Files in this area contain the Murdoch University data logging system. Basically there are two systems. Laboratory system (PYRO) for RSX-11M or 11S Remote data logging system (STARLOG). The Laboratory system was built to run on small LSI 11/02 computer systems running RSX-11S, logging data to a TU58 cassette system. It will however, also run on an 11-M system, logging data into a disc file. Further documentation may be found in PYDOC.RNO. All .TSK files were prepared under RSX11M 4.0 and require the FCSRES partition to be resident. Otherwise a rebuild is in order. Task builder options for the privaledged tasks (Pyro, Labmon) can be found in the ".LNK" files. The remote logging system is a UNIDATA - Starlog logger which requires no external power source nor tapes or discs. It can be placed in the most remote locations, with its own battery power and memory logging system and can perform for months without attention. Program STARLOG is a Ratfor program that communicates to a UNIDATA remote data logging device. The program can extract logged data, initialize the logger, and be used to pre-program the logger. Data extracted from the logger is placed in a formatted file. The pre-proceesed .FTN file of STARLOG is included for those who don't run Ratfor. If re-building programs, use the MURDLIB.OLB to resolve any unresolved variables. FILES: *.RNO Documentation PYRO.* Stand-alone data logging system. PYTAPE.* Program to read TU58 data tapes from PYRO. STARLOG.* Program to handle a Unidata model Starlog data logger. John Horgan Murdoch University South Street Murdoch Western Australia 6150 Tel. 3322298