SUBROUTINE PIE1(IPF,COLR,XS,YS,FACT,ITLE,ISTAT) # # # Parameters: # # IPF Name of IPF file # COLR True for multi-color, false for mono color # XS The X coord of the of the bottom left. # YS The Y coord of the bottom left. # FACT The size factor 1.0 = 10cm diam circle # ITLE Title (25 characters) at bottom of circle # ISTAT On Input: # 0 Request new plot frame # >0 Append bargraph to same plot. # # Return status: # 0 Success # # logical pieflg,first,init,colr,kolor byte itle(30),ipf(30) common /pie/ pieflg,kolor,XXS,YYS data first/.true./ # # xxs=xs yys=ys init=.false. 10 if (istat.eq.0) init=.true. istat=0 if (first.and..not.init) init=.true. pieflg=.true. if (colr) kolor=.true. call factor(1.) if (.not.first) call plot(-xlast,-ylast,-3) first=.false. if (init) call plots(ipf,2,3) if (colr) call color(2) call plot(xs,ys,-3) call factor(fact) call stcent(itle,25) call symbol(4.,0.,.4,itle,0.,25) xlast=xs ylast=ys return end