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset erms41 int dos mov dx,offset deverr int dos ret coms22: mov prthnd,ax ; Save handle. ret coms3: mov dx,offset hnd2 ; Let user supply file handle. call prompt mov ah,cmtxt mov bx,offset rdbuf ; Where to put input. mov dx,offset hndhlp ; In case user wants help. call comnd jmp coms31 ; No go. nop cmp ah,4 ; Right amount of data? ja coms31 ; Too many chars. mov si,offset rdbuf call atoi ; Convert to real number jmp coms31 ; Keep trying. nop mov prthnd,ax ; Value returned in AX ret coms31: mov ah,prstr ; Else, issue a warning. mov dx,offset hnderr int dos ret ; Yes, fail. COMS ENDP ; Set heath emulation on/off. VTS PROC NEAR jmp notimp VTS ENDP notimp: mov ah,prstr mov dx,offset noimp int dos jmp prserr ; Initialize variables to values used by the generic MS DOS version. lclini: mov flags.vtflg,0 ; Don't to terminal emulation. mov prthnd,0 ; No handle yet. [27d] ; call opnprt ; Get file handle for comm port. ret ; Get a file handle for the communications port. Use DOS call to get the ; next available handle. If it fails, ask user what value to use (there ; should be a predefined handle for the port, generally 3). The open ; will fail if the system uses names other than "COM1" or "COM2". opnprt: mov al,flags.comflg mov ah,0 mov si,ax shl si,1 ; double index mov dx,prttab[si] mov ah,open mov al,2 int dos jnc opnpr2 mov ah,prstr ; It didn't like the string. mov dx,offset erms41 int dos mov dx,offset hnd1 int dos opnpr0: mov dx,offset hnd2 ; Ask user to supply the handle. call prompt mov ah,cmtxt mov bx,offset rdbuf ; Where to put input. mov dx,offset hndhlp ; In case user wants help. call comnd jmp opnpr3 ; Maybe user typed a ^C. nop mov si,offset rdbuf call atoi ; Convert to real number jmp opnpr0 ; Keep trying. nop mov prthnd,ax ; Value returned in AX ret opnpr2: mov prthnd,ax ; Call succeeded. ret opnpr3: cmp flags.cxzflg,'C' ; Did user type a ^C? jne opnpr4 ; No, don't say anything. mov ah,prstr ; Else, issue a warning. mov dx,offset hnderr int dos opnpr4: ret ; Yes, fail. showkey: mov ax,offset shkmsg mov cx,shklen ret ; Initialization for using serial port. Returns normally. SERINI PROC NEAR cld ; Do increments in string operations call clrbuf ; Clear input buffer. ret ; We're done. SERINI ENDP ; Reset the serial port. This is the opposite of serini. Calling ; this twice without intervening calls to serini should be harmless. ; Returns normally. SERRST PROC NEAR ret ; All done. SERRST ENDP ; Produce a short beep. The PC DOS bell is long enough to cause a loss ; of data at the port. Returns normally. BEEP PROC NEAR mov dl,bell mov ah,dconio int dos ret BEEP ENDP ; Dumb terminal emulator. Doesn't work too well above 1200 baud (and ; even at 1200 baud you sometimes lose the first one or two characters ; on a line). term proc near mov si,ax ; this is source mov di,offset ourarg ; place to store arguments mov ax,ds mov es,ax ; address destination segment mov cx,size termarg rep movsb ; copy into our arg blk term1: call prtchr jmp short term2 ; have a char... nop nop jmp short term3 ; no char, go on term2: push ax and al,7fh ; mask off parity for terminal mov dl,al mov ah,conout int dos ; go print it pop ax test ourarg.flgs,capt ; capturing output? jz term3 ; no, forget it call ourarg.captr ; else call the routine term3: mov ah,dconio mov dl,0ffh int dos jz term1 ; no character, go on cmp al,ourarg.escc ; escape char? je term4 ; yes, exit push ax ; save char mov ah,al or ah,80H ; turn on hi bit so DOS doesn't interfere call outchr ; output the character nop nop nop pop ax test ourarg.flgs,lclecho ; echoing? jz term1 ; no, continue loop mov dl,al mov ah,dconio int dos jmp term1 ; else echo and keep going term4: ret term endp ; Jumping to this location is like retskp. It assumes the instruction ; after the call is a jmp addr. RSKP PROC NEAR pop bp add bp,3 push bp ret RSKP ENDP ; Jumping here is the same as a ret. R PROC NEAR ret R ENDP code ends end